Topic: Named Muscle Tags

Posted under General

I've started to see a huge list of muscle name tags popping up on some posts, and was wondering if this is something we're actually interested in having around the site.

I've currently seen these, most of these which are words I've never even heard:

  • brachioradialis
  • scalenes
  • serratus
  • sternocleidomastoid
  • trapezius
  • extensor_carpi
  • flexor_carpi
  • hamstrings
  • scalenes
  • sternocleidomastoid
  • sartorius
  • obliques
  • infraspinatus
  • latissimus_dorsi
  • teres_major
  • deltoids

Various have been used with big_*/huge_*/etc variants, so this is currently 60+ tags with very few posts, that as far as I'm aware are mostly meaningless for an image board.

  • brachioradialis
    • forearm muscles that help the biceps brachii flex the elbow
  • scalenes
    • neck muscles
  • serratus
    • back and side muscles along ribcage
  • sternocleidomastoid
    • neck muscles that show prominently when one turns the head
  • trapezius
    • big muscles on upper back and back of shoulders
  • extensor_carpi
    • forearm muscles that manipulate the wrists and hands
  • flexor_carpi
    • forearm muscles that also manipulate the wrists and hands
  • hamstrings
    • thigh muscles in rear between hips and knees
  • sartorius
    • body's longest muscles on the inside of the thighs
  • obliques
    • a number of muscles around the eyes, in the outer ears, or in the abdomen
  • infraspinatus
    • back muscles that help move the shoulder joints
  • latissimus_dorsi
    • mid-back muscles
  • teres_major
    • armpit muscles
  • deltoids
    • primary shoulder muscles

To be honest, this sounds like a ridiculous amount of detail only useful for anatomical texts instead of e621. These tags would only really be useful for characters with highly defined muscles, and I think artists will often add imaginary muscle groups in such pictures if they think it looks good, so tagging actual muscle groups would often be a futile endeavor. Even when it isn't, very, very few users are going to care about this amount of detail for their muscles.

I think some muscles are worth having tags, as they are so much in interests of people.

  • biceps – the bicep curl is a famous thing to show off this muscle
  • abs – a.k.a. "six-pack"
  • pecs – something very often shown off too as an icon of strength

Any others that should be sustained for relevance at e621?

For gluteus maximus there already is butt.

clawstripe said:

  • brachioradialis
    • forearm muscles that help the biceps brachii flex the elbow
  • scalenes
    • neck muscles
  • serratus
    • back and side muscles along ribcage
  • sternocleidomastoid
    • neck muscles that show prominently when one turns the head
  • trapezius
    • big muscles on upper back and back of shoulders
  • extensor_carpi
    • forearm muscles that manipulate the wrists and hands
  • flexor_carpi
    • forearm muscles that also manipulate the wrists and hands
  • hamstrings
    • thigh muscles in rear between hips and knees
  • sartorius
    • body's longest muscles on the inside of the thighs
  • obliques
    • a number of muscles around the eyes, in the outer ears, or in the abdomen
  • infraspinatus
    • back muscles that help move the shoulder joints
  • latissimus_dorsi
    • mid-back muscles
  • teres_major
    • armpit muscles
  • deltoids
    • primary shoulder muscles

To be honest, this sounds like a ridiculous amount of detail only useful for anatomical texts instead of e621. These tags would only really be useful for characters with highly defined muscles, and I think artists will often add imaginary muscle groups in such pictures if they think it looks good, so tagging actual muscle groups would often be a futile endeavor. Even when it isn't, very, very few users are going to care about this amount of detail for their muscles.

Even for the few posts where characters have highly defined muscles I doubt these would really be used, I'd bet most people don't know what the majority of the muscles are even called

urielfrys said:
I think some muscles are worth having tags, as they are so much in interests of people.

  • biceps – the bicep curl is a famous thing to show off this muscle
  • abs – a.k.a. "six-pack"
  • pecs – something very often shown off too as an icon of strength

Any others that should be sustained for relevance at e621?

For gluteus maximus there already is butt.

The main ones that people actually look for (and are currently used widely) are all fine and well in my opinion, though I think that's really all we need

Unless anyone objects I'm going to make a BUR for this later, once I get a full list down (aliasing to *_muscle/muscle)

urielfrys said:
I think some muscles are worth having tags, as they are so much in interests of people.

  • biceps – the bicep curl is a famous thing to show off this muscle
  • abs – a.k.a. "six-pack"
  • pecs – something very often shown off too as an icon of strength

For gluteus maximus there already is butt.

Those, I have no issue with. They're major muscle groups that are widely known and understood. But the ones Donovon found? Those are excessive for our purposes. Users are not likely to be able to tell other forearm muscles from the biceps. Few are going to care a whole lot about the rest of the muscles as they're typically not well defined in a picture. The teres majors would basically be synonymous with the currently invalidated armpit tag, and deltoids would basically be synonymous with shoulder.

The bulk update request #1849 has been rejected.

create alias brachioradialis (0) -> muscular (443351)
create alias scalenes (1) -> muscular (443351)
create alias serratus (5011) -> muscular (443351)
create alias sternocleidomastoid (2) -> muscular (443351)
create alias trapezius (538) -> muscular (443351)
create alias extensor_carpi (0) -> muscular (443351)
create alias flexor_carpi (1) -> muscular (443351)
create alias hamstrings (221) -> muscular (443351)
create alias scalenes (1) -> muscular (443351)
create alias sternocleidomastoid (2) -> muscular (443351)
create alias sartorius (15) -> muscular (443351)
create alias obliques (6831) -> muscular (443351)
create alias infraspinatus (35) -> muscular (443351)
create alias latissimus_dorsi (248) -> muscular (443351)
create alias teres_major (43) -> muscular (443351)
create alias deltoids (5120) -> muscular (443351)
create alias carpi (0) -> muscular (443351)
create alias big_brachioradialis (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_scalenes (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_serratus (1) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_sternocleidomastoid (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_trapezius (2) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_extensor_carpi (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_flexor_carpi (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_hamstrings (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_scalenes (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_sternocleidomastoid (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_sartorius (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_obliques (1) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_infraspinatus (1) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_latissimus_dorsi (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_teres_major (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_deltoids (947) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_carpi (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias huge_brachioradialis (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_scalenes (1) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_serratus (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_sternocleidomastoid (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_trapezius (1) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_extensor_carpi (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_flexor_carpi (1) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_hamstrings (1) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_scalenes (1) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_sternocleidomastoid (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_sartorius (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_obliques (1) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_infraspinatus (1) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_latissimus_dorsi (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_teres_major (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_deltoids (475) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_carpi (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)

Reason: Most of these tags have next to no practical use and as such are tag spam in my eyes. I've never even heard of half of these, and I'd bet most other people haven't either. The only ones that have a significant presence currently (>50 posts) are:
- serratus (1889)
- obliques (2638)
- deltoids (716)
- big_deltoids (297)
- huge_deltoids (132)
- hamstrings (64)

I've left these in currently as this was for the most part auto generated.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1849 (forum #324679) has been rejected by @Donovan_DMC.

Updated by auto moderator

I'd love to get others' opinions on BUR #1849, as proposed by donovan_dmc. I can appreciate the sentiment of wanting to reduce the number of seemingly hyper-specific and useless tags, but I think this BUR makes some substantial oversights.

I've outlined my thoughts below:

Are these tags useful?

First, I want to get one thing out of the way. It might be tempting to say something along the lines of:

I've never heard of these muscle names, so therefore they must be of interest to no one but anatomists and physiologists.

But please do not be scared away by the Latin names! The names can be obtuse, but no more so than the names of half the species tags on this site, including pinniped (sea lion, seal, walrus, etc.), herpestid (mongoose), and mephitid (skunks and stink badgers). In fact, several of the muscle groups covered in this BUR are known by slang terms which are in the common vocabulary of most anyone who engages in strength training:

Muscle groupSlang nameExample exercise
DeltoidsDelts, shouldersOverhead press, lateral raise
Latissimus dorsiLats, backWeighted cable row, lat pulldown
TrapeziusTrapsPushups, deadlifts
HamstringsHamsLeg curls, deadlifts

With that preamble out of the way, onto the meat of my post. I think that BUR #1849 is too heavy-handed in aliasing away tags. I know that several of my artist friends and I have searched e621 for references in understanding how to draw some of the major muscle groups on muscular characters, and eliminating all of these tags entirely would make e621 substantially less useful for finding muscular references in furry artwork. Tagging on e621 should not just describe the most-fetishised muscle groups (pecs, abs, biceps), but should also endeavour to maintain usefulness for finding reference material for furry artists.

Below, I describe which tags are most valuable for artistic reference; which tags can safely be aliased without compromising usefulness for artists; and which tags seem ill-defined, and thus probably should be aliased.

Major muscle groups - Useful

It's helpful to have tags for those images which depict the major muscle groups clearly and visibly.

For instance, lats are tricky muscles to draw. Yet the latissimus dorsi tag helps artists find reference for those muscles. It would be much more difficult to find such images otherwise, as the lats are visible from the front, side, and back. If an artist is interested in drawing the lats from the back side, they might search for a string like rear_view muscular, yet this returns a large proportion of pictures from artists who have not defined the lats clearly and pictures of muscular characters who are wearing shirts that obscure the lats. The site becomes far less searchable for muscular reference when these tags are eliminated.

The following tags are used by artists who draw muscular characters, based on personal experience and conversations with friends who draw muscular anthros:

  • Deltoids
  • Hamstrings
  • Latissimus dorsi
  • Obliques
  • Serratus
  • Trapezius

It is no coincidence that donovan_dmc identified almost all of these tags as having a significant presence in their original post, as these six tags in particular describe highly visible muscles which cannot faithfully be replaced by the muscular tag alone. I would hate to see these ones go without proper discussion.

Minor muscle groups - Less useful
Forearm muscles

At the time of writing, the wiki suggests using the tag forearm_muscles to describe the muscles in the forearm (i.e., between the elbow and the wrist), when they're noticeably developed and visible. I think this is a splendid idea, and I would suggest instead of aliasing all of the forearm muscles to muscular, as recommended in the original BUR, the following list of aliases:

Possible changes

create alias brachioradialis -> forearm_muscles
create alias extensor_carpi -> forearm_muscles
create alias flexor_carpi -> forearm_muscles
create alias carpi -> forearm_muscles

Neck muscles

The original BUR identifies the following neck muscles:

  • scalenes (currently tagged on 20 posts)
  • sternocleidomastoid (currently tagged on 145 posts)

Together with the tags muscular_neck (58 posts) and neck_muscles (93 posts), these tags cover about 300 posts (28 posts currently have more than one of these tags, by my count).

Similar to the solution of aliasing all the forearm muscles to forearm_muscles, I think it would be reasonable to suggest a similar pattern for neck muscles:

Possible changes

create alias scalenes -> neck_muscles
create alias sternocleidomastoid -> neck_muscles
create alias muscular_neck -> neck_muscles

Note that a character with a muscular neck is, trivially, muscular. However, the presence of visible neck muscles does not by itself imply that the character is muscular in appearance.

Leg muscles

The legs contain only three major muscle groups: the quadriceps, the hamstrings, and the calves.

The sartorius muscle in the inner thigh, mentioned in BUR #1849, is involved in hip abduction and is important for horse-riding. Most well-equipped gyms actually have a hip abduction/adduction machine, specifically for users to train their sartorius muscles! However, sartorius muscles are not tagged frequently and can easily be found on the muscular_thighs tag. Thus, it would not substantially hinder artists to alias sartorius to a more general thigh_muscles tag which shall also be implied by the muscular_thighs tag.

The muscular_thighs tag should also be implicated by tags for quadriceps and hamstrings, as the only two major muscle groups in the thighs. Furthermore, the moderately popular (>500 tagged posts) big_quads tag should alias to the more common muscular_thighs, which should implicate big_muscles.

Finally, the quads tag should be aliased to the slightly more verbose quadriceps. Though many gym-goers abbreviate the term, just as they shorten "bicep" to "bi", "quad" is not immediately recognisable as a muscle group to everyone who might come across this tag whilst browsing.

Possible changes

remove alias thigh_muscles -> muscular_thighs
create alias sartorius -> thigh_muscles
create implication quadriceps -> thigh_muscles
create implication hamstrings -> thigh_muscles
create implication muscular_thighs -> thigh_muscles
create implication muscular_thighs -> muscular
create alias quads -> quadriceps
create alias big_quads -> muscular_thighs
create alias big_quadriceps -> muscular_thighs
create alias huge_quads -> muscular_thighs
create alias huge_quadriceps -> muscular_thighs

Back muscles

The infraspinatus and teres major are substantially smaller back muscles than the latissimus dorsi, and are visible from fewer angles. In my personal experience, they are less likely to be referenced by artists as a result. As such, I would propose aliasing these tags to the more general back muscles tag, which is already in broad use -- it has 5.6k tagged images at the time of writing.

Possible changes

create alias infraspinatus -> back_muscles
create alias teres_major -> back_muscles

big_*, huge_* - Least useful

These tags are mostly applied sparingly, and the presence of big_* muscles entails that the image depicts big_muscles more generally -- and the same for huge_* muscles with huge_muscles. It is not clear by looking at the usage of these tags what separates a character with, say, big_scalenes from any other image tagged scalenes.

I support all of the aliases in the original BUR, except perhaps big_deltoids and huge_deltoids.

By this point, over 500 images are tagged big_deltoids, which might imply that beefy shoulders are a subject of particular interest for many. Perhaps particularly muscular deltoids should receive treatment more like particularly muscular pecs (and their associated tags, big_pecs and huge_pecs). For this reason, I would suggest that instead of aliasing big_deltoids to big_muscles, big_deltoids should remain as its own tag since there is clearly a demand for tagging characters with this muscle groups particularly developed as opposed to simply visible. As with penis, balls, and breasts tags (among others), huge_* should imply big_*, as well as the base tag for the body part described. This also should be fixed for the tags describing different sizes of pecs.

Lastly, the big_biceps, huge_biceps, big_triceps, and huge_triceps tags have proliferated in the months since BUR #1849 was proposed. A character drawn with well-developed biceps (the muscles on the front of the upper arm) or well-developed triceps (the muscles on the back of the upper arm) has muscular arms. Thus, following the naming conventions of the popular muscular_thighs tag, it makes sense to alias [size]_biceps and [size]_triceps to muscular_arms, just as [size]_quads should alias to muscular_thighs.

Possible changes

create implication hyper_pecs -> huge_pecs
create implication huge_pecs -> big_pecs
create implication huge_deltoids -> big_deltoids
create implication big_deltoids -> deltoids
create alias big_biceps -> muscular_arms
create alias huge_biceps -> muscular_arms
create alias big_triceps -> muscular_arms
create alias huge_triceps -> muscular_arms
create implication muscular_arms -> muscular

# Note: I was considering that huge_pecs and huge_deltoids might imply huge_muscles, and that big_pecs and big_deltoids might imply big_muscles, but the wiki page for hyper_pecs quite clearly states that if just the pecs are hyper, it does not follow that the hyper_muscles tag should apply. As such, I have been conservative here and only implied huge_pecs from hyper_pecs, big_pecs from huge_pecs, and big_deltoids from huge_deltoids as far as size implications go.


I have advanced an argument as to the usefulness of some -- but not all -- of these tags, and suggested many alternative changes in tag structuring to those put forward in BUR #1849. To summarise:

  • BUR #1849 aliases away many major and minor muscle groups alike. Several of the major muscle group tags, such as deltoids and latissimus dorsi, are useful to artists and should not be aliased away.
  • Though their names are Latin and intimidating, the major muscle groups are important and identifiable even to the average gym-goer who engages in strength training (albeit by shortened names like "delts" and "lats"). These muscle groups are drawn in detail by many furry artists, and these artists utilise e621's tagging to find artistic references.
  • Most big_* and huge_* tags are rarely used and can be included in more general tags without much loss of information. I propose implications and aliases to promote use of the existing muscular_arms, muscular_thighs, big_muscles, and huge_muscles tags, while eliminating hyper-specific tags such as huge_serratus.
  • Ultimately, the changes I propose shall create general-purpose muscle group tags which subsume the less popular muscle tags (e.g., neck_muscles instead of scalenes and sternocleidomastoid). This will cut down on tag spam and increase searchability using non-specialist terminology. These changes shall maintain separate tags for the most popular major muscle groups, such as lats and deltoids.

I would love to hear others' thoughts. I have written my suggestions into a set of BURs that could be voted on as an alternative to BUR #1849.

Possible alternative BUR

(This proposal comprises bulk update request #3348, bulk update request #3370, and bulk update request #3371.)

# Forearm muscles
create alias brachioradialis -> forearm_muscles
create alias extensor_carpi -> forearm_muscles
create alias flexor_carpi -> forearm_muscles
create alias carpi -> forearm_muscles

# Neck muscles
create alias scalenes -> neck_muscles
create alias sternocleidomastoid -> neck_muscles
create alias muscular_neck -> neck_muscles

# Leg muscles
remove alias thigh_muscles -> muscular_thighs
create alias sartorius -> thigh_muscles
create implication quadriceps -> thigh_muscles
create implication hamstrings -> thigh_muscles
create implication muscular_thighs -> thigh_muscles
create implication muscular_thighs -> muscular
create alias quads -> quadriceps
create alias big_quads -> muscular_thighs
create alias big_quadriceps -> muscular_thighs
create alias huge_quads -> muscular_thighs
create alias huge_quadriceps -> muscular_thighs
create alias big_hamstrings -> muscular_thighs
create alias huge_hamstrings -> muscular_thighs

# All the big_* and huge_* muscle-group tags receiving widespread usage
create implication hyper_pecs -> huge_pecs
create implication huge_pecs -> big_pecs
create implication huge_deltoids -> big_deltoids
create implication big_deltoids -> deltoids
create alias big_biceps -> muscular_arms
create alias huge_biceps -> muscular_arms
create alias big_triceps -> muscular_arms
create alias huge_triceps -> muscular_arms
create implication muscular_arms -> muscular

# The aliases below clean up the remaining big_* and huge_* tags via the pattern big_[muscle-group] -> big_muscles, huge_[muscle-group] -> huge_muscles
create alias big_abs -> big_muscles
create alias big_brachioradialis -> big_muscles
create alias big_calves -> big_muscles
create alias big_carpi -> big_muscles
create alias big_extensor_carpi -> big_muscles
create alias big_flexor_carpi -> big_muscles
create alias big_infraspinatus -> big_muscles
create alias big_latissimus_dorsi -> big_muscles
create alias big_obliques -> big_muscles
create alias big_sartorius -> big_muscles
create alias big_scalenes -> big_muscles
create alias big_serratus -> big_muscles
create alias big_sternocleidomastoid -> big_muscles
create alias big_teres_major -> big_muscles
create alias big_trapezius -> big_muscles
create alias huge_abs -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_brachioradialis -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_calves -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_carpi -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_extensor_carpi -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_flexor_carpi -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_infraspinatus -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_latissimus_dorsi -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_obliques -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_sartorius -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_scalenes -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_serratus -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_sternocleidomastoid -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_teres_major -> huge_muscles
create alias huge_trapezius -> huge_muscles


The bulk update request #3348 is active.

create alias brachioradialis (0) -> forearm_muscles (1098)
create alias extensor_carpi (0) -> forearm_muscles (1098)
create alias flexor_carpi (1) -> forearm_muscles (1098)
create alias carpi (0) -> forearm_muscles (1098)
create alias scalenes (1) -> neck_muscles (1162)
create alias sternocleidomastoid (2) -> neck_muscles (1162)
create alias muscular_neck (2) -> neck_muscles (1162)
remove alias thigh_muscles (9) -> muscular_thighs (14249)
create alias big_quads (1) -> muscular_thighs (14249)
create alias big_quadriceps (0) -> muscular_thighs (14249)
create alias huge_quads (0) -> muscular_thighs (14249)
create alias huge_quadriceps (0) -> muscular_thighs (14249)
create alias big_hamstrings (0) -> muscular_thighs (14249)
create alias huge_hamstrings (1) -> muscular_thighs (14249)
create implication muscular_thighs (14249) -> muscular (443351)
create implication hyper_pecs (1025) -> huge_pecs (3979)
create implication huge_pecs (3979) -> big_pecs (16306)
create implication huge_deltoids (475) -> big_deltoids (947)
create implication big_deltoids (947) -> deltoids (5120)
create alias huge_biceps (2) -> muscular_arms (8825)
create alias big_triceps (1) -> muscular_arms (8825)
create alias huge_triceps (2) -> muscular_arms (8825)
create implication muscular_arms (8825) -> muscular (443351)

NOTE: The existing alias of thigh_muscles to muscular_thighs will first have to be removed before implementing the changes to leg muscles.

EDIT: The bulk update request #3348 (forum #346169) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

I'd like to chime in as a furry artist who often uses e621 to find reference images specifically because of its extremely thorough tagging system.

BUR #1849 would be a severe detriment to e621.

Artists like myself use e621 to find artistic depictions of all sorts of muscle groups, not just the ones you can spell in six letters or less.

I and others also use these specific muscle tags to find images for personal enjoyment; plenty of people love big trapezius, deltoid, or oblique muscles. How do I know that? I draw commissions, and my commissioners frequently request special emphasis on or enlargement of these and other muscle groups that BUR #1849 is proposing to erase.

Now, I do think some of the more-specific tags can be collapsed into larger umbrella terms the way monroethelizard proposes in BUR #3348. Collapsing the scientific name tags into tags for muscles in the neck, thighs, forearms, etc. makes sense and makes these tags more accessible to most users, without eliminating the usefulness they provide. After all, many people with a fetish for thigh muscles won't know the actual names of the individual muscle groups they're looking for, but are likely to be pleased with the results for searching "muscular_thighs", if such a tag were adopted as a replacement for the current, more-specific ones.

The same goes for artists looking for reference images. After all, if you're looking up references of *any* thigh muscle, you probably need a reference of the entire thigh anyway.

I believe grouping and simplifying muscle tags the way monroethelizard proposes will lead to an increase in these tags being used and searched for. At the very least, it is a far better suggestion than eliminating nearly all muscle tags.

That being said, I would strongly caution against taking this collapsing of tags too far in the future. Tags for the upper- and forearm should remain separate, as should the upper and lower leg, and the front and back of the neck. These are completely distinct muscle groups that often aren't (or even can't be) emphasized simultaneously in a single depiction of a character. Grouping them together would impede effective searching for both artists and muscle fetishists.

As a final note, thank you to everyone who initiates and engages in these sorts of discussions. Continual improvement to the tagging system is what makes e621 the most useful place to search for furry art for both work and pleasure. :3

Actually, a funny use for these tags is to FIND anatomy references. I mean, thinking like a Google user or something.

The bulk update request #3370 is active.

create alias big_abs (1) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_brachioradialis (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_calves (2) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_carpi (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_extensor_carpi (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_flexor_carpi (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_infraspinatus (1) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_latissimus_dorsi (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_obliques (1) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_sartorius (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_scalenes (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_serratus (1) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_sternocleidomastoid (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_teres_major (0) -> big_muscles (62718)
create alias big_trapezius (2) -> big_muscles (62718)

Reason: See post above (forum #346169)

EDIT: The bulk update request #3370 (forum #346471) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #3371 is active.

create alias huge_abs (2) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_brachioradialis (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_calves (1) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_carpi (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_extensor_carpi (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_flexor_carpi (1) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_infraspinatus (1) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_latissimus_dorsi (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_obliques (1) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_sartorius (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_scalenes (1) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_serratus (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_sternocleidomastoid (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_teres_major (0) -> huge_muscles (22969)
create alias huge_trapezius (1) -> huge_muscles (22969)

Reason: See post above (forum #346169)

EDIT: The bulk update request #3371 (forum #346472) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

+1 for BUR #3348 , BUR #3370 , and BUR #3371

The bulk requests made by monroethelizard are very well orgamized and pristine. As someone who helps out with tagging posts (often with muscle-related tags), I feel like these tags need a bit of a clean-up indeed. Here’s hoping that these BURs will get approved.

I do have a question though: If we decide to alias specific big and huge muscles to the big_muscles and huge_muscles tags (as seen in the second and third BURs), what about the specific hyper muscles? Shouldn’t we make a fourth BUR aliasing certain hyper muscles to the hyper_muscles tag?


The bulk update request #4724 is active.

create alias hyper_abs (2) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_brachioradialis (1) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_calves (2) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_carpi (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_extensor_carpi (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_flexor_carpi (1) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_infraspinatus (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_latissimus_dorsi (3) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_obliques (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_sartorius (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_scalenes (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_serratus (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_sternocleidomastoid (1) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_teres_major (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_trapezius (1) -> hyper_muscles (9125)

Reason: Similar to BUR #3370 and BUR #3371 , but for the hyper muscles

See post above (forum #346169) for a broader explanation.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4724 (forum #364464) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator



monroethelizard said:
With that preamble out of the way, onto the meat of my post. I think that BUR #1849 is too heavy-handed in aliasing away tags. I know that several of my artist friends and I have searched e621 for references in understanding how to draw some of the major muscle groups on muscular characters, and eliminating all of these tags entirely would make e621 substantially less useful for finding muscular references in furry artwork. Tagging on e621 should not just describe the most-fetishised muscle groups (pecs, abs, biceps), but should also endeavour to maintain usefulness for finding reference material for furry artists.

Looking at art references for your own art seems like a good way to mess up. An artist's primary reference for anatomy should be from real-life anatomy books on the subject. Trying to learn from other peoples' art is like trying to copy from a copy, you'll end up duplicating their mistakes or exaggerating their exaggerations, and eventually end up with something that doesn't look like what you're actually trying to make anymore (then get into tagging fights when you try to tag it, and others come along and say it looks nothing like it, but you say that's what it's intended to be, and they say no, and you say...). I would strongly advise aspiring artists against using furry art as a primary anatomy reference for whatever can be found with tags here.

Art as a secondary or tertiary guide may make more sense, but even then, I suspect it would be more useful to gravitate toward artists that are known to have good anatomy, or a particular style of anatomy you're interested in building off of, rather than a random smattering of images that happen to have the tags made by random people of varying skill levels.

watsit said:
Looking at art references for your own art seems like a good way to mess up.

As an artist myself, I can tell you it doesn't just seem like a good way to mess up, it is a good way to mess up. No matter who draws it or what the subject is, art has inherent stylization built right into it. Muscle groups in art can be problematic with that stylization. Sometimes, they're left out, while other times, muscles that have no correlation with actual muscle groups can be added in for effect. It's best to do what all those artists doing anatomy sketches are doing and reference real life muscle anatomy directly, thus all your stylizations will be all yours and not the equivalent of xeroxpox on fifth generation photocopies of a photograph.

watsit said:
Looking at art references for your own art seems like a good way to mess up. An artist's primary reference for anatomy should be...

clawstripe said:
As an artist myself, [agreement].

You make a valid point. I think most anyone would agree that it's ill-advised to learn figure anatomy by using e621's catalogue as your primary or sole reference material. That doesn't denigrate the value it holds as a secondary resource, though.

I mean people could use it to learn stylizations.

By the way, great job on the BUR monroethelizard 👍

urielfrys said:
I think some muscles are worth having tags, as they are so much in interests of people.

  • biceps – the bicep curl is a famous thing to show off this muscle
  • abs – a.k.a. "six-pack"
  • pecs – something very often shown off too as an icon of strength

Any others that should be sustained for relevance at e621?

For gluteus maximus there already is butt.

You could get a "muscular butt" tag for particularly toned butts, but using the scientific term is just silly.

zenith-pendragon said:
The bulk update request #4724 is active.

create alias hyper_abs (2) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_brachioradialis (1) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_calves (2) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_carpi (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_extensor_carpi (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_flexor_carpi (1) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_infraspinatus (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_latissimus_dorsi (3) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_obliques (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_sartorius (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_scalenes (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_serratus (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_sternocleidomastoid (1) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_teres_major (0) -> hyper_muscles (9125)
create alias hyper_trapezius (1) -> hyper_muscles (9125)

Reason: Similar to BUR #3370 and BUR #3371 , but for the hyper muscles

See post above (forum #346169) for a broader explanation.

The misuse of hyper is one of my personal pet peeves, not a single set of abs under the tag look different than normal, fairly realistic abs.

post #1448125

What's hyper about this?

I probably should have formatted my original posts a bit differently when I made my comments a year ago, but please don't forget about BUR #3348! It's the one at the bottom of my original post's "Possible alternative BUR" dropdown.

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