Topic: Art Advices

Posted under Art Talk

Just two measly questions.

1) How to draw a group picture by making the characters small but good quality to fit in a picture? Because I often have trouble of making things small. Both traditionally and in tablet/digitally

2) How to draw and write smoothly in a tablet?

Note: I only have SAI.

Updated by NoctemWerewolf

i don't know much about art, but the first problem could be fixed by making the pic's resolution bigger, more space to draw and when it resizes it will hold a good quality.

as for the second i have no idea, sorry.

ps. this info may be innacurate and/or i could be a moron.

Updated by anonymous

1. draw on big canvas (like 4000x4000) and then scale it down when it finished.

2. sai has stabilizer, use it. set it on s-4 for normal drawing and s-7 when you are drawing long lines. it might take a while to learn draw with stabilizer but its worth it.

Updated by anonymous

Just_Another_Dragon said:
i don't know much about art,

>Yet is in the Art Talk tag

Irony isn't it?

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, what Mutisija said, but make sure to keep checking what the image looks zoomed out to fit your screen. Otherwise you'll end up wasting time by adding details that won't be seen in the final product.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
1. draw on big canvas (like 4000x4000) and then scale it down when it finished.

What about traditionally?

Updated by anonymous

Ponynstuff320 said:
>Yet is in the Art Talk tag



Updated by anonymous

Ponynstuff320 said:

What about traditionally?

draw on A2 or A3 paper.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
>calls greentexting as memearrows

>text that is green
On chan, yes, but here?
maymay arrows

Updated by anonymous

In reference to the first question, try doing some smaller studies to get a better idea of what size the characters would need to be on the actual project. Small studies aren't nearly as time-consuming and can help you figure out issues before they become major problems.

In reference to the second question, make sure the software you're using supports tablet functionality. Also, be sure to check that you have the proper drivers installed and that those drivers are operational and up to date.

If you're asking how you can achieve smoother strokes in general, then you'll need to look at software with stylus stabilization--such as paint Tool SAI and Manga Studio 5. If you happen to have Photoshop, then Lazy Nezumi is also an option.

Happy holidays! o/

Updated by anonymous

Misappropriated said:

In reference to the second question, make sure the software you're using supports tablet functionality. Also, be sure to check that you have the proper drivers installed and that those drivers are operational and up to date.

If you're asking how you can achieve smoother strokes in general, then you'll need to look at software with stylus stabilization--such as paint Tool SAI and Manga Studio 5. If you happen to have Photoshop, then Lazy Nezumi is also an option.

Happy holidays! o/

Mutisija said:
2. sai has stabilizer, use it. set it on s-4 for normal drawing and s-7 when you are drawing long lines. it might take a while to learn draw with stabilizer but its worth it.

Depthly, I've drawn poor lines whenever I'm drawing on my stylus on my tablet and behind the computer, and I have a hard time looking at both my tablet and computer at the same time. Hope this explains to what I meant. XD

Also, Merry Christmas to you too Misappropriated. :3

Updated by anonymous

ShimaSoul said:
>text that is green
On chan, yes, but here?
maymay arrows

they're technically called chevrons

and OP don't bother learning how to draw, trust me you'll regret it

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
they're technically called chevrons

and OP don't bother learning how to draw, trust me you'll regret it

Say that to trillions of people on the internet that.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
and OP don't bother learning how to draw, trust me you'll regret it

i draw and tbh its the best thing in my life. how anyone could regret learning to draw :?

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
i draw and tbh its the best thing in my life. how anyone could regret learning to draw :?

Possibly attempting bait. Best to ignore.

Updated by anonymous

I use Opencanvas 1.1 and the lines are really nice and smooth, it's a nice simple thing to start with line art IMO. I tried SAI and I didn't much care for it :c

Remember, just practice and draw what makes you happy :3

EDIT: also I found that using your tablet as a mouse can help you get used to it. Just try browsing with it for awhile or whatever and that might help.

Updated by anonymous

ShimaSoul said:
>text that is green
On chan, yes, but here?
maymay arrows

>les mames
>whoa wut

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
they're technically called chevrons

and OP don't bother learning how to draw, trust me you'll regret it

What a Killjoy :/

Updated by anonymous

Hey, just speaking the truth. Don't say you weren't warned.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Hey, just speaking the truth. Don't say you weren't warned.

It's not the truth for everyone. For many people drawing is one of the most fulfilling and satisfying parts of their life. There's no need to discourage someone else because it wasn't that way for you. In fact, neither experience towards art is universally true for everyone. Whether it will be something they enjoy doing or not really their cup of tea, is not something anyone here can predict. They just have to find that out for themselves.

Personally, the only drawing I have ever regretted was when I drew based on what someone else wanted and I ended up disregarding my own preferences on it. That was very unsatisfying and I had to learn it just wasn't worth it to me, not ever. But drawing the things I want to draw and the way I want to draw them is very relaxing. On that, I only regret that I haven't made the time to do it more frequently. So sometimes the approach to art is just as important as anything else. Art is a very individual hobby.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Hey, just speaking the truth. Don't say you weren't warned.

At this point, Ozelot, I am quite convinced that you are unable to distinguish between 'my opinion' and 'the truth'.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
It's not the truth for everyone. For many people drawing is one of the most fulfilling and satisfying parts of their life. There's no need to discourage someone else because it wasn't that way for you. In fact, neither experience towards art is universally true for everyone. Whether it will be something they enjoy doing or not really their cup of tea, is not something anyone here can predict. They just have to find that out for themselves.

Personally, the only drawing I have ever regretted was when I drew based on what someone else wanted and I ended up disregarding my own preferences on it. That was very unsatisfying and I had to learn it just wasn't worth it to me, not ever. But drawing the things I want to draw and the way I want to draw them is very relaxing. On that, I only regret that I haven't made the time to do it more frequently. So sometimes the approach to art is just as important as anything else. Art is a very individual hobby.

Meh, drawing is great until you realize you could be getting paid to actually do something with yourself.

There just aren't enough incentives.

Updated by anonymous

Ponynstuff320 said:
Possibly attempting bait. Best to ignore.

Nah, he just started drawing with the intentions of raking in the big money with the least possible effort.

Trying to become popufur and then getting paid by furries didn't pan out, though.

Ozelot said:
Meh, drawing is great until you realize you could be getting paid to actually do something with yourself.

There just aren't enough incentives.

Masturbating is great and I don't get paid for it, yet I do it.
Hiking through the woods or fields is great and I don't get paid to do it, yet it is still awesome to do.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Masturbating is great and I don't get paid for it, yet I do it.
Hiking through the woods or fields is great and I don't get paid to do it, yet it is still awesome to do.

People try to exploit artists and their effort a lot more than you get exploited for taking walks though.

You can draw because you "enjoy" it if you wish, but look forward to one day getting ripped off or your hard work stolen. It'll happen.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
People try to exploit artists and their effort a lot more than you get exploited for taking walks though.

You can draw because you "enjoy" it if you wish, but look forward to one day getting ripped off or your hard work stolen. It'll happen.

And a walk through the woods can lead to a broken ankle or a rabid raccoon attack! So I should just never go on a walk again in my life.
You keep talking as if being an artist is the worst possible fate that could befall somebody.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
And a walk through the woods can lead to a broken ankle or a rabid raccoon attack! So I should just never go on a walk again in my life.
You keep talking as if being an artist is the worst possible fate that could befall somebody.

Not really... But you keep talking as if being an artist is magically perfect and there isn't anything about it that could possibly be bad :\

Honestly, all the great artists I've known have always end up quitting because they realize it's sucky and everyone just treats them like shit for all their hard work and effort.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Not really... But you keep talking as if being an artist is magically perfect and there isn't anything about it that could possibly be bad :\

Honestly, all the great artists I've known have always end up quitting because they realize it's sucky and everyone just treats them like shit for all their hard work and effort.

Different people pick up the pencil for different reasons, for some it's to have fun, for others a way to express themselves, for yet other it's therapy or soothing.
And then there's people who do it for attention or money only.

Coincidentally the attention and money folks are often the ones being extremely unhappy about creating art, which isn't surprising if it is seen as a chore, because nobody likes doing chores.

Updated by anonymous

i use art to express my feelings and to deal with my identity problems and sometimes i draw just for my own pleasure. creating art is honestly the best thing in my life. i have been drawing for years now and i havent seen yet any downsides in being artist :)

Updated by anonymous

I say this once and I'll say it again, how do I make my hand better while drawing a tablet? Like drawing on the tablet makes grisly lines and squiggly ones as well.

Updated by anonymous

Ponynstuff320 said:
I say this once and I'll say it again, how do I make my hand better while drawing a tablet? Like drawing on the tablet makes grisly lines and squiggly ones as well.

Get sai, use line stabilizer.

Updated by anonymous

Ponynstuff320 said:
I say this once and I'll say it again, how do I make my hand better while drawing a tablet? Like drawing on the tablet makes grisly lines and squiggly ones as well.

i answered to this question already. go back to top of the first page and see the 2. of my reply. it even has link to screenshot to help you find the stabilizer.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Get sai, use line stabilizer.

Mutisija already said this, and now NMNY did too, let's make this obvious.


As a side note, I've noticed that it's hard to ignore someone you've blacklisted when everyone keeps quoting them

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
As a side note, I've noticed that it's hard to ignore someone you've blacklisted when everyone keeps quoting them

Off to bug report? is that valid?
I'm holding all my opinions because what happened last time people argued

Updated by anonymous

NoctemWerewolf said:
Off to bug report? is that valid?
I'm holding all my opinions because what happened last time people argued

Not a bug, limitation of the system.

Updated by anonymous

Wait, you can blacklist users? No wonder nobody pays attention to me

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
Wait, you can blacklist users? No wonder nobody pays attention to me

I pay attention, It's that I barely respond to stuff XD

Updated by anonymous

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