Topic: 2021 Ursa Awards: can vote for e621 (voting March 1 to 31, 2022)

Posted under General

Voting for Ursa Major Awards (for 2021 works) has started and goes until March 31.
e621 is in the award category of Websites.

We won in 2018 (for 2017 works), so we can do it again.

Go to to vote (if you got a nomination Key from nomination phase, you can re-use it for voting Key)
If you don't have a key, go to that URL, type in your email address and key will be emailed to you.

The Website nominees (top5 from nomination period) are:


(forgotten details from past, so...)
Previous UMA nominees, for a little context (but just a few years worth):

(a preference-1 vote adds more to Score, then preference-2 and preference-3 votes)

Runners-up: SoFurry, Loona, Furry Life Online, and Stolas. (but not e21. The upside: e621 has more support this year, because we back in top5 nominees.)

nominees score total votes preference-1 votes
FurAffinity 1533 627 370
e621 1035 (2nd largest score!) 472 200 (nice!)
Inkbunny 630 335 82
WikiFur 373 223 38
Newgrounds 290 154 40

Stats from

  • 2018 works: (WINNER!!!!!)

Runners-up (page says "in descending number of votes", but seems to be sorted by Score): Inkbunny, WikiFur,, and Furry Writers' Guild.

nominees score total votes preference-1 votes
e621 377 164 85
Inkbunny 315 (tie-breaker probably pref-1 votes) 139 67
Wikifur 315 158 53 223 97 47
Furry Writers' Guild 221 111 32

Stats from

(running out of steam)

  • 2017 works: Inkbunny (winner) (Score: 922. Total votes: 383)

Runners-up were:

  • e621 (Score: 865. Total votes: 386 ... so 3more votes than the winner)
  • WikiFur
  • The Furry Writers’ Guild
  • The Cross Time Cafe:

Stats from:

TRANSLATION: we have a shot at winning. IF WE VOTE.

(forum topic from 2017 topic #17811)

Forgot to mention,
you can start with voting for only ONE or more things,
and you can change your votes at any time (until the end of March 31).

When you log-in to the voting page AFTER the first time, you might need to reload (aka refresh) the page so you can see your latest votes (otherwise you might be looking at an old version that is cached on your computer).

Voting closing soon (voting March 1 – 31). Still able to login to Ursa's voting page,

so probably a few hours left to VOTE VOTE VOOOTE!!!!!!

"Voting is currently closed."

Drat (was hoping to vote in more categories),
but at least i voted in eight categories.

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