Topic: Does horse cock in anthro implies hyper_genitalia?

Posted under General

Very often in my_little_pony 3d_(artwork) images and videos, specially ones that comes from NexGen. The horse cock is huge and many images does not have hyper_genitalia tag or huge_penis is ok with this?

hyper_genitalia implies that is unrealistic large, horses have hyper penis within their feral form compare to anthro bodies.

Also, should we add nexgen tag more often to 3d my little pony images?

here some example

What do you think?

Horse cocks are kind of like a double-length feature with that medial ring in the center. To me, as long as that ring is present, it looks natural, not hyper.

furrin_gok said:
Horse cocks are kind of like a double-length feature with that medial ring in the center. To me, as long as that ring is present, it looks natural, not hyper.

hyper is directly linked with the size of the animal sporting it though right?

godofcringe said:
hyper is directly linked with the size of the animal sporting it though right?

Yes and no, It's body/cock ratio. Hyper is beyond any feasible proportions that the body it's attached to should even be able to function with it. A character could have a horse penis of varying scales so to directly say it should be "hyper" due to it being equid isn't a good route. equine_penis small_penis solo

versperus said:
Yes and no, It's body/cock ratio. Hyper is beyond any feasible proportions that the body it's attached to should even be able to function with it. A character could have a horse penis of varying scales so to directly say it should be "hyper" due to it being equid isn't a good route. equine_penis small_penis solo

So, if a small kobold have a normal size horse cock (most of its body), that wouldn't be hyper?

furrin_gok said:
Even then it can vary.
post #2621631 post #1770283
The first one looks hyper, the second one kind of just looks large.

We normalize that furries must have big penes lol.
Ok, by tags, big_penis is large but anatomically realistic, huge_penis is above anatomically realistic size, hyper_penis An impossibly large penis in proportion to the body size of its owner, to the point of absurdity. Contrast with huge penis, which is also impossibly large but still looks plausible.

So, back to topic, does my_little_pony anthro 3d_(artwork) made with NexGen should be tag with huge_penis and hyper_penis? Even those who are flaccid. And every other anthro with a large penis.

post #3282600 post #3283594 post #3282610 post #3274672

In my eyes, and the general tag usage, hyper isn't "large" or even "unnaturally large", but outrageously, impossibly large, completely disproportionate to the rest of the character. Hyper isn't, or shouldn't be, about overall size, but the proportionality of whatever is hyper to the rest of the character. All of the images posted in this thread I think would be better off tagged as huge penis rather than hyper penis.

I think scaled tags that get muddled by interpretation should just get aliased to measurement ranges.

versperus said:
I think scaled tags that get muddled by interpretation should just get aliased to measurement ranges.

You do that and I, for one, would never use them again. I can't estimate measurements whatsoever.

Wait so what I'm getting from this is that, there are like, 4 different levels of "size".


Is this right? or am I missing something?
if this is right, i need to update my BUR

furrin_gok said:
You wrote that wrong.
They imply towards normal, not towards Hyper or Micro.

I meant it as the actual less than symbol lol, not the implication, probably should of clarified.
as in, normal is smaller than big, which is smaller than huge, which is smaller than hyper.

furrin_gok said:
You wrote that wrong.
They imply towards normal, not towards Hyper or Micro.

oh. I didn't mean it like an implication chain. I just wanted to show that it ranges from micro to hyper.

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