Topic: Are you afraid of the future?

Posted under Off Topic

I know I am.

It seems pretty common (to me, anyway) that the case of any social circle in its late stages of life, whether a nuclear family or group of hobbyists, starts to become less united by finding eachother out or the original subject matter bonded over as much as being united in varying degrees of despair for what's next, for them, as a society. I guess I assume this only because it makes sense that, when you know eachother well enough socially, you don't have much to add to the conversation beforehand and can just be united as people, not topics? Who knows.

P.S: Feel free to interpret this any way you wish. Though this is meant to apply to the short-term future of personal people (e.g. preparing to rent an apartment), there definitely is little distinguishable difference between that and, say, fear of the moral implications of self-driving cars, or totalitarianism, or whatnot.

funeralopolite said:
I know I am.

It seems pretty common (to me, anyway) that the case of any social circle in its late stages of life, whether a nuclear family or group of hobbyists, starts to become less united by finding eachother out or the original subject matter bonded over as much as being united in varying degrees of despair for what's next, for them, as a society. I guess I assume this only because it makes sense that, when you know eachother well enough socially, you don't have much to add to the conversation beforehand and can just be united as people, not topics? Who knows.

P.S: Feel free to interpret this any way you wish. Though this is meant to apply to the short-term future of personal people (e.g. preparing to rent an apartment), there definitely is little distinguishable difference between that and, say, fear of the moral implications of self-driving cars, or totalitarianism, or whatnot.

Blunt to say it, but fear exists (evolved) to keep us alive. To keep us away from things that may ... uh ... finish us as a viable vehicle for evolution.

(Darwinian, tha't it).

But you could also be "sick from fear", and let irrational fear rob you, your fair share of happiness in this world.


I don't really think that I understood your fear about what you mention about societies, and social groups, and the future. We humans are afraid of being alone, and not belonging, and do not fit in a group. And groups, also have a life cycle... they are created at some point, and WILL end for their own reasons. And if they do not end, yet, they evolve, and our position in them, too.

You have always to consider (just consider) that things will not go as you expect. That you cannot control the Future 100%... althougth you must do your best and reasonable effort to avoid the problems, those you can. And be reasonably brave.

But I bump your thread, and I hope someone here could help you more.


I feel like it's a mixed bag.
On one hand, I feel like tough times are a head of us. To what, I truly don't know.
On the other hand, I don't feel likes it's an end of a book, but more like the end of a chapter.
If it's any consolation, I do wish for better days for you and to anyone that is reading. It may not be much, but it's the least I could do.
If there is some advice I could give, it's the same advice my brother(God rest his soul) He always told me to not freak out over the big picture and think of what you could do to help in your corner of the world. Be it something small like planting something or something you can do around your home or neighborhood.
It may not be much, but I hope this will help in someway.

Also I wish you and to those reading Happy Holidays, a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Also, I think there is one thing we can all agree to:

it's ok to feel fear, there may be times you feel like your trapped in a locked box with no light, but you are only one person, if you take on one problem at a time, one step at a time, and don't rush, you can get through most anything. there may be problems that worry you around the world, but there's not really any point in worrying about things you can't control. just stick to your own path.

Y'all based.
Control, and the concept of it, kinda sucks... maybe what was on my respective mind alone. But we put up with it. Shame it's natural as people, but, yeah. There's options, too; can we all agree to not force stuff? (of course, when put like that...) Which is becoming increasingly less common-sense, or not taught subtly as often anyway.

Definitely meant for y'all to reflect on your own, I feel I spent an excessive amount of time overthinking this ^^'
What a life some of ye have had. Continue on, I guess? One's perception of the matters of the past does numbers later on...

Maybe we need to talk about what we look forward to in the future, too, lol. As others said, this holiday isn't a good time for the unknown.
It's perfectly fine to have a mixed bag! And that's exactly what it is. TL;DR of last 2 posts: being black-and-white about something so broad is silly.

mexicanfurry said:
In future lies danger, but also hope.

That and you can rarely ever progress or change things without taking risk. Plus, it's always been a game of sink or swim in this world, it's just that we've been coddled by our inventions and perception of security & safety.

There is no such thing in the eye of the beholder. Only survival to continue living, or failure into death.

Damn, we have some really big problems over some of our heads ^^' As for the rest of us...

The last couple of additions have been about change, huh? Which is interesting. I wonder if "change" and "the future" can be correlated but separate, rather than two extremely similar concepts. Maybe that's going a little too far. Just, at this point, a lot of changes from the scale of small communities to whole societies seems a lot more sweeping than in the past.
But that's also probably it--it's easy to earn for the old when we glorify them "golden days" with perfect foresight.

We fear the unknown. The unknown can be stuff that could happen in the future or change that's happening now. It could be known problems that we don't know how bad they'll be or how badly they will affect us. Ultimately, the fear of the unknown boils down to our desire to survive. We'd rather stick with the familiar and known even when change is to our benefit, because we don't have any rock-solid guarantee we'd be able to survive the change whereas we know we have some ability to control and thus survive the known as we'd been doing that all along, however poorly.

Worrying about the future is healthy in small amounts. However, if you're always worrying about the future, you are robbing yourself of joy in the present.

Take everything one step at a time and you'll be better for it.

indigoheat said:
...if you're always worrying about the future, you are robbing yourself of joy in the present.

Take everything one step at a time and you'll be better for it.

I guess that the only thing we were afraid of was ourselves.

indigoheat said:
Worrying about the future is healthy in small amounts. However, if you're always worrying about the future, you are robbing yourself of joy in the present.

Take everything one step at a time and you'll be better for it.

Good advice, that I will take, for one.

I am a bit afraid of the future, but the present seems worse. Everything sucks now, but the future brings hope that things will get better.

“This too shall pass” are words to live by

mexicanfurry said:
Blunt to say it, but fear exists (evolved) to keep us alive. To keep us away from things that may ... uh ... finish us as a viable vehicle for evolution.

(Darwinian, tha't it).

But you could also be "sick from fear", and let irrational fear rob you, your fair share of happiness in this world.


I don't really think that I understood your fear about what you mention about societies, and social groups, and the future. We humans are afraid of being alone, and not belonging, and do not fit in a group. And groups, also have a life cycle... they are created at some point, and WILL end for their own reasons. And if they do not end, yet, they evolve, and our position in them, too.

You have always to consider (just consider) that things will not go as you expect. That you cannot control the Future 100%... althougth you must do your best and reasonable effort to avoid the problems, those you can. And be reasonably brave.

But I bump your thread, and I hope someone here could help you more.


pfft OK Robot.


I have pretty grounded fears. "Adult Fears" like being evicted from my house, living on the street, not having food to eat.
My fears about my future is mostly about living an unstable life where I'm forced to be stuck in an environment I hate. Where my responsibilities catch up to me.
Where I have to prioritize the good of others instead of my own future.

Fears like supernatural and whatnot are the least of y worries, so is stuff out of my element, like politics. I couldn't care more about the world around me.

closetpossum said:
pfft OK Robot.

Don't believe that what I said was "robotic" at all.

I have pretty grounded fears. "Adult Fears" like being evicted from my house, living on the street, not having food to eat.
My fears about my future is mostly about living an unstable life where I'm forced to be stuck in an environment I hate. Where my responsibilities catch up to me.

Are you sure you are so afraid about your financial success and avoiding the hardships of poverty and lack of control on your "real life" (opposed to your "virtual furry life")?

Yet, you dedicate that many hours to favor and upvote literally thousends of erotic cartoons of rodents and marsupials... or complaining again and again, because "you want to be funny", but somehow that is not so favored by the current constellations of this site.

(I also find browsing some furry art very appealing, ... but fail to see the relation)

If I had your fears, I would rather use that time in trying to learn about Crypto-Currencies, or some other stuff...

Look, I know A LOT of people that cares exclusively about "adult stuff"... "money, money, now and in the future"... while they are overweight like hell, don't sleep enough, have zero sex (and even love) and believe every garbage presented by the mass-media, without caring to research about anything about what's really happening beyond their bubble.

But "Reality"... the "real adult stuff", always catch with them, sooner or later.

Where I have to prioritize the good of others instead of my own future.

Really... I don't know what to make of this one.


But after all, I guess you are still somehow young... could be valid.

Fears like supernatural and whatnot are the least of y worries, so is stuff out of my element, like politics. I couldn't care more about the world around me.

I also do not fear or refer to "supernatural things". But you said, you fear of your personal future... yet you do not care about the suprasystems that will affect or determine that destiny?

(Again, I don't believe it could be for "lack of time").



lonelylupine said:
If you're not, you haven't been paying attention.

Probably not. How could I be aware of all that surrounds me, or even all I make, if am I just a weird guy in a Furry booru?


But, as you see, I also "have my buttons" ... I think that proves, at least (paradoxically) that I am not a robot.


Have a nice day.

mexicanfurry said:
Don't believe that what I said was "robotic" at all.

Are you sure you are so afraid about your financial success and avoiding the hardships of poverty and lack of control on your "real life" (opposed to your "virtual furry life")?

Yet, you dedicate that many hours to favor and upvote literally thousends of erotic cartoons of rodents and marsupials... or complaining again and again, because "you want to be funny", but somehow that is not so favored by the current constellations of this site.

(I also find browsing some furry art very appealing, ... but fail to see the relation)

If I had your fears, I would rather use that time in trying to learn about Crypto-Currencies, or some other stuff...

gee you said "learn crypto-currency"
that's really cringe-inducing and a boomer thing to say dude.
Ya really talkin about crypto
You make/buy/attempt to sell NFTs too I wager?


closetpossum said:
gee you said "learn crypto-currency"
that's really cringe-inducing and a boomer thing to say dude.
Ya really talkin about crypto
You make/buy/attempt to sell NFTs too I wager?

Congrats, "closetpossum" for the feat of yesterday: You pressed my buttons in the right order and moment, and I just fell for it.


Today... is another day.

Have a nice day, Sir.


I don't fear the passage of time and the inevitable end of my personal existence, in that sense I don't fear the future. "Of fear and love, I fear not that I will die but that all I have come to love will perish with me."

My outlook is this: the future always has hope, the present doesn’t. I don’t fear the passage of time, because the future has the potential make things better. However, I do fear getting old. I hope I die before I get old enough to become frail and loose my mind

Two weeks ago, I had the feeling the world would become a better place. Slowly but steady. So I wasn't really scared of the future. But looking at recent happenings in Europe... and the fact that I live in Europe, you could say maybe a little...

Me three-to-seven years ago: "Hell yes I'm scared of the future! I'm HORRIFIED!"

Me now: "Wow, you still actually believe there's going to be a future? I bet you still believe in Santa Claus, too."
