Topic: [VENTING] The furry fandom is being attacked from two sides

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Hi there, peeps,

I am writing this (somewhat personal) forum post to talk and vent about something I've been noticing for a couple of years at this point and in my opinion, it OUGHT TO be talked about before it could potentionally destroy the furry fandom.

Do you know those toxic, male-gazing, anti-SJW YouTube channels that blew up at around 2016-2017 (Sargan of Akhad, ClownfishTV, Joe Rogan, Jim Kinnel, TheQuartering, Geeks and Gamers, Ben Shapiro, YellowFlash2, ItsAGundam, Mannix, etc.)? Well, I feel like I discovered a scheme with these channels and I had to get fed and brainwashed with these homophobic and racist ideas to then realise it's wrong and tell you something:

People from the alt-right are spreading anti-furry hate from two sides.

The first front is obvious when you saw comments under furry cringe compilation videos: they're continuously bashing on LGBTQ+ people with the dogwhistles of those people wearing "weirdly colourful suits that resemble animals".

And then there's their slimy and sneaky combat: with these videos related to geek culture getting "ruined" by those "SJWs of the Left", their imaginary boogieman, their scapegoat to latch onto, with mixing the actual controversies of the gaming, movie and animation industries in (including the furry and weeb communities, too) and adding to it with their racist and homophobic far-right agenda and with the (let's be honest, incredible) social interaction they give to people, they're trying to infiltrate the furry fandom via brainwashing heterosexual individuals of the fandom who feel isolated in the slew of LGBTQ+ people (and I was a victim of this type of alt-right radicalisation), and knowing that the LGBTQ+ people are the 80% majority here, they're here to, with their dangerous ideology, create in-fights in the fandom and destroy it with the "Divide and Conquer" technique.

It may sound stupid, but please take a look at that Alt-Right Playbook video from Innuendo Studios to understand it better and get a context about my homophobic "alt-right furry" past. This video helped me escape the hate I was brainwashed into creating and means a lot to me and to my centrist awakening:

To summarise my points, what these people are basically doing is dying on two hills at the same time to bash furries and their supposed "degeneracy" by both spurring homophobia, biphobia and transphobia to the LGBTQ+ majority and brainwashing the straight minority into thinking these people are right and that the furry fandom needs some kind of "straight cleansing" to create in-fights. To rub their feat of destroying the fandom into the faces of many and tell them "they were somehow right" because "they doubled down on degeneracy instead of listening to the demands of the "oppressed" straight side of their community".

Sorry, but as someone frustrated by the very people I once looked up to, I HAD to get this out of my system.

Updated by Millcore

The new wave puritanism has been ultra visible on twitter, content like No Nut November started by alt right mouthpieces claiming good old abstinence will give you wizard powers.

Unsurprisingly, this goes way beyond 2016. Up to the cries of "Witchhunts" and "Cancel Culture" of 2011 that have evolved over time as well. Heck, most of the Terf, "Anti" and alt-right/NeoCon movements can be considered a venn diagram with 90% overlap because most of the rhetoric blossomed out of the same people who left 4chan bc it wasnt radical enough/they got banned and didn't like it.

This isnt news sadly.

But it wont destroy the fandom, its been here before them, it'll be here after them. We've always been an accepting group founded on one mutual desire: to crank hog to anthros. Its that simple.

demesejha said:
The new wave puritanism has been ultra visible on twitter, content like No Nut November started by alt right mouthpieces claiming good old abstinence will give you wizard powers.

Unsurprisingly, this goes way beyond 2016. Up to the cries of "Witchhunts" and "Cancel Culture" of 2011 that have evolved over time as well. Heck, most of the Terf, "Anti" and alt-right/NeoCon movements can be considered a venn diagram with 90% overlap because most of the rhetoric blossomed out of the same people who left 4chan bc it wasnt radical enough/they got banned and didn't like it.

This isnt news sadly.

But it wont destroy the fandom, its been here before them, it'll be here after them. We've always been an accepting group founded on one mutual desire: to crank hog to anthros. Its that simple.

I felt the need to talk about my horrible past and using me and other straight furries as useful idiots for their rhetoric. Hopefully, you're right and it won't destroy the fandom.

At least you guys in the community are here to make me forget that past and support my way to acceptance; to both accept LGBTQ+ people in the fandom and get accepted by them.

ironicfur said:
I felt the need to talk about my horrible past and using me and other straight furries as useful idiots for their rhetoric. Hopefully, you're right and it won't destroy the fandom.

At least you guys in the community are here to make me forget that past and support my way to acceptance; to both accept LGBTQ+ people in the fandom and get accepted by them.

Evolution of one's ideals is a natural part of growing. Its important to accept those who have done their best to grow as individuals. This (should) be true of any community. Its a shame that it isnt.

Yep, this is going into my cringe compulation.

content like No Nut November started by alt right mouthpieces claiming good old abstinence will give you wizard powers doesn't give you wizard powers?


Back on topic, believe it or not, much of the puritanism (if you want to call it that) comes from other furries, many of which are part of the lgbt+ community, especially on pictures involving somewhat young looking characters, and to be fair, it is twitter we are talking about, almost everyone knows not to expect the best out of twitter nowadays, that's why I avoid it in the first place.


I remember that one episode on CSI where they delved into the furry fandom, complete with conventions, fursuits, furpiles, and a one of them being killed because a farmer thought he was an actual wolf. don't know where I was going with that, but the point that I wanted to make was every fandom, religion, race, politics, ect. has both the assholes and the chills, and none of them are gone even after hundreds of years, we're probably never going to get along, nor is either side going to disappear. People just afraid what they find confusing, only looking at the dark side of things instead of both dark and light, you can't have one without the other, can't have light without a shadow somewhere. we may not agree on everything, but that doesn't mean we can't agree on one or two things and build off of that.

OP, did you genuinely feel that what was occurring during your former years was an attempt to "destroy" (IIRC: assuming this means "fracture & score the reputation of") this quaint little dinghy of a fanbase? Er... fandom, excuse the misnomer?
It would've certainly had consequences, yes. But such traps are very easy to fall in; it's a curse of trying to find anything to relate to, from a relatively innocent place, at least in most circumstances. I could be wrong that that was what you were up in the "other side" now for, but just don't forget why it takes a while to unlock from your personal status quo and search for a new one, all things considered.

demesejha said:
Evolution of one's ideals is a natural part of growing. Its important to accept those who have done their best to grow as individuals. This (should) be true of any community. Its a shame that it isnt.

History, politics and ideals have a funny way of interfering in each others' path, doesn't it? Hey, a change in the chemistry between all sides does at least show we're getting there, broke some barriers we never noticed in the first place. In the future, this whole caper will probably seem stupid to those with fresh minds on these matters.

I was brainwashed! But I'm totally not brainwashed this time.

The "furry fandom" is a leaderless, amorphous blob of a group, that has inescapable associations with zoophilia, pedophilia, scat, and other fetishes (the Burned Furs are now a quaint blip in history) and yet it keeps chugging along. Nothing anyone says or does will "destroy" it. Just going by post counts here, I'd say the fandom is 5 times larger than it was 10 years ago.

Is this post bait, or do you actually believe this? I don't know who most of those people are, but Joe Rogan is centrist libertarian, pretty much to a T.

If you could be a furry who liked that stuff I think that's all the evidence you need that furries would live on in some form if they got their way. Beyond that I think your conflating individuals and ideologies that have conflicting interests and for whom furries are far, far below their radar. Trust me, the normies don't care about furries except as an easy vehicle to make fun of weird people on the internet, and comparing that to homophobia et al does not sit right with me.

And I feel like I should say no nut november is clearly just an exercise in self-discipline or something. It carries the obvious implication that people doing it will get back to it pretty soon. If it were puritan, they would not be stopping at a month. And that's for the rare few for whom it isn't a joke, which I'm pretty sure would be most of the people talking about it.

Yeah, online nazis have been trying to target most any online group of nerds for a while now. Picking furries might seem somewhat confused, since non-furry nazis want to torture and murder them, but the original nazis also started out with homosexual members they murdered when they weren't useful any more.

azero said:

Back on topic, believe it or not, much of the puritanism (if you want to call it that) comes from other furries, many of which are part of the lgbt+ community, especially on pictures involving somewhat young looking characters,

I'm not sure I immediately accept your characterisation here.

colacolabug said:
Yeah, online nazis have been trying to target most any online group of nerds for a while now. Picking furries might seem somewhat confused, since non-furry nazis want to torture and murder them, but the original nazis also started out with homosexual members they murdered when they weren't useful any more.

I highly doubt there are nazis out there posting furry cringe compilations, I would assume they have better things to do. Unless you are refering to nazi furs, which to my knowledge are not actual members of the nationalist socialist party of germany from the 20th century, but just people who like to roleplay or simply like the outfits. Besides, nazis (like the ones that existed in the 20th century) don't exist anymore, at least not in an organized manner, most "nazis" you meet in the internet are just edgy people shitposting, or simply racists who got nothing better to do, or maybe it is just that kid that calls your mom gay in that one CS:GO match.

I'm not sure I immediately accept your characterisation here.

And that's great! You don't have to agree with me or anyone for that matter, we are all individuals, furries are not a monolith as some people might think, there is always going to be someone out there that will hate you for no reason, but that's just life. Whenever you like it or not, most of the drama in the furry community comes from within, but that's to be expected. It is no different to any other large online community, it is the internet after all.

But my main point is, there's no need to overthink everything on the internet, do like ice and chill out bro ๐Ÿ˜Ž

ironicfur said:
Hi there, peeps,

I am writing this (somewhat personal) forum post to talk and vent about something I've been noticing for a couple of years at this point and in my opinion, it OUGHT TO be talked about before it could potentionally destroy the furry fandom.

Do you know those toxic, male-gazing, anti-SJW YouTube channels that blew up at around 2016-2017 (Sargan of Akhad, ClownfishTV, Joe Rogan, Jim Kinnel, TheQuartering, Geeks and Gamers, Ben Shapiro, YellowFlash2, ItsAGundam, Mannix, etc.)? Well, I feel like I discovered a scheme with these channels and I had to get fed and brainwashed with these homophobic and racist ideas to then realise it's wrong and tell you something:

People from the alt-right are spreading anti-furry hate from two sides.

The first front is obvious when you saw comments under furry cringe compilation videos: they're continuously bashing on LGBTQ+ people with the dogwhistles of those people wearing "weirdly colourful suits that resemble animals".

And then there's their slimy and sneaky combat: with these videos related to geek culture getting "ruined" by those "SJWs of the Left", their imaginary boogieman, their scapegoat to latch onto, with mixing the actual controversies of the gaming, movie and animation industries in (including the furry and weeb communities, too) and adding to it with their racist and homophobic far-right agenda and with the (let's be honest, incredible) social interaction they give to people, they're trying to infiltrate the furry fandom via brainwashing heterosexual individuals of the fandom who feel isolated in the slew of LGBTQ+ people (and I was a victim of this type of alt-right radicalisation), and knowing that the LGBTQ+ people are the 80% majority here, they're here to, with their dangerous ideology, create in-fights in the fandom and destroy it with the "Divide and Conquer" technique.

It may sound stupid, but please take a look at that Alt-Right Playbook video from Innuendo Studios to understand it better and get a context about my homophobic "alt-right furry" past. This video helped me escape the hate I was brainwashed into creating and means a lot to me and to my centrist awakening:

To summarise my points, what these people are basically doing is dying on two hills at the same time to bash furries and their supposed "degeneracy" by both spurring homophobia, biphobia and transphobia to the LGBTQ+ majority and brainwashing the straight minority into thinking these people are right and that the furry fandom needs some kind of "straight cleansing" to create in-fights. To rub their feat of destroying the fandom into the faces of many and tell them "they were somehow right" because "they doubled down on degeneracy instead of listening to the demands of the "oppressed" straight side of their community".

Sorry, but as someone frustrated by the very people I once looked up to, I HAD to get this out of my system.

They're doing that because we kicked them out.

And if a little furry-hate could kill the fandom, then it would have died back in the Something Awful era. Don't sweat it too much. Furries enjoy much more mainstream acceptance now then we did then, too.

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