Topic: [APPROVED] T-Shirt Colour BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #1426 is active.

create implication green_t-shirt (575) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication black_t-shirt (1172) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication yellow_t-shirt (255) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication grey_t-shirt (267) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication tan_t-shirt (53) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication brown_t-shirt (89) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication white_t-shirt (1019) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication blue_t-shirt (835) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication orange_t-shirt (177) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication red_t-shirt (488) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication pink_t-shirt (235) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication purple_t-shirt (207) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication rainbow_t-shirt (1) -> multicolored_t-shirt (299)
create implication multicolored_t-shirt (299) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication pattern_t-shirt (204) -> t-shirt (25153)
create implication green_t-shirt (575) -> green_shirt (5994)
create implication black_t-shirt (1172) -> black_shirt (11732)
create implication yellow_t-shirt (255) -> yellow_shirt (2648)
create implication grey_t-shirt (267) -> grey_shirt (2960)
create implication tan_t-shirt (53) -> tan_shirt (532)
create implication brown_t-shirt (89) -> brown_shirt (1142)
create implication white_t-shirt (1019) -> white_shirt (16480)
create implication blue_t-shirt (835) -> blue_shirt (8350)
create implication orange_t-shirt (177) -> orange_shirt (1758)
create implication red_t-shirt (488) -> red_shirt (6531)
create implication pink_t-shirt (235) -> pink_shirt (4096)
create implication purple_t-shirt (207) -> purple_shirt (2671)
create implication rainbow_t-shirt (1) -> rainbow_shirt (63)
create implication multicolored_t-shirt (299) -> multicolored_shirt (1834)
create implication pattern_t-shirt (204) -> pattern_shirt (5750)

Reason: Follows the standard of colour implications for articles of clothing.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1426 (forum #318304) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

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