Topic: Vanny (FNAF:SB) Posts still Pending? [mini-rant] about humans in fursuit art

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What's with some of the Vanny Post still being pending on with 1 Approver and 1 who think is irrelevant?
She may be a human in an anthropomorphic costume, but even in the costume, she shows emotion, there are signs of life in the costume presented in the artwork
She looks exactly like an athro rabbit and there's not even any sign of a human in the costume.
There's a MOD out there being butthurt about the Vanny NSFW. like look at this
post #3098547
How is this irrelevant?

I swear there are people on this site who don't know what to do with Vanny, just let her stay for christ's sake. She's not too different from other humans in anthro suits.
Sometimes this site gets a little hypocritical when it comes to humans in anthro suits and Y'all should sit down and talk about it. Always doing something wonky with the humanoid tags.
Accepting one thing and Denying another when some are virtually the same, gets annoying and that's why distributors don't upload what is basically furry-suiting art. Vanny is basically that.
Make up your mind. It would be such a drag having the same character being ACCEPTED and DENIED. What a drag.
post #3103291

Fursuiting artwork both SFW & NSFW not being qualified on a furry website, gimme a break.
You see a rabbit but her breasts are human, UH-OH NOT QUALIFIED!

Updated by Millcore

She's not too different from other humans in anthro suits.

See, I wouldn't have known that was a suit if you didn't say so. She just looks like a raggedy old rabbit animatronic.

closetpossum said:
She's not too different from other humans in anthro suits.

... which are specifically not allowed. Or rather, not allowed as the sole subject of the image -- a human in a fursuit is fine as long as there's some prevalent non-human character also in the image. But human-only art, even humans wearing a fursuit, is against the uploading guidelines. If it looks like a human in a fursuit, it's treated as a human character.

But when it comes to this character specifically, it's sometimes hard to tell whether it's a "living" life-size anthro plush/animatronic rabbit (which is allowed), or a human in a rabbit suit (which is not allowed). That's why you see some images of her get removed, while others stay, and some mods thinking some images of her aren't relevant to the site.

I wouldn't have known the first example was a human inside a costume without seeing this thread, and would've assumed it was some sort of anthro plushie or animatronic. It's a little weird that outside information gets considered when it comes to approvals but it's a big no-no when it comes to tagging.

It doesn't even seem to be enforced consistently as some that show a lot of skin get approved
post #2923569 post #2506227

I wonder if they'd be relevant to the site if there were holes in the side of the costume that revealed the character had humanoid_pointy_ears

faucet said:
I wouldn't have known the first example was a human inside a costume without seeing this thread, and would've assumed it was some sort of anthro plushie or animatronic. It's a little weird that outside information gets considered when it comes to approvals but it's a big no-no when it comes to tagging.

It doesn't even seem to be enforced consistently as some that show a lot of skin get approved
post #2923569 post #2506227

I wonder if they'd be relevant to the site if there were holes in the side of the costume that revealed the character had humanoid_pointy_ears

I think MODS need to take a good hard look at humanoids and reconsider what is allowed here. I could see more HUMANS than a Human in a dang fursuit.
Human has horns - Allowed
Human has pointy ears (the elf tag) - Allowed
Human in different skin-tone (literally human "but alien") - Allowed

make up your mind. Y'know?

faucet said:
I wouldn't have known the first example was a human inside a costume without seeing this thread, and would've assumed it was some sort of anthro plushie or animatronic. It's a little weird that outside information gets considered when it comes to approvals but it's a big no-no when it comes to tagging.

It doesn't even seem to be enforced consistently as some that show a lot of skin get approved
post #2923569 post #2506227

I wonder if they'd be relevant to the site if there were holes in the side of the costume that revealed the character had humanoid_pointy_ears

For these two examples, the character (or ar least her face) is acting in a way that wouldn't be possible if she was just a human in a normal fursuit - in the first her rabbit eyes are looking at the viewer and she's biting a knife, and in the second she's doing the full ahegao face. Even if the character is canonically a human (I have no idea, I've never played a FNAF game and I never plan to), I would tag these as animal_head.

closetpossum said:
PENDING - 1 Irrelevant
fursuiter with VERY expressive face, RABBIT COSTUME
can ya make this not confusing?

Just wait a bit for another janitor to look at it. Borderline cases like this is why there is the approval process, so more than one mod can make a decision on it. Out of the hundreds of Vanny posts on this site, only about a dozen were deleted for being human (there are a few more that were deleted for being unapproved for 30 days, but that could be for quality issues). While personally I think a couple of the deleted pics had an animate-enough head to be non-human, from all the other posts of this character that have been approved it appears that the mods usually lean on the lenient side.

If anything, the constant complaints are liable to get a moderator to quickly jump to the delete decision. "Oh you didn't like it still pending? Okay deleted." It's not pending anymore hurrah!

closetpossum said:
Human has pointy ears (the elf tag) - Allowed

Which certain people (including some moderators) have complained about, due to it causing the site to lose its furry-focus, as well as cause unnecessary drama when a post's viability is solely based on whether a character's subtly pointy ears are visible. The Legend of Zelda has seen many complaints over this, as much of the art is basically-humans (Zelda, Ganondorf, Young Link, and non-wolf/rabbit Link banging it out with nary a furry-relevant character in sight), with no reliable way to filter it out. Especially the animations, where it can be dozens of seconds or minutes long and the ears may only be visible for a split second.

closetpossum said:
Human in different skin-tone (literally human "but alien") - Allowed

As mentioned, not allowed (without another more furry-relevant character also there).

jockjamdoorslam said:
For these two examples, the character (or ar least her face) is acting in a way that wouldn't be possible if she was just a human in a normal fursuit

I'm not sure that actually matters, if it otherwise looks like a mask. Grimart's Addiction comic had a similar character, a human woman with a partial fursuit (head and arms), but was drawn in a way that made it look like the face was expressing in a way not physically possible of a mask. After some pages were posted and arguments made, NMNY deemed it to be a not-relevant human character despite that and deleted the pages as human-only. In response, the artist went back and gave all the humans slightly pointy ears specifically for e621, which allowed it on the site again, and which neither side was all that happy with (one side complaining such a subtle irrelevant change was clearly skirting the rules, and the other complaining that it needed the change in the first place).

watsit said:
In response, the artist went back and gave all the humans slightly pointy ears specifically for e621, which allowed it on the site again, and which neither side was all that happy with (one side complaining such a subtle irrelevant change was clearly skirting the rules, and the other complaining that it needed the change in the first place).

skirting the rule? lol, they made the rules, they can't complain if an artist finds a way to slap them with their own rules. I want to shake that artist's hand.

closetpossum said:
skirting the rule? lol, they made the rules, they can't complain if an artist finds a way to slap them with their own rules.

The admins aren't the ones complaining. If the admins really didn't want it here, it wouldn't be here. They did what they were supposed to do, they applied the rules as they currently are without showing favoritism; humans, even those in fursuits, aren't relevant to the site (which caused the original pages to be deleted), while humanoids, which includes elves, demons, etc, are relevant to the site (which allows the altered pages to stay).

I was talking about normal users and some moderators, who aren't admins and don't have a direct say in what the rules are. Both the people who think the comic should be here and those that think it shouldn't be here say the change the artist made shouldn't have been a deciding factor. So far, the admins haven't made a move to close that loophole, but neither side of the user-base is happy with that loophole existing; on one side, you have people that think more human stuff should be allowed and that loophole is a technicality blocking stuff (Ganondorf-on-Link porn being deleted because their ears aren't visible, or Vanny porn being deleted because she drawn less like an anthro/animatronic/plush rabbit), while on the other side you have people that think that loophole is a technicality allowing more human stuff that isn't relevant to the site (CG animations of Young Link and Zelda banging, without so much as Navi or Midna in sight).