Okay, let's say we have a tag. I'll call it heat.
Heat can mean:
Many of you have probably come across a tag like this. Usually the names get changed around, aliased, or sometimes just invalidated in order to prevent mixups. However in cases like these, there really isn’t one clear answer what to do, so the common tag serves as the dump pile for "to-be-sorted" tags. Some of us keep a few of these tags stashed aside for when we are in the mood to sort them into their proper bucket.
Okay, but what’s the issue with this?
- They have to be kept track of manually.
- Many just get forgotten about. Some of them become a tagging project (such as grip).
- There is no quick (obvious) way to know whether a particular tag is problematic.
What do you have in mind?
- Alias: heat -> heat_(disambiguation)
- Alias: bonbon -> bonbon_(disambiguation)
- Alias: lyra -> lyra_(disambiguation)
Why would we do this?
- It’s extremely easy to gather and retag all of these with a simple *_(disambiguation) search.
- It can serve as the first obvious place to look for a disambiguation page
- The tag looks like it needs to be changed from the moment someone uses it.
What are your thoughts on this?
Updated by furrypickle