Topic: Devil-Vox BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

It seems both FA accounts link to the same DA account that's also on the artist's wiki page, although devilvox's of FA contacts use an older, no longer supported version of the link.

clawstripe said:
It seems both FA accounts link to the same DA account that's also on the artist's wiki page, although devilvox's of FA contacts use an older, no longer supported version of the link.

I think the devilvox FA account put in too much of their dA link on their FA profile - instead of just devil-vox.

If I remember correctly, FA wants to fill in most of the link itself. If you are Artiste on FA, and you want to link to your Weasyl and dA accounts on your FA profile, you *only* put Artiste in the boxes that FA gives you. FA then turns them into and respectively.

If you put in the box that FA gives you, FA will turn it into , which I think is what happened here.

(Presumably, if you put the modern-style dA link of into FA, FA would turn it into , which is also unlikely to work.)

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