The rating system is truly one of the most annoying things on e621. of course rating pictures is a nice thing and can be helpful to sort out good and bad pictures. but there are no bad comments. of course there can be comments which someone doesnt like, doesnt mean they are dumb or negative or bad or what ever.
each comment reflects the commentators thoughts and opinions, there is no need someone else needs to like it or not. since mittsies called my comment as "the dumbest comment ever on e621" !ALL! of my comments get at least one downvote, doesnt matter what or what not, and i have simply the guess mittsies downvotes them. simple as it is: i am pretty new to e621 like a lot of others, shouldnt there be any thoughts like "hmm... he is new, maybe i should say to him his comment doesnt really fit to e621?". did it ever came? no, nobody said that or similar, just offensive and egoistic comments against these ones, no wonder why a lot of people leave after they registered. i would do the same if i wouldn´t have a strong will.
a simple suggestion: remove the rating system from the comments. not needed because everyone can freely share his thoughts and opinions about something, he dont needs agrees or disagrees. (except people like red buttons) the only thing i need is respectful behavior and some niveau.
I really respect you and your arts, also your Youtube channel and music, but i still cant accept it that you as moderator call my comments as the dumbest comment ever on e621, there is my cap of respect. i support at least arts which have not a high quality, i also support arts which maybe doesnt fit to e621, AND of course i hope for improvements, but i dont support egoistic artists which think they can do or say everything just because they are known a little bit.
thanks for reading, hope for respectful comments and constructive critic.
Regards ~ Nightsky
Updated by Neitsuke