Topic: An open letter regarding the moderation of the site

Posted under General

I should start this off with the fact I have a bit of a gripe against the staff, as I have been banned in the past for being "underage," while I may act immature at times that is only because I am on the autism spectrum, if required I may display my diagnosis privately.

First of all, the management email is practically dead, so you can't really request an unban, which is fairly disheartening, and not to mention the fact that just for making the staff angry in the slightest, even off site, you can get banned in the snap of a finger. I have been banned once, in turn getting my partner's account banned via the IP of the wifi we share. I love this site and it's community, but the management is only barely passing by. I would be willing to retract my argument if I was given proper evidence against my ban.

If you need to contact me, message me.


Which means of contacting the management did you use? It might have been an older, or less active one. They're very active in some locations, less in others.

There are better channels to do this, rather than making a public statement about your dissatisfaction.

That being said, if your account had been banned previously due to being underaged and you have now made a new one to circumvent said ban, that carries a permanent ban on all accounts regardless of previous disciplinary actions as per the Code of Conduct.

Using autism as a crutch or excuse for bad behavior is pretty immature, gotta say. And the fact you are clueless enough to post on a separate account about how management is bad for banning your old account really says maybe you aren’t a trustworthy narrator on that matter. Stop blaming others for your poor decisions and make better decisions. The world may just knock you down a little less if you do.

You have been told to send an email to [email protected].
I assure you, that email address is not dead. Response times may vary, especially around the holidays, but that address does get checked very regularly.
Check your spam folder – maybe the response ended up there? Although, since it's been months since your ban, the response might have been automatically deleted already.

Either way, continuing to ban evade is definitely not the way to go about this.
You don't get instantly perma-banned for a lot of things here. Especially not for offsite actions.
Mostly, we just enforce the Code of Conduct.

Send another email.

I have been banned in the past for being "underage," while I may act immature at times that is only because I am on the autism spectrum

I doubt the staff is assuming users' ages based on behavior. When they ban someone for being underage, they have some sort of evidence to suggest the user's age (oftentimes off-site. For example, the user says their age on their Twitter account, which can somehow be traced back to their e6 account). They have to ban underage users for legal reasons.


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