Topic: Artist = username search?

Posted under General

Basically, is it possible to search for posts where the artist and the uploadier's username are the same? Would be interested to see how many artists upload here directly.

ygbah said:
Basically, is it possible to search for posts where the artist and the uploadier's username are the same? Would be interested to see how many artists upload here directly.

You mean artist_name user:artist_name? Though the artist can have an account with a different name of their dedicated tag.

ygbah said:
Basically, is it possible to search for posts where the artist and the uploadier's username are the same? Would be interested to see how many artists upload here directly.

Artists don't always use the same name here that they use for their artist tag. And sometimes a username that matches the artist isn't actually the artist (either because the name is pretty generic, or an imposter). The artist's artist page will list the username they use here if they've been verified as the artist.

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