Topic: Furoticon Online! (Kickstarter-like project! Please help/read)

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EDIT: We're live and taking pledges now! Come help us out, and receive cool rewards for doing so! Watch the new video explaining the project too! (NSFW): (NSFW)

I'm not sure how many of you are aware of the Furoticon TCG (Site (NSFW): (NSFW)), but it is personally one of my favorite hobbies/TCGs. I have a few friends who I play with and trade with pretty often, but of course it is a bit of a niche game, with the adult nature and furry nature of the game.

That can change though, with an online version of the game! One with unique animated pixel art for all the various... interactions between the characters. One that can allow up to 8 players simultaneously in a single match! There has been one in development for quite a while now, but to deliver the best product possible, they're going to need some help! is starting a Kickstarter-like drive on the site Offbeatr. Before they can start accepting donations, though, they have to get 1010 votes. That's where you come in.

I humbly request that you vote for the project to be approved! makes some VERY high quality projects, and supports many artists in the fandom! A fun, sexy online game would be a great addition to the fandom I feel, and would help support Furoticon, which in turn, supports artists and other members of the fandom.

Like most Kickstarter projects, there will be incentives to donating, but the details on that aren't quite polished yet. I am certain there will be more than what's currently listed though.

The site to vote on can be found here, along with more details and donation incentives (NSFW): (NSFW)

Thank you so much for reading this long post and for helping to make this fun game available online! :D

EDIT: We're live and taking pledges now! Come help us out, and receive cool rewards for doing so! Watch the new video explaining the project too! (NSFW): (NSFW)


I'm not gonna support anything that's advertised with the words "please read".

Updated by anonymous

I'm not really associated with Furoticon, other than being a fan myself. I'm just trying to get the word out about the project, because I personally want it to happen :3

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Steelswarm said:
Isn't this like, advertising?
Do we allow this?

Yes, this is fine. I don't really consider this advertising, as it's not a "hey I'm trying to sell whatever, come buy my product" post. Also I'm pretty sure we're hosting Furoticon ads right now anyways (or if not now then I know we did not very long ago), so it'd seem kind of silly to disallow a thread like this.

Updated by anonymous

Their donation incentives are pretty terrible. Give us money so that you can... give us more money to buy virtual cards later on? Shocking that the project hasn't gotten off the ground. Just shocking.

Updated by anonymous

Azazial said:
Their donation incentives are pretty terrible. Give us money so that you can... give us more money to buy virtual cards later on? Shocking that the project hasn't gotten off the ground. Just shocking.

They are still working on the donation incentives, as I said in my original post. They're not quite sure what people want, just yet, and you can actually give ideas and suggestions at the forum thread on their site, located here:

Updated by anonymous

Easy way for them to get money, you get an equal amount of in game cash as you gave in donation.

If they want a lot of money, you get amount of donation + 10%

Updated by anonymous

For sure, I've already suggested that they consider giving in-game cards away for donations.

I know there's already an artwork portfolio you will be able to purchase on the site, that will cost 10 dollars, and I'm pretty sure there will be even more available.

Updated by anonymous

Steelswarm said:
Isn't this like, advertising?
Do we allow this?

Yes* said Princess Molestia


Updated by anonymous

Char said:
Yes, this is fine. I don't really consider this advertising, as it's not a "hey I'm trying to sell whatever, come buy my product" post. Also I'm pretty sure we're hosting Furoticon ads right now anyways (or if not now then I know we did not very long ago), so it'd seem kind of silly to disallow a thread like this.

o.0 how come i got told off by PC about giving some guy who was looking for a furry Boyfreind a site FOR furry dating? wasnt even asking for money... got told off for "advertising"

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
o.0 how come i got told off by PC about giving some guy who was looking for a furry Boyfreind a site FOR furry dating? wasnt even asking for money... got told off for "advertising"

Admin miscommunication. Sorry about that :C

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Esme_Belles said:
o.0 how come i got told off by PC about giving some guy who was looking for a furry Boyfreind a site FOR furry dating? wasnt even asking for money... got told off for "advertising"

Getting all of our admins/mods on the same page when it comes to site policies is a project we're currently right in the middle of, but is kind of slow-going considering how busy I am and how little free time I have. If I can ever actually be around for a weekend for once, it'd help tremendously in making some more progress on that project. :P

Hopefully in the future we'll have a lot fewer instances of admins seemingly "going rogue". Right now a lot of the times that has happened has just merely been a misunderstanding of what's allowed versus what isn't.

Updated by anonymous

The admins don't have their own secret board where they can discuss topics of importance? Most forums do, they're very useful :3

Updated by anonymous

captainbozo said:
Just giving a small bump here to let you guys know that the Furoticon Online kickstarter is now actively accepting pledges! You can get some pretty cool rewards for helping us out, too!

There's also a great new video explaining the project and supplying some early screenshots, if you guys wanna check that out <3


Are you affliated with them or not? you said earlier you were just an interested player, but now you say "us" in reference to the project team.

No big deal either way, i'm just kind of curious about the apparent switch.

Updated by anonymous

captainbozo said:
The admins don't have their own secret board where they can discuss topics of importance? Most forums do, they're very useful :3

Yes we do.

Updated by anonymous

BrerFox said:
Are you affliated with them or not? you said earlier you were just an interested player, but now you say "us" in reference to the project team.

No big deal either way, i'm just kind of curious about the apparent switch.

I am not affiliated with them OFFICIALLY. I run the chat, kinda, but that was more because I was grandfathered in from an unofficial IRC channel. I am not involved in official decisions, and just tend to be a very dedicated fan.

I say "us", I mean the entire Furoticon community.

ippiki_ookami said:
Yes we do.

Good deal, I just was worried a month or two ago about inter-admin communication XD

Updated by anonymous

Blaziken said:
Wasn't this considered advertising a while ago?

Char said:
Yes, this is fine. I don't really consider this advertising, as it's not a "hey I'm trying to sell whatever, come buy my product" post. Also I'm pretty sure we're hosting Furoticon ads right now anyways (or if not now then I know we did not very long ago), so it'd seem kind of silly to disallow a thread like this.

I'd consider it advertising, but I'm not a mod and they've stated their stance on it.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
They are a paid advertiser. :3

I think the issue is that captainbozo is not officially affiliated with Furoticon.

Updated by anonymous

Kclub said:
I think the issue is that captainbozo is not officially affiliated with Furoticon.

then I think he might need to get furoticons permission before gaining money off of their work.

Updated by anonymous

I am not officially affiliated with Furoticon. I am not making any money at all off of this, and I've personally pledged money to the project myself.

The Furoticon Online project on Offbeatr is run by Seppel, who IS, of course, officially affiliated with Furoticon, being the creator and all.

I'm just kinda sorta spreading the word of the project to places where it might be appreciated c: I figure that the online game would be something that everyone here would be interested in, since it involves both furry sex, and a very fun strategy game :3

The game itself will have a Free-to-Play option, for those who just wanna check out Furoticon, but if you want to build your own decks from your own cards you will need an activated account and to buy cards :D

The Offbeatr project is currently at 84% with $21,105 raised :D They need $3,895 more until we reach our goal, and they have some pretty great stretch goals too, as well as new pledge rewards :3

We've still got 20 days left, but I figured it was worth a bump for you guys to check it out again :D

Updated by anonymous

Um... the whole idea of a crowdfunded project like this is to spread it around, thus getting a larger crowd involved and interested.

I don't need permission to tell people about the project. That would be KINDA RIDICULOUS.

Updated by anonymous

On the forums for Furoticon, in the Furoticon Online thread Seppel himself has said "Keep spreading the word." to people in general.

It's not something one needs permission for.

Updated by anonymous

the project has my support, this actually seems something that'd be a blast to be a part of, and the reward of it all is this cool virtual game that'll be loads of fun to play with everyone online who can enjoy this sort of game

Updated by anonymous

captainbozo said:
I figure that the online game would be something that everyone here would be interested in, since it involves both furry sex, and a very fun strategy game :3

I'm not interested because it doesn't sound very fun to me. I don't like you, or anyone else, enough to play strategy games of this sort.

Thus, I respectfully point out that claiming "everyone here would be interested" is inaccurate. I'd think "most everyone here" or simply "many here" would be better.

Updated by anonymous

Clawstripe said:
I'm not interested because it doesn't sound very fun to me. I don't like you, or anyone else, enough to play strategy games of this sort.

Thus, I respectfully point out that claiming "everyone here would be interested" is inaccurate. I'd think "most everyone here" or simply "many here" would be better.

lololol troll.

I think the game sounds fun. I'll put in ten bucks. :3

Updated by anonymous

Arc_Rolumn said:
lololol troll.

Someone who disagrees with you is not a troll.

Updated by anonymous

Arc_Rolumn said:
lololol troll.

I don't like I'm not into card games or paying stuff that has no use in RL (like TF2's keys, earbuds, wedding rings*), does that make me a troll?

  • Seriously, who in these worlds buy that?

Blaziken said:
Someone who disagrees with you is not a troll.

This. A 0x7FFFFFFF times this

I was going to use 0xFFFFFFFF but that would end in -1 (yes, I'm bored to the level of really investigating that)

Updated by anonymous

You guys...need to read more closely. xD I'm not saying he's a troll for disagreeing, I'm saying he's a troll for arguing with the semantics of "everyone" versus "almost everyone." Seriously guys, lighten up. We're talking about a pornographic card game here. xD

Updated by anonymous

Arc_Rolumn said:
You guys...need to read more closely. xD I'm not saying he's a troll for disagreeing...

You originally didn't specify what you thought I was a troll for other than quoting the entire post. Thus, a closer reading would suggest that you thought I was a troll for disagreeing.

...I'm saying he's a troll for arguing with the semantics of "everyone" versus "almost everyone."

Someone trying to give constructive criticism over a point that rankles them is not as trollish as calling them names for doing so. I don't begrudge you, Captainbozo, or anyone else who like playing strategy games of this nature their enjoyment of such games as long as no one begrudges my not wanting to play them.

Updated by anonymous

Clawstripe said:
You originally didn't specify what you thought I was a troll for other than quoting the entire post. Thus, a closer reading would suggest that you thought I was a troll for disagreeing.

Someone trying to give constructive criticism over a point that rankles them is not as troll-worthy as calling them names for doing so. I don't begrudge you, Captainbozo, or anyone else who like playing strategy games of this nature their enjoyment of such games as long as no one begrudges my not wanting to play them.

In other words: Respect me and I'll respect you

Updated by anonymous

It didn't really bother me when Clawstripe said what he said c: People are gonna have their own opinions :3

c'mon guys, lets not be all grumpy <3

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
In other words: Respect me and I'll respect you

Sort of, although, given the nature of the internet, I won't hold my breath on the first part. :p

Updated by anonymous

Whee, the project is fully funded now! :D

There are some pretty awesome stretch goals if any of you guys want to pledge further still, but otherwise thanks for being good sports <3

Updated by anonymous

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