Topic: Why are people being so mad over a drawing with two fictional characters?

Posted under General

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I looked back at my Doom Slayer drawings and now I have tears in my eyes.
My Doom Slayer X Noelle drawing: 8 downvotes and only 12 favorites ( I didn't even expected it to get downvoted to the negative )
My Doom Slayer X Ankha drawing had a score of 17 and now it has a score of 16. The same thing with my Doom Slayer X Shino drawing.

People are definitely being mad over a drawing with two fictional characters, but why? It's totally OK to ship two characters, even if they aren't from the same series and even if one character is an OC. It doesn't hurt anyone and it's also not going to be canon. People seem to be very sensitive these days.

Some people get hate and downvotes, because they ship Judy Hopps with a character that isn't Nick Wilde. If it's different than it means it's bad...

I also noticed, e621 users have a more butthurt behavior than users on other websites.

Updated by Millcore

A downvote doesn't (necessarily) mean the person is mad or butthurt. It just means they didn't like the image for any of a million different reasons and felt clicking the down arrow was worth their dissatisfaction.

I believe this was gone over already in forum topic #31035: people can upvote or downvote for any reason they so desire. If you suspect that a user or users are making alternate accounts to deliberately downvote you or your artwork, or are single-handedly downvoting you / your artwork en masse and are refusing to blacklist, you can DMail an admin to investigate your comments or posts to confirm or deny your suspicions.

Otherwise, your only real way to avoid the voting system is to upload onto sites that don't have a voting system, such as FA or Pixiv. E6 isn't gonna alter the voting system just because you're getting downvoted, people are allowed to express themselves through the vote system so long as they don't break the rules when doing so. If you really want to "farm" upvotes on artwork you created, then your creativity is gonna suffer since you'll have to make vanilla AF porn or make artwork of such outstanding quality, that you awe people into upvoting it. Otherwise, you should really stop letting these things effect you; it's not like internet brownie points are worth anything, and even downvotes can be worthless in certain contexts.

To quote Lance Armstrong in your previous thread: "They clicked a button, possibly expending less than a second of time evaluating the post, and you reacted by making a thread about it. A thread that has been made many times before, but will never result in the retirement of fake internet points. Downvotes aren't an objective measure of anything, and should be nothing to lose sleep over."

You need to not care about what random strangers say or do on the internet. All caring about such silliness does is hurt yourself. You need to be creating and sharing art because you enjoy creating and sharing your creations. If the only reason you are creating art is to earn meaningless points on a furry porn board, then you need to reevaluate why you are doing what you are doing. In the end, you control your reaction to things, good or bad. Worrying about what other people think in the end is not worthy of your time, especially random internet strangers. Worry about YOU, not them.

I just laugh when my pictures get downvoted.

Maybe consider growing some skin? You're not long for the art world if you can't deal with the idea that someone somewhere out there doesn't like your work, because it doesn't matter how nice of a person you are or how skilled of an artist you are, somebody out there hates you. There is no sense in trying to please people who will refuse to be pleased.

jfrankparnell said:
To quote Lance Armstrong in your previous thread: "They clicked a button, possibly expending less than a second of time evaluating the post, and you reacted by making a thread about it. A thread that has been made many times before, but will never result in the retirement of fake internet points. Downvotes aren't an objective measure of anything, and should be nothing to lose sleep over."

You need to not care about what random strangers say or do on the internet. All caring about such silliness does is hurt yourself. You need to be creating and sharing art because you enjoy creating and sharing your creations. If the only reason you are creating art is to earn meaningless points on a furry porn board, then you need to reevaluate why you are doing what you are doing. In the end, you control your reaction to things, good or bad. Worrying about what other people think in the end is not worthy of your time, especially random internet strangers. Worry about YOU, not them.

My thread isn't really supposed to be about downvotes, but about the behavior why some people are so overreacting over fictional characters. I like sharing my Doomguy ships and my other drawings and I'm also trying to ignore the score. I just think it's odd when people take something, that isn't going to affect the game lore or the cartoon lore in any way, serious.

I'm going to be frank and ask this: Are you going to make more threats about posts being down voted every time? If all you want is ass pats by random folks on this site, then you're going to be disappointed real hard, real fast.

demongirl_demoness said:
My thread isn't really supposed to be about downvotes, but about the behavior why some people are so overreacting over fictional characters.

Someone clicking a down arrow on something they don't like isn't overreacting.

demongirl_demoness said:
My thread isn't really supposed to be about downvotes, but about the behavior why some people are so overreacting over fictional characters. I like sharing my Doomguy ships and my other drawings and I'm also trying to ignore the score. I just think it's odd when people take something, that isn't going to affect the game lore or the cartoon lore in any way, serious.

This is really not worth your time.

You've expended more time and mental energy on this than everyone who had downvoted all of your submissions combined. Let it go.

watsit said:
Someone clicking a down arrow on something they don't like isn't overreacting.

There are posts with a 3 digit number of downvotes. At this point I would say it's overreacting.

demongirl_demoness said:
There are posts with a 3 digit number of downvotes. At this point I would say it's overreacting.

Let's play Devil's advocate; what would be a reasonable reaction to you then?

Downvotes, on any site, often mean little. There's just so much that isn't communicated with them.

demongirl_demoness said:
There are posts with a 3 digit number of downvotes. At this point I would say it's overreacting.

That's a quantities game though. That just means a lot of people didn't like it, for whatever reason. That says nothing about the individual voters themselves, nor the "intensity" (if you want to call it that) in which they voted,
Honestly, that doesn't necessarily mean anything about the image in question either. Sometimes the wrong crowd just happens to see the image at the time and it gets bombarded.

A better metric would be the ratio of upvotes to downvotes. But even that's not perfect either since, as I said before, voting systems leave so much unsaid.

I'll be honest with you here.
I am quite impressed by the progress you've made since last year. Your current artwork is leagues ahead of the stuff you've been posting in late 2020.

However, people are still allowed to dislike and criticize artwork they do not like.
No, that does not make them upset, mad, or butthurt. It's likely not the presence or pairings of characters that they have issues with.

Simply put, you need to keep practicing. The heads and faces in particular are very questionable. There are also occasional perspective and anatomy issues as well.

demongirl_demoness said:
I just think it's odd when people take something, that isn't going to affect the game lore or the cartoon lore in any way, serious.

Are they, though? I suppose it's more reasonable to just ignore the post and move on, but it's not like downvotes, seemingly the highest-of-gravity criticism method (no matter how constructive) at play for your posts, according to this thread anyway, will have a serious impact on whatever amount of algorithm E621/E926 uses.
Don't worry about being on the same level of downvotes as cheese_grater, at least. That can be assured at the very least.

demongirl_demoness said:
My thread isn't really supposed to be about downvotes, but about the behavior why some people are so overreacting over fictional characters. I like sharing my Doomguy ships and my other drawings and I'm also trying to ignore the score. I just think it's odd when people take something, that isn't going to affect the game lore or the cartoon lore in any way, serious.

With all due respect, there's only one person overreacting. I'm afraid that's you.

Of all the posts you have here, none are in the negatives. Of those deleted, all but two didn't meet minimums quality standards and none of them appear to have any downvotes. The only ones I saw with a majority of downvotes were the two you requested Takedowns on due to giving up on them because of those downvotes. Two out of forty-seven is actually doing pretty good, especially since only one of them reached double digits. Triple-digit downvotes don't apply here, so whether those are overreactions or not is irrelevant.

In light of this, the issue isn't viewers being mean (because it's highly unlikely they are). Rather, it's an issue of your self-esteem. You've taken your downvotes way too personally, and you really shouldn't, especially since downvotes don't really matter all that much.

Two pieces of advice for you, though. One, post to an account on a gallery site like FurAffinity or Inkbunny as Twitter is a terrible place for doing anything worthwhile with your art. Two, put some expressions on the characters' faces where appropriate so they have some life in them.

Gotta say that yes, you are overreacting a bit, some people simply do not like certain ships or situations, I for one care more about the artwork itself, but then, almost all the browsing I do, I do iy with a score threshold of 24 or greater, just so that any blacklisted term gets removed (because more upvotes = more users that saw/reviewed the post).

Just learn to live with, not all your post are gonna be winners, try to use them as a way to learn what makes pp's go hard and what makes them go oof. That's just how mafia works.

demongirl_demoness said:
There are posts with a 3 digit number of downvotes. At this point I would say it's overreacting.

You realize that it isn't just one person doing all the downvotes, right? This is a group of otherwise unrelated people taking a couple seconds of their time to hit the downvote button.

All that a triple-digit negative score says is that a bunch of people saw it and disliked it enough to say so. Nothing more.

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