Topic: Another "Creepy Comments" Topic

Posted under General

Edit: TL;DR since people asked for it

I wanna ask people how they feel about the "Creepy Comments" Clause.

1. Why do we have to call people who may simply be ignorant, or made honest mistakes,'Creeps'? Isn't that incredibly rude?

2. Why does this policy extend to NSFW images? Things that are 'Sexually Inappropriate' in typical public settings become entirely appropriate in Public Settings with proper context.

3. What are people expecting to read in comment sections of NSFW images if not NSFW comments? I, and certainly many others, enjoy reading such things and sharing such things for others to read. What kind of 'constructive comments' can you make about NSFW images with such severe limitations on language?


I'll be upfront, got hit with a couple of Feedbacks for some comments I made and a few others when I first started here and still learning what is and isn't appropriate here. I'm not gonna whine and try to convince the staff to change the rule, because we all know that isn't going to happen any time soon, and more than likely never will.

What I DO want to talk about is how people FEEL about the policy and Why they feel that way. In the following paragraphs(the number of which I can't guess at as I'm typing stream of consciousness), I will ask some questions that I hope will spark some engaging conversation to be had about the policy and hopefully enlighten others, like myself, who have broken the rule without realizing, and have come here looking for answers. And yes, I have already read several threads on the topic, but given they had some age on them, I felt it would be inappropriate to drag people back to those threads that they likely thought were dead to add points that I thought were skirted around or not discussed thoroughly or otherwise wanted to participate in.

And to be clear on this matter: I will only be speaking about "Creepy Comments" in the context of explicitly NSFW images. I absolutely agree that NO ONE wants to read "Creepy Comments" on SFW images.

First of all, and I think the thing that most people, such as myself, take the most issue with- The name of the policy. I suspect that the name is purposefully chosen to shame people who post said comments after they've been reported. This feels INCREDIBLY inappropriate. It labels people who make honest mistakes as 'Creeps', when what qualifies as 'Creepy' is incredibly subjective not only in content, but Context. What is creepy in a church is not creepy in an Adult Theater, for example. I could just as easily call people who want to give an in-depth review of the curvature of every line and shade of every hue of an NSFW image as 'Creepy' as others could do to someone who says simply "I wish that was me". Do people making honest mistakes deserve to be called 'Creepy'? Definitely not, and insulting even one person who makes an honest mistake just to shame the 9 others who do so knowingly is one person too many. One person who may be discouraged from even bothering to find an appropriate way to interact with the comments. The rule is in place so that people who do not wish to be offended by these comments can avoid being offended, yes? So why is it appropriate to offend others to accomplish this purpose?

Nextly, why is this policy applied to NSFW Images? The rule states "Sexually Inappropriate" as one of the criteria for "Creepy Comments"- how does one determine what is "Sexually Inappropriate" in the context of a Sexually Explicit image? "Sexually Inappropriate" is a phrase we use to label behavior in non-sexual settings. You wouldn't call Masturbating in front of a Sex-Partner inappropriate when all participating parties have consented to the activity, would you? In the same vein, if not the majority, at the very least MANY people will make the assumption that sexual comments under a sexual image would be entirely appropriate, as the comments are being put into context by the image itself. As I said above, a comment such as "I want to suck them tits" would be entirely inappropriate on an image depicting a Man or Woman fully clothed in a public setting with no sexual implications. When viewing an Image depicting that very act, however, many people would assume the content of the image provides context for the comment, and thus makes it appropriate. A big argument I've seen in past threads is "No one wants to read your sexual fantasies" which is a fallacy. I myself can single-handedly render that argument inert by saying truthfully that /I/ am certainly interested in reading the fantasies of others when in the right environment. An environment such as the comment section of an image depicting a Huge muscle-bound Himbo committing indecent acts with a smaller male companion. Certainly there are MANY people who may not be interested in such commentary and that is entirely valid, but... that brings me to my next point actually.

What, if not comments of people relating to explicitly NSFW images, are viewers of these images expecting to read in the comments? This is the question that has been burning me the most, to be honest. In pools for comics you can talk about the plot perhaps, and you can certainly say how much you enjoy a particular artist but... what does that leave? "I love this image so much!", "Great colours, fantastic use of lines!"... that's really as much as I can think of that doesn't begin to delve into the territory of speaking about how much you enjoy particular parts of what the image is depicting, which then falls under the "Creepy Comments" clause. So many images I look at are COMPLETELY DEVOID of comments, which I believe is in large part due to the fact that the site has banned people relating to the imagery. We're not allowed to seek out people that share our specific interest in the imagery because we're not allowed to express exactly what it is about the image we find so alluring aside from colours, lines, and perhaps what parts of the bodies you like, if you manage to do carefully enough to avoid accidentally infringing on the rule and being called a "Creep" for your mistake.

I think I will leave it at this. I am sure if any comments are made, more will come to my mind as I respond. I look forward to discussing this!


Why do people on this forum like writing long posts so much? At least put a tl;dr or some thesis statement idk.

bitwolfy said:
TL;DR "This is a NSFW site, so I should be allowed to say whatever I want".

That actually isn't very accurate to what I'm saying. There are certainly places even on this site where NSFW comments do not belongs, but there are other places where myself and likely others feel that they most certainly do belong. Calling these people 'Creeps' because of a difference in a opinion not only feels heavy handed and rude, but discouraging and frustrating.

You don't have to be a "creep" to say creepy shit, repeatedly doing it is what makes you become one.

Creeps, perverts and mentally deranged people (referring to myself of course) can try using Dissenter as the alternative way to comment on porn! Brought to you by Gab!

hexen said:
Why do people on this forum like writing long posts so much? At least put a tl;dr or some thesis statement idk.

It's a forum? The idea is kind of specifically to write thoughts that would be too long and too specific and/or general for a comments section.

It's also about articulating your ideas properly as to leave as little confusion as possible.

hexen said:
Creeps, perverts and mentally deranged people (referring to myself of course) can try using Dissenter as the alternative way to comment on porn! Brought to you by Gab!

As far as I can tell from my cursory glance of the platform, it very much does *not* support the kind of commenting I'm talking about, since you're commenting on the website itself and not the individual images on said website. It also feels kind of *very sad* that you'd have to go to a secondary website to be able to theoretically say some possibly relatively benign things in comparison to the context of some images.

votp said:
You don't have to be a "creep" to say creepy shit, repeatedly doing it is what makes you become one.

'Creepy' is an entirely subjective classification though. As I said in my post, I could easily call someone that dives into a full on Art Critique of a NSFW a piece. And honestly, I *do* kind of feel that way. Certainly it is a valid hobby to have but... how is giving a detailed explanation on how *excellent* the curve of the lines of a bulbous canine-cock any less creepy than saying 'I wish I had that cock'?

coebalt said:
It's also about articulating your ideas properly as to leave as little confusion as possible.

That works better when you have some sort of introduction or separate short bulletpoints. Your post made sense to you, but to everyone else (yes, I'm speaking for literally every person in the Universe here) it just looked like rambling wall of text. Now that you added a tl;dr it's at least clear that you're arguing a few points. Verbosity does not translate to being more clear.
But that's beyond the topic, really.

coebalt said:
As far as I can tell from my cursory glance of the platform, it very much does *not* support the kind of commenting I'm talking about, since you're commenting on the website itself and not the individual images on said website. It also feels kind of *very sad* that you'd have to go to a secondary website to be able to theoretically say some possibly relatively benign things in comparison to the context of some images.

It allows commenting on any page you want, see this whining that I didn't bother reading for example. I don't see why is it sad, e621 has to make some executive decisions to make people feel welcome (especially artists).

"It allows commenting on any page you want, see this whining that I didn't bother reading for example. I don't see why is it sad, e621 has to make some executive decisions to make people feel welcome (especially artists).

that's actually considerably more interesting...

But at the same time, I'm not interested in leaving hurtful comments and whining about what Admins do about their site. I prefer to have civil discussion about such things.

It is rather surprising to me that NSFW artists would have such a stance towards NSFW comments on their NSFW images, though. Again, if sharing NSFW thoughts about said imagery is not the expectation, what is?

coebalt said:
1. Why do we have to call people who may simply be ignorant, or made honest mistakes,'Creeps'? Isn't that incredibly rude?

We don't. We say the comment is creepy, not necessarily the person who made it. Just like a dumb suggestion means the suggestion is dumb, not necessarily the person who made it. Disapproval of your idea or comment is not a disapproval of you.

coebalt said:
2. Why does this policy extend to NSFW images? Things that are 'Sexually Inappropriate' in typical public settings become entirely appropriate in Public Settings with proper context.

Because an image having a drawn dick in it doesn't mean we want to hear about the things you do with your boyfriend's dick. Or what you would do with the dick belonging to a character that may represent a real person. Or what you would do with the dick by pretending the fictional character was real. We can appreciate and enjoy porn without making it personal.

coebalt said:
3. What are people expecting to read in comment sections of NSFW images if not NSFW comments?

You're entirely allowed to make NSFW comments. "Damn, <artist> makes the best dicks," "A wet pussy is always a joy to see," "This site could do with more fox ass," etc, are perfectly fine comments to make. What you're not allowed to do is make it personal. "That dick needs to be in my ass right now," "My GF gets wet just like," "I wish I could fuck that fox," etc, are creepy.

I've never really understood why the rule is enforced the way it is. Way too often, I see talking_to_viewer pictures where the character says "Want to do <lewd act> with me?", someone replies with a simple comment like "Don't mind if I do!", and then they gets a record or even temp ban for that... Why are people bothered by that? Do people actually think "Eww... you're into <lewd act>? I didn't need to know that, dude! I'm trying to look at a picture of a character offering to do <that exact same thing> with me!". Practically speaking, what's even the difference between "That's hot!" and "Don't mind if I do!"? They're both just expressing appreciation for the art, just phrased slightly differently.

Example 2: I remember there was a thread on the forum (I forgot the exact title) for "What do you use e621 for?" and someone commented something like "to master bait"[sic] and got a record. So, we were allowed to have that discussion as long as most of us lie??? We all know why most people are here, so why do we have to lie?

Example 3: I recently saw a picture of a Lucario that edged for a very long time, and someone commented "I was like that once. At that point, you're basically a hair trigger.". While the user avoided getting in trouble, I'm pretty sure they would've gotten a record if an Admin noticed. The thing about comments like this is... they get upvoted, which makes sense. The people who view lewd picture are into the lewd thing depicted in the picture and are generally ok with talking about it. It's an appropriate context to leave such a comment. Don't get me wrong, if someone were to look at a non-watersports picture and commented "I want to piss on him!", that would be totally inappropriate, but when a non-detailed "creepy" comment is left in an appropriate context, it gets upvoted, which I think is evidence that user like to able to have such discussions without needing to censor themselves.



watsit said:
We don't. We say the comment is creepy, not necessarily the person who made it. Just like a dumb suggestion means the suggestion is dumb, not necessarily the person who made it. Disapproval of your idea or comment is not a disapproval of you.

I'm fairly sure, even if it's not the intent, a majority of people would feel as if it is. Especially since the comments in question have to do with their personal feelings towards the imagery. When you label that comment as 'creepy', you're labeling those thoughts as 'creepy' which a lot of people will connect to /them/ being creepy.

watsit said:
Because an image having a drawn dick in it doesn't mean we want to hear about the things you do with your boyfriend's dick. Or what you would do with the dick belonging to a character that may represent a real person. Or what you would do with the dick by pretending the fictional character was real. We can appreciate and enjoy porn without making it personal.

So why not just disable the comments? Or ignore/hide the comments you don't want to read? The point of this particular question lies more in the subjectivity of calling such comments 'Sexually Inappropriate', which makes it hard to gauge exactly what can be said, what crosses the line and what doesn't.

watsit said:
You're entirely allowed to make NSFW comments. "Damn, <artist> makes the best dicks," "A wet pussy is always a joy to see," "This site could do with more fox ass," etc, are perfectly fine comments to make. What you're not allowed to do is make it personal. "That dick needs to be in my ass right now," "My GF gets wet just like," "I wish I could fuck that fox," etc, are creepy.

This point actually brings into question the subjectivity of what qualifies as an NSFW comment. While "A wet pussy is always a joy to see" would certainly count as NSFW, due to the graphic thoughts it brings to mind, "Damn, <artist> makes the best dicks" is a significantly more benign statement, that I honestly would have no problem saying in public if the context of the conversation provides a reason to do so.

Furthermore, the statement about said pussy implies that <you> enjoy seeing that pussy, which thus makes it a personally statement.

The purpose of this particular point is actually a more open question about what people are actually expecting to read in the comments, as I want to interact with the comments, but can't think of anything worthwhile to add that doesn't have to do with how I relate to the imagery, or seems honestly too boring, bland, and pointless to add to the comments section. Which may be why so many images I view have zero comments, or comments that just have no reason to be replied to. The exception tending to be comment sections for comic panels.

Is your experience different? How do you interact with the comment sections, assuming you do? How much success do you have with starting engaging conversations.

people might use e621 for porn, but it's not a porn designated site. It's an image board, if you wouldn't say something in a public art gallery don't say it. It's as simple as that.

versperus said:
people might use e621 for porn, but it's not a porn designated site. It's an image board, if you wouldn't say something in a public art gallery don't say it. It's as simple as that.

If the Public Art gallery I was visiting had the same images as I view on e621, I would say them. There is also a significant difference between blurting something out-loud that people cannot necessarily simply ignore, where as on an internet forum, you can easily just not read a comment that is obviously not to your tastes, hide it, or completely disable comments since they may contain something you don't want to see.

To be frank;

The site isn't there for folks to state they want to/have things done to them or another. The site is basically a vault for art and not really a fapping room. The site isn't for RP, or acting out stuff with a char in a pic. Folks don't want to go to a pic to talk about the story thus far and found some random guy wanting to bang someone because they're in the mood and want to shout it out.

To put it another way: if you have to tell the world you got off to something, probably a good idea not to do it.

the_shinx said:
To be frank;

The site isn't there for folks to state they want to/have things done to them or another. The site is basically a vault for art and not really a fapping room. The site isn't for RP, or acting out stuff with a char in a pic. Folks don't want to go to a pic to talk about the story thus far and found some random guy wanting to bang someone because they're in the mood and want to shout it out.

To put it another way: if you have to tell the world you got off to something, probably a good idea not to do it.

There is a completely separate rule banning RP in the comments, and that is not what's being discussed here.

The 'Creepy Comments' Clause doesn't only apply to Comic Pool posts, so there isn't always a 'Story thus far' to be discussed. Which leaves very little else to be discussed.

Some folks, like myself, are absolutely interested in relating to the images and other people viewing said images in those ways.

coebalt said:
I'm fairly sure, even if it's not the intent, a majority of people would feel as if it is. Especially since the comments in question have to do with their personal feelings towards the imagery. When you label that comment as 'creepy', you're labeling those thoughts as 'creepy' which a lot of people will connect to /them/ being creepy.

Not sure what else you want to do then. If calling the comment 'X' will always be taken to mean the person is 'X', what can you call it? If you want to find the tamest word possible, you'd end up making it seem inconsequential, which will make more people upset at the rule because it's so "tame".

coebalt said:
So why not just disable the comments? Or ignore/hide the comments you don't want to read? The point of this particular question lies more in the subjectivity of calling such comments 'Sexually Inappropriate', which makes it hard to gauge exactly what can be said, what crosses the line and what doesn't.

The rule of thumb is to not make it personal. Don't reference real people in a sexual manner, don't pretend fictional characters are real, stuff like that.

coebalt said:
This point actually brings into question the subjectivity of what qualifies as an NSFW comment.

The point I was making is that a comment being NSFW or not isn't grounds for being creepy. It's when you reference actual people in a sexual manner.

coebalt said:
Furthermore, the statement about said pussy implies that <you> enjoy seeing that pussy, which thus makes it a personally statement.

Commenting positively about a picture in any sense would imply you like what you see. This is obviously fine, or else no one could ever comment on a NSFW image, which people do without problems. There's a difference between "That's hot," and "God I wish that was me."

coebalt said:
The purpose of this particular point is actually a more open question about what people are actually expecting to read in the comments, as I want to interact with the comments, but can't think of anything worthwhile to add that doesn't have to do with how I relate to the imagery, or seems honestly too boring, bland, and pointless to add to the comments section.

Generally the expectation is for people to discuss the image, rather than themselves and what they want to do with a fictional character.

coebalt said:
Which may be why so many images I view have zero comments, or comments that just have no reason to be replied to. The exception tending to be comment sections for comic panels.

Well, a quick look at a popular porn artist's posts have a good number of comments on each post. Statistically some of them are bound to be creepy, but many of them won't be.

coebalt said:
Is your experience different? How do you interact with the comment sections, assuming you do? How much success do you have with starting engaging conversations.

I don't generally make adult-oriented comments on images, mostly because I'm an introvert. When I do though, I try to follow my own advice. Don't talk about myself sexually, or other real people, or pretend the characters are real.

coebalt said:
There is a completely separate rule banning RP in the comments, and that is not what's being discussed here.

The two ain't mutually exclusive. Regardless, I've seen folks doing that to pics or stating they got off to a pic.

coebalt said:
The 'Creepy Comments' Clause doesn't only apply to Comic Pool posts, so there isn't always a 'Story thus far' to be discussed. Which leaves very little else to be discussed.

Doesn't magically allow such comments allowed. More to the point, folks would like to talk about it, or the story thus far, etc., about someone stating they got off to it, RP with the pic, etc. Please don't try to straw man a reason to do it.

coebalt said:
Some folks, like myself, are absolutely interested in relating to the images and other people viewing said images in those ways.

Then it'll be better to do such to your friends on platforms like Telegram, Discord, etc. The site very clearly don't want that here, and trying to find a reason or loophole isn't going to magically allow it. It's not really a 'need to learn the rules on that' kind of thing, given the fact most arts don't exactly want that on their page.

By the end of the day, the site owner doesn't want it on the site, and they have the final say on it. Seeing as this rule been set in place for many years, I don't think they're going to give on that ground.

coebalt said:
That actually isn't very accurate to what I'm saying. There are certainly places even on this site where NSFW comments do not belongs, but there are other places where myself and likely others feel that they most certainly do belong. Calling these people 'Creeps' because of a difference in a opinion not only feels heavy handed and rude, but discouraging and frustrating.

So is it "I should be able to say whatever I want as long as the image is NSFW" then?

Anyways, I don't always agree with the actions mods take on creepy comments, but I feel punishments are justified more often than not. As for NSFW sites getting NSFW comments...I don't think that gives or should give people free reign to say literally anything.NSFW comments are not a monolithic concept but rather vary in their nature and degree of NSFWness...from "that's really well drawn cum" to a one page essay on why that ass is beautiful. Many artists don't like certain comments for various reasons and I sure as hell don't like seeing certain ones as a viewer.

coebalt said:
There is a completely separate rule banning RP in the comments, and that is not what's being discussed here.

The two are not mutually exclusive. You can leave a creepy comment that is also RP.

watsit said:
<good points here>

While it is good to see that there are artists/images that get some comments, many of them have the problem I brought up of having little way/reason to respond to the comments. This could simply be due to my own inability to think of something I would call valuable to the conversation, but is also due to the simplistic nature most of the comments have based on the restrictions in place..

popoto said:
So is it "I should be able to say whatever I want as long as the image is NSFW" then?

Certainly not, I would think based on what I've said so far, that much should be clear about my opinion, but since it isn't... the best way I can think to describe my stance is that there's a space in-between "<Gross and graphic explanation of what they want done Optionally including a kink/fetish unrelated to the image>" and something that I got flagged for, for instance "<...> Goodbye you poor, sweet, sexy psycho. I wish you had a better childhood so you didn't turn out as such garbage vmv...Illstillprobablyfaptoyoutho"

Of course, I am heavily biased in this case since I am using one of my own comments as an example, which I wouldn't describe as 'Creepy' since I'm the one that made it. I will say that I was primarily trying for a comical statement that I thought others might relate to, though.

popoto said:
The two are not mutually exclusive. You can leave a creepy comment that is also RP.

They are not mutually exclusive, but in a hypothetical world where the 'Creey Comment' rule didn't exist, RP posts would still be taken down regardless of Creepiness, or lack-there-of.

the_shinx said:
Doesn't magically allow such comments allowed. More to the point, folks would like to talk about it, or the story thus far, etc., about someone stating they got off to it, RP with the pic, etc. Please don't try to straw man a reason to do it.

What you're saying here is incredibly unclear. I wasn't trying to say anything about what should and shouldn't be allowed to be discussed with the line you are referencing. I was simply saying that there isn't always a 'story thus far' to be discussed and bringing up that there is little to be said about an image that lacks said qualities.

the_shinx said:
Then it'll be better to do such to your friends on platforms like Telegram, Discord, etc. The site very clearly don't want that here, and trying to find a reason or loophole isn't going to magically allow it. It's not really a 'need to learn the rules on that' kind of thing, given the fact most arts don't exactly want that on their page.

Perhaps I don't have friends to discuss these topics with? Perhaps I and others thought that having more freedom to make more comments that we hope other people are interested in could help make friends we wouldn't have otherwise. Can't exactly share the image if you have no one to share it with. Furthermore, I stated at the very top of this forum that I'm not here to ask the Admins to change the rule, and I'm not here to 'find a reason or loophole' to do so. I'm here to discuss other people's feelings on the matter and find out what kind of comments they DO want to see since they obviously care about what they see in the comments section.

Please don't put words in my mouth.

the_shinx said:
By the end of the day, the site owner doesn't want it on the site, and they have the final say on it. Seeing as this rule been set in place for many years, I don't think they're going to give on that ground.

Again, top of the post, already said I am very aware they have no intention of changing that rule.

Completely off topic but,
I gotta say coebalt I admire your stamina, Dood!
Not only sticking around to replying to as many peeps as you have but
The sheer amount of detail and length that goes into each one of
your posts is pretty impressive โ•นโ€ฟโ•น)

notkastar said:
Completely off topic but,
I gotta say coebalt I admire your stamina, Dood!
Not only sticking around to replying to as many peeps as you have but
The sheer amount of detail and length that goes into each one of
your posts is pretty impressive โ•นโ€ฟโ•น)

You're gonna make me cri qwq

I just enjoy having conversations, it's the whole reason I bothered with this!

coebalt said:
You're gonna make me cri qwq

I just enjoy having conversations, it's the whole reason I bothered with this!

Don't cry now, Just speaking the facts is all, Dood!
And I can tell, Just wish I had that kinda energy in me โ— โ€ฟโ•น)~โ˜…
(Wonder if that kinda wordplay counts as a CC, Haha~!)
โ— โ€ฟโ— )

Speaking of comments though, Think I'm gonna leave one on your
profile pic, From a fellow art hobbyist to another it's
pretty good, m8 โ•นโ€ฟโ•น)

notkastar said:
Don't cry now, Just speaking the facts is all, Dood!
And I can tell, Just wish I had that kinda energy in me โ— โ€ฟโ•น)~โ˜…
(Wonder if that kinda wordplay counts as a CC, Haha~!)
โ— โ€ฟโ— )

Speaking of comments though, Think I'm gonna leave one on your
profile pic, From a fellow art hobbyist to another it's
pretty good, m8 โ•นโ€ฟโ•น)


coebalt said:

โ— โ€ฟโ•น)~โ˜…

coebalt said:
Comments like this make me wish we had voting in the forums.

Kk I'll leave ya be now, Lates, Dood!
Have a spectacular day! โ— โ€ฟโ— )

coebalt said:
Certainly not, I would think based on what I've said so far, that much should be clear about my opinion, but since it isn't... the best way I can think to describe my stance is that there's a space in-between "<Gross and graphic explanation of what they want done Optionally including a kink/fetish unrelated to the image>" and something that I got flagged for, for instance "<...> Goodbye you poor, sweet, sexy psycho. I wish you had a better childhood so you didn't turn out as such garbage vmv...Illstillprobablyfaptoyoutho"

Of course, I am heavily biased in this case since I am using one of my own comments as an example, which I wouldn't describe as 'Creepy' since I'm the one that made it. I will say that I was primarily trying for a comical statement that I thought others might relate to, though.

I think that comment of yours is fine. Not sure how I feel about something that's in-between though. The creepy comments rule could be elaborated on with guidelines like in Watsit's post or using common examples from real users as to what is/is not.
Looking at the ticket queue over the months has taught me (unsurprisingly) that the e621 userbase spans the whole range of NSFW in regards to what one might consider creepy.

popoto said:
I think that comment of yours is fine. Not sure how I feel about something that's in-between though. The creepy comments rule could be elaborated on with guidelines like in Watsit's post or using common examples from real users as to what is/is not.
Looking at the ticket queue over the months has taught me (unsurprisingly) that the e621 userbase spans the whole range of NSFW in regards to what one might consider creepy.

It could definitely use some more details to avoid ambiguity. But I don't want to debate the rule itself too much. I certainly have no problem believing that there are plenty of people making some truly unsavory comments.

coebalt said:
It could definitely use some more details to avoid ambiguity. But I don't want to debate the rule itself too much. I certainly have no problem believing that there are plenty of people making some truly unsavory comments.

Yes. i have been here a long time, and this place was disgusting and more importantly, losing artists based on the how for some people would go before the rule was more enforced

camkitty said:
Yes. i have been here a long time, and this place was disgusting and more importantly, losing artists based on the how for some people would go before the rule was more enforced

Yes, well, as I've also said- What do you expect people to comment on NSFW images? Glowing reviews of pallet choice?

coebalt said:
Certainly not, I would think based on what I've said so far, that much should be clear about my opinion, but since it isn't... the best way I can think to describe my stance is that there's a space in-between "<Gross and graphic explanation of what they want done Optionally including a kink/fetish unrelated to the image>" and something that I got flagged for, for instance "<...> Goodbye you poor, sweet, sexy psycho. I wish you had a better childhood so you didn't turn out as such garbage vmv...Illstillprobablyfaptoyoutho"

I'd consider that a good example of a creepy comment. Would be fine except for that last bit - there's no need to include the information that you are masturbating to the character.

I've never understood the impulse that people seem to have towards declaring their orgasms for the world to hear.

As for what to comment on NSFW images, there's... so much possibility? You can absolutely make jokes of various sorts. You can talk about where you think a situation came from or is going. You can ask questions or answer questions from others. You can critique the art, positively and negatively, in so many ways. You can talk about characters (as your own comment demonstrated in the first half).

Surely you can think of various comments you could make that don't involve alluding to your own sex life. Why are you acting like that's such a massive restriction? The first half of your own example comment shows you can come up with things to say besides that.

coebalt said:
Yes, well, as I've also said- What do you expect people to comment on NSFW images? Glowing reviews of pallet choice?

Just a base level of not being disgusting

>tfw everyone wants "creepy comments", but no one wants "insane, absolutely deranged comments"

hexen said:
>tfw everyone wants "creepy comments", but no one wants "insane, absolutely deranged comments"

Very much this.

clawdragons said:
I'd consider that a good example of a creepy comment. Would be fine except for that last bit - there's no need to include the information that you are masturbating to the character.

I've never understood the impulse that people seem to have towards declaring their orgasms for the world to hear.

As for what to comment on NSFW images, there's... so much possibility? You can absolutely make jokes of various sorts. You can talk about where you think a situation came from or is going. You can ask questions or answer questions from others. You can critique the art, positively and negatively, in so many ways. You can talk about characters (as your own comment demonstrated in the first half).

Surely you can think of various comments you could make that don't involve alluding to your own sex life. Why are you acting like that's such a massive restriction? The first half of your own example comment shows you can come up with things to say besides that.

Because there *is* a large amount of comments that can be made involving sexual fantasies that are being restricted. You may not understand the impulse, but I and many others do. As I've said in previous comments, it's about relating to the imagery, or fellow viewers or even trying to be funny like in my example comment.

I suppose my particular problem comes in to the fact that I am not an art reviewer. Sure I may occasionally have something insightful to say about the style beyond 'this style is good' or 'i like what you did with the colours' but that doesn't leave much for others to reply to aside from 'i agree' or 'yes and <something benign>'.

It also makes it more difficult to comment on the actual themes of the image itself. For instance, how much detail are you allowed to use to describe why you like the way an artist illustrated the cum in an image before it encroaches on 'creepy' territory?

watsit said:
Sure, why not?

yes yes, I have made more than one comment praising an art style myself. My question is about what the *expectations* are, though. Not what is possible. And I, at least, definitely do not *expect* to see a hundred comments about the various ways the artist managed to portray lighting and mood when I'm looking at a picture of, I dunno, Arcanine Yiff.

You can reply to multiple posts at once, you don't need to make a string of posts for each reply.

coebalt said:
Very much this.

Good luck finding the dividing line. What's "insane"/"deranged" is entirely subjective, and for some people being "creepy" is too close if not over the line already. Especially with the kind of art that is allowed here, the same comment can have very different implications for the commenter depending on how someone interprets the art.

coebalt said:
Because there *is* a large amount of comments that can be made involving sexual fantasies that are being restricted.

Because the admins don't want those kinds of comments here. Just because you want to say something doesn't mean it's something that should be allowed.

coebalt said:
yes yes, I have made more than one comment praising an art style myself. My question is about what the *expectations* are, though.

That question has been answered. The expectation is to not make sexual comments personal. It's not unfair or whatever just because that's not good enough for you.


coebalt said:
Because there *is* a large amount of comments that can be made involving sexual fantasies that are being restricted. You may not understand the impulse, but I and many others do.

Every post (hopefully) has their source linked, if you want to share a sexual fantasy you could try to do it on any of the sources listed that have comments enabled. There's people that like that this rule is in place, so why should e621 loosen it in favor of people that can't contain their fantasies to themselves?

There's COUNTLESS of sites that let people share this sort of thing, use them. Let the people that like this rule having this ONE site. I never seen a site quite like e621 with the way it's regulated. IMO it's interesting and I don't bother with it that much nowadays, but in the past I remember being scared of the admins and also didn't understand the way records were handed, my only complaint of this rule is that it should be more descriptive.

I suppose my particular problem comes in to the fact that I am not an art reviewer. Sure I may occasionally have something insightful to say about the style beyond 'this style is good' or 'i like what you did with the colours' but that doesn't leave much for others to reply to aside from 'i agree' or 'yes and <something benign>'.

I may sound rude, but if you have nothing to say or something you want to say would fall into creepy comments, just don't say it... There's no need to try and leave a comment on every post you visit.

It also makes it more difficult to comment on the actual themes of the image itself. For instance, how much detail are you allowed to use to describe why you like the way an artist illustrated the cum in an image before it encroaches on 'creepy' territory?

I think you should just not make it personal, like "Wow the way this artist draw cum is so hot, I really like the texture, makes me remember of my boyfriend." the part about the bf would fall into creepy comments for being TMI (talking too much), but everything else should be safe.

More Examples:
  • Safe: "Oh my god! The way this artist draw cum is so hot! I really like the stickiness."
    • Reportable (Fantasy): "Oh my god! The way this artist draw cum is so hot! I really like the stickiness. I'd eat it."
  • Safe:"I really like when cum have a "musky steam" it's super sexy, the glistening effect on the cum gives a interesting touch to it."
    • Reportable (Fantasy): "I really like when cum have a "musky steam" it's super sexy, I really wanna sniff it, the glistening effect on the cum gives a interesting touch to it."
  • Safe: "Holy moly, Batman! Look at Character_A licking Character's_B cum, that's so hawt! I wonder how it feels." (I'm not sure about the underlined part, it should be okay, I think).
    • Reportable (TMI): "Holy moly, Batman! Look at Character_A licking Character's_B cum, that's so hawt! I wonder how it feels. Edit: Nvm, I got a partner I don't need to wonder anymore. :D"

Obs: Just because something is reportable it doesn't mean someone will see and report it to notify an Admin or that the Admin themselves will see it. It just means there's a REAL possibility of it happening.


coebalt said:
What is disgusting is entirely subjective.

You're right this could be why the Admins seems so harsh handling warnings, FROM MY PERSPECTIVE they seem to try to handle rules objectively so we don't have discrepancies. NGL I've seen some warnings that seemed to come from a misunderstanding, but these are pretty rare it's like 2 or 4 warnings that I think comes from a misunderstanding which people could appeal those, but I'm not sure they ever tried. ;-;


coebalt said:
yes yes, I have made more than one comment praising an art style myself. My question is about what the *expectations* are, though. Not what is possible. And I, at least, definitely do not *expect* to see a hundred comments about the various ways the artist managed to portray lighting and mood when I'm looking at a picture of, I dunno, Arcanine Yiff.

The users expectations doesn't matter when it goes directly against e621 expectations:

  • The rules are at the signup page and they're even MARKED IN RED, if a user doesn't want to get in trouble they should read it. After checking it, I'm pretty sure everyone would be eager to also check TOS.
  • At EVERY post there's a How to comment guide. They're aren't conveniently there for nothing.
  • I'm pretty sure some Admins are offering help with understanding a rule, it's listed at "Things they can help you with" or something like that at their profiles.
  • If someone is still confused on how a rule work they are more than welcome to ask on forums. Ofc its preferable they ask an Admin offering help with that sort of thing, but an user also have this option.

watsit said:

Sorry, was just how I was trying to keep things organized for myself ^^;

Again, you make excellent points.

sieghelm_lockayer said:
Every post (hopefully) has their source linked, if you want to share a sexual fantasy you could try to do it on any of the sources listed that have comments enabled. There's people that like that this rule is in place, so why should e621 loosen it in favor of people that can't contain their fantasies to themselves?

To be honest, I kind of expected that it was the opposite, I guess? I don't really use any other platforms for viewing furry art since e621 has the best collection. I can definitely understand wanting a place where you feel comfortable. I suppose I just wish there could be a world where everyone could be happy in one place instead of having to make a billion accounts to have fun.

sieghelm_lockayer said:

  • Safe:"I really like when cum have a "musky steam" it's super sexy, the glistening effect on the cum gives a interesting touch to it."
  • Safe: "Holy moly, Batman! Look at Character_A licking Character's_B cum, that's so hawt! I wonder how it feels." (I'm not sure about the underlined part, it should be okay, I think).

comments like these are what I'm most worried about. I'd be worried that describing why a certain part of the image is so appealing crosses the line, which also actively takes away from conversations that can be had.

coebalt said:
To be honest, I kind of expected that it was the opposite, I guess? I don't really use any other platforms for viewing furry art since e621 has the best collection. I can definitely understand wanting a place where you feel comfortable. I suppose I just wish there could be a world where everyone could be happy in one place instead of having to make a billion accounts to have fun.

That seems nice, the problem is there isn't a solution that would appease everyone and as they say when you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one. There isn't a "right way", there are only "right ways", because everyone is different you can't have ONE solution for everything.

comments like these are what I'm most worried about. I'd be worried that describing why a certain part of the image is so appealing crosses the line, which also actively takes away from conversations that can be had.

It should be safe just try not to be personal and try to avoid the "wish that was me" comments at least on NSFW posts. If you for example say "Wish that was me" on a solo character having a picnic eating a sandwich, you should specify that you're referring to the character, not the sandwich, this ambiguity could, possibly, I think, make it into a reportable comment. Don't quote me on that tho, personally I wouldn't risk being ambiguous. xD

The rest I think is common sense, like sharing weird sexual SPECIFIC knowledge on posts with ferals or underage characters. Even if you don't make it personal, it could possibly fall into creepy comments or even bestiality.

All in all, I commend you for sticking with this topic and responding everyone here while being respectful. It's pretty common for these types of topics to attract drama, but this one is being pretty chill. (โ €๐Ÿ‘โ €'โ €โ €โ–ฝโ €'โ €)

sieghelm_lockayer said:
That seems nice, the problem is there isn't a solution that would appease everyone and as they say when you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one. There isn't a "right way", there are only "right ways", because everyone is different you can't have ONE solution for everything.

It should be safe just try not to be personal and try to avoid the "wish that was me" comments at least on NSFW posts. If you for example say "Wish that was me" on a solo character having a picnic eating a sandwich, you should specify that you're referring to the character, not the sandwich, this ambiguity could, possibly, I think, make it into a reportable comment. Don't quote me on that tho, personally I wouldn't risk being ambiguous. xD

The rest I think is common sense, like sharing weird sexual SPECIFIC knowledge on posts with ferals or underage characters. Even if you don't make it personal, it could possibly fall into creepy comments or even bestiality.

All in all, I commend you for sticking with this topic and responding everyone here while being respectful. It's pretty common for these types of topics to attract drama, but this one is being pretty chill. (โ €๐Ÿ‘โ €'โ €โ €โ–ฝโ €'โ €)

Thank you! ^^

I enjoy having conversations, and thought this might be a topic that would actually generate one worth having.

You're butthurt because you can't control what you say, it's alright. Creepy comments rule is the best thing this site has next to TWYS and I've been here 10+ years. I browse lewd images constantly with no intent to be "horny" or just whack off, and seeing some guy RP'ing or commenting how he wants to fuck renamon is just fucking annoying. Comment on the quality of the piece, the artists style, the poses, the dicks, whatever. Just leave YOU out of it. It's so simple man

pyke said:
You're butthurt because you can't control what you say, it's alright. Creepy comments rule is the best thing this site has next to TWYS and I've been here 10+ years. I browse lewd images constantly with no intent to be "horny" or just whack off, and seeing some guy RP'ing or commenting how he wants to fuck renamon is just fucking annoying. Comment on the quality of the piece, the artists style, the poses, the dicks, whatever. Just leave YOU out of it. It's so simple man

Disagreeing with me is fine, though you could at least be respectful about it instead of throwing names and accusations around.

But it's okay, I forgive you.

sieghelm_lockayer said:

  • Safe: "Holy moly, Batman! Look at Character_A licking Character's_B cum, that's so hawt! I wonder how it feels." (I'm not sure about the underlined part, it should be okay, I think).

The underlined part is still worthy of a record since it's just a thinly veiled reference to cum eating.

As for OP, instead of commenting on how you're horny or something making you horny reflect on your feelings and why you're feeling that way, then comment on that instead. Learn how to go past the initial layer by literally just asking yourself why the image evokes those feelings in the first place. The artist spent hours on drawing the image, you can spend a couple seconds figuring out why it attempted to rip a new hole into your panties.

Why does it make you horny? Is it because the dick is drawn so well it appears like it has actual heft and volume to it? Or are it the balls appearing supremely virile due to how taut they're rendered? Or is it perhaps the boobies that have just the right perkiness for that perfect bounce, cementing why Zapp Brannigan believes they're the greatest part of the woman? How about butts, peach shaped and perfect or maybe you're a fan of bigger, bouncier butts teasing with claps that will alert everyone to their presence in a wide radius? Or perhaps the goal is the between them, lovingly crafted to perfect form giving the illusion of a pliability incomprehensible to mortal minds?

Many ways lead to Rome, you're just choosing the low effort route of making it about yourself like a creep. You don't have to a be a critic to find the words to describe your feelings, it just needs a tiny bit of digging to get to those feelings first.


notmenotyou said:
The underlined part is still worthy of a record since it's just a thinly veiled reference to cum eating.

As for OP, instead of commenting on how you're horny or something making you horny reflect on your feelings and why you're feeling that way, then comment on that instead. Learn how to go past the initial layer by literally just asking yourself why the image evokes those feelings in the first place. The artist spent hours on drawing the image, you can spend a couple seconds figuring out why it attempted to rip a new hole into your panties.

Why does it make you horny? Is it because the dick is drawn so well it appears like it has actual heft and volume to it? Or are it the balls appearing supremely virile due to how taut they're rendered? Or is it perhaps the boobies that have just the right perkiness for that perfect bounce, cementing why Zapp Brannigan believes they're the greatest part of the woman? How about butts, peach shaped and perfect or maybe you're a fan of bigger, bouncier butts teasing with claps that will alert everyone to their presence in a wide radius? Or perhaps the goal is the between them, lovingly crafted to perfect form giving the illusion of a pliability incomprehensible to mortal minds?

Many ways lead to Rome, you're just choosing the low effort route of making it about yourself like a creep. You don't have to a be a critic to find the words to describe your s, it just needs a tiny bit of digging to get to those feelings first.

Jesus christ, I can't even be angry with the implication of being called a creep because of how hilarious this is otherwise.

Thank you for weighing in! This is actually supremely helpful.

watsit said:
"Damn, <artist> makes the best dicks," "A wet pussy is always a joy to see," "This site could do with more fox ass," etc, are perfectly fine

Nah, I consistently see comments like this get records.

My account is a few months old but I've never commented or really explored this site until today and left a sexual comment in response to another comment because I recognized the poster as someone I know. Am I going to get in trouble? I wasn't familiar with this rule before I decided to check out the forum here.

charlieinkwell said:
My account is a few months old but I've never commented or really explored this site until today and left a sexual comment in response to another comment because I recognized the poster as someone I know. Am I going to get in trouble? I wasn't familiar with this rule before I decided to check out the forum here.

Put him in the slammer boys

propio said:
All those comment ideas are a little creepy though, let's be real.

If those are what you consider creepy, I can see why this rule seems so harsh to myself and many others.

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