Topic: Censored "support me on patreon" posts

Posted under General

All the time, I see posts that are essentially advertisements. Porn censored with Patreon logos or censored in other ways, with a link to the artist's patreon to pay for the uncensored version.

Shouldn't there be a rule against this kind of thing? Since they're effectively advertisements, except the site isn't being paid for them.

For a brief time, there was a paywall_tease tag for this, but it got aliased to censored without any discussion. There is apparently still a patreon_censored tag with 41 posts though, but it lacks a wiki defining how to tag it.

Should these posts be removed? I don't think so. Censored art generally still has merit, and also, it's generally best not to piss off the artists, or else they will likely file a takedown request for all their art here.

crocogator said:
I thought that might be the case. It looks like one or more users started mistagging it then.

Went ahead and wrote a wiki and cleaned them out. Far too strongly a "What you know" scenario if you included anything that was censored that happened to have a patreon uncensor.

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