On a scale of 1 to 10 how are you feeling?
1 being meh bad day
10 being best ya ever been
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On a scale of 1 to 10 how are you feeling?
1 being meh bad day
10 being best ya ever been
You know you have a good life when your mood scale begins with "meh bad day" instead of "I'm going to fucking do it".
a solid 6.9
get it cuz it's like the funny number
I just woke up, but 3/10
Sometimes I wish I could sleep forever
hexen said:
You know you have a good life when your mood scale begins with "meh bad day" instead of "I'm going to fucking do it".
I would still give I'm gonna do it days at least a 2 or 1
Keep everyone edgy.
My special number is 0.
Everybody gets 2 point to their current mood. Come on people be happier
manyura said:
On a scale of 1 to 10 how are you feeling?
1 being meh bad day
10 being best ya ever been
manyura said:
Everybody gets 2 point to their current mood. Come on people be happier
-2/10 is my mood then. Ha~!
Jokes aside, I think I'm between 4-6, but if you are gonna cheat giving me +2, then it's 2-4. xD
Tired and bored. I got some progress done in Stardew Valley, namely finishing 3 bundles with only days between them. I've also played a tiny bit of Roguelike Adventures & Dungeons modpack for Minecraft by setting up a small Harvestcraft farm, but now I don't know what I want to do: more SDV, some Pokémon Uranium, or some RAD. Or hell, I might do some more Kingdom of Loathing, because because I want to do something mindless...
All in all, a 5 or 6. Completely neutral, despite the sounds of it.
siral_exan said:
Tired and bored. I got some progress done in Stardew Valley, namely finishing 3 bundles with only days between them. I've also played a tiny bit of Roguelike Adventures & Dungeons modpack for Minecraft by setting up a small Harvestcraft farm, but now I don't know what I want to do: more SDV, some Pokémon Uranium, or some RAD. Or hell, I might do some more Kingdom of Loathing, because because I want to do something mindless...All in all, a 5 or 6. Completely neutral, despite the sounds of it.
Understandable have a nice day
"6" ... but rising.
Oh Snap, Did it again! Forgot to read the thread before posting!
Take 2, Promise I'll get it right this time, Dood! ◠‿◠)
Current Mood:
10\10 EveryDay
Unironically too, Basic days I get a lot done, Good days I get a lot
finished and Bad days have a better one coming tomorrow! Change your
outlook, Change your day. With enough practice, you can find the silver
lining that'll rocket any day to 10 easy ◠‿╹)~★
I feel like shit
every day I feel like shit
I wake up like shit
and I end my day like shit
in summery:
shhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit duuuude
notkastar said:
Current Mood:
10\10 EveryDay
Unironically too, Basic days I get a lot done, Good days I get a lot
finished and Bad days have a better one coming tomorrow! Change your
outlook, Change your day. With enough practice, you can find the silver
lining that'll rocket any day to 10 easy ◠‿╹)~★
↑↑↑The duality of man.↓↓↓
closetpossum said:
I feel like shit
every day I feel like shit
I wake up like shit
and I end my day like shitin summery:
shhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit duuuude
There's not much I can say to you that wouldn't sound as a platitude, but I know pretty well that feeling.
So just watch this inspirational video (short, I promise): https://youtu.be/KxGRhd_iWuE
Hopefully better days will come to you.
See I tould you it would sound as one, sry.
Nonetheless... I mean it, hopefully they will come.
Or that you'll go on your way and find them. Cheers!
notkastar said:
Current Mood:
10\10 EveryDay
I expected no less lol, I don't think I've ever seen you not happy dood! ◠‿╹)~★
sieghelm_lockayer said:
↑↑↑The duality of man.↓↓↓There's not much I can say to you that wouldn't sound as a platitude, but I know
pretty wellthat feeling.
So just watch this inspirational video (short, I promise): https://youtu.be/KxGRhd_iWuEHopefully better days will come to you.
See I tould you it would sound as one, sry.
Nonetheless... I mean it, hopefully they will come.
Or that you'll go on your way and find them. Cheers!
the fact you didn't link me to this one
ruined my day, where's the inspirational music?
shiiiiiiit (jk)
Today was rough as heck
sergeimee said:
I'm just in a great mood today and all for one reason. I finally found Animation explainer video to make videos by myself or to order from freelancers for my online business)) I think during the whole pandemic a lot of people moved into online business and now the world is changing only in this direction))) So I'm just in a great mood, and I wish you a great mood too))
What's going on with your parentheses?
3/10 ... For the few years.
I mean, THIS. or This one:post #2625068 I tried to change my job despite the current situation, That's why.
Now I Am Exactly poisonous-type. So Guys, Consider me please, as a TNT-Block with a pressure-plate on the top that comes running to YOU...! ...Hm?Say what?Isn't it a ""Creeper"", eh? No need to worry. I won't detonate/explode unless you stomp on me, But still a dangerous object.
I'm disappointed
3/10 fear... stuff is happening
post #2321492
I’d say an exact 7.7
Today was a do-nothing Day (which I love), and Tomorrow I get to maybe hang out with friends.
6 out of 10. I am going to sleep right now, i should have gone to sleep 4 hours ago.
Eh, I would say 3/10 or 4/10.
everything fucking sucks
nothing gets better
world is a fuck
light 4/10
hexen said:
everything fucking sucks
nothing gets better
world is a fuck
light 4/10
The Earth isn't flat or round, it is fucked.
Mood rn: Who did this?! 😂😂😂
My ability to mood is completely broken. One moment I'm laughing like a hyena, the next I'm contemplating how best to destroy my own life.
I've been like this all March. It's starting to scare me, honestly. At least it would if I was still capable of fear.