Topic: why my posts are being taken down?

Posted under General

You can see deletion reasons by clicking on the number of deleted posts on your profile page.

It is generally a very bad idea to upload your art if you're the only person doing so.

lafcadio said:
see the following from Gelbooru, which doesn't officially apply to e621 but is still sound advice anyway.

Uploading One's Own Art is a Good Way to Get Your Feelings Hurt

Posting one's own art is severely looked down upon, and there are two reasons behind this:

Firstly, artists tend to be biased when it comes to judging the quality of their own work. What looks good to you may be regarded as mediocre to Gelbooru moderators.
Secondly, more suitable sites to upload your own art to include Deviantart and Pixiv.

Admins and moderators are especially harsh on self-posting artists, lashing out penalties without remorse. The surest way to feature your art on Gelbooru is to show immense talent and skill elsewhere, and with that, captivate some fans on the other side of the Internet into uploading your art.

Artists generally can't judge their own work objectively, and e621 is not your personal gallery. Safest route 99% of the time is to post your stuff offsite and then wait for somebody else to take the gamble on whether or not your stuff is good enough.

lafcadio said:
It is generally a very bad idea to upload your art if you're the only person doing so.
Artists generally can't judge their own work objectively, and e621 is not your personal gallery. Safest route 99% of the time is to post your stuff offsite and then wait for somebody else to take the gamble on whether or not your stuff is good enough.

I Disagree, Dood

Hope this doesn't spice too many peeps' porridges but,
I'm personally in full support of peeps posting their art here, Dood!
even if they're the only one doing it!

It'll test your character in ways you never thought possible and
Force you to look at your work that much more objectively after
having it reviewed by peeps who review tons of pieces every day,

As far as E6 not being your own personal art gallery, that's true for
any site you can post your work on. Every site has its own rules and
limitations preventing you from posting anything you have in mind, Dood!

The only thing setting e6 apart is that there's a videogame style level
barrier stopping peeps who still need to grind a bit more from entering
this level. E6 is a gallery just like every other art site, Sure one
more focused but a gallery nonetheless, Dood

But Back to posting biz on e6, as a fellow peep who posts their own work here solo
and about 100 deletions under their belt~! the Golden rule when it comes to posting
your work when you're the only one out there is to take EVERYTHING in stride, Dood!

"Does not meet minimum quality standards. (Artisticly)" Yet!
You're still growing and I can't tell ya how many times I've seen
peeps just like you who when rocketing well past "quality standards"
once they started taking everything in stride!

Not gonna say it's gonna happen overnight, definitely didn't happen for me,
Totally give my work that little +1 whenever I felt like it needed a little support~!
Dut Don't take those rejections as failures, take 'em as pivoting points.

Keep on going, keep on improving, keep on doodling and keep on posting, Dood!

notkastar said:
-Cut a lot of stuff out-

I know you're meaning well and trying to do good and all, but the reason why folks don't want folks posting their own thing is because the ones whom do often start fights about it. More so when they're unable to understand this site isn't like FA or DA. This place isn't generally for 'Improve on this, that and the other thing'. There are many sites/groups for such. Nor one should post their stuff here solely to get input on their art, mainly because most folks here ain't artists and can't really help to improve their work. Sometimes posting one's own art here when not meeting the site's standards could turn them off of art for good.

the_shinx said:
I know you're meaning well and trying to do good and all, but the reason why folks don't want folks posting their own thing is because the ones whom do often start fights about it. More so when they're unable to understand this site isn't like FA or DA. This place isn't generally for 'Improve on this, that and the other thing'. There are many sites/groups for such. Nor one should post their stuff here solely to get input on their art, mainly because most folks here ain't artists and can't really help to improve their work. Sometimes posting one's own art here when not meeting the site's standards could turn them off of art for good.

I'm getting a kick out of this thread.

brimou said:
i would like to know

Since you're asking, I can't give you all the answers on art quality but I can say be careful with tagging too. For example, "funny_I_guess" isn't something to tag here, which you added on one of them (and I left just so you could see it if you choose to go back through your uploads). I'd be surprised if at least some of your posts don't survive, since they aren't all low quality.

Tags here are meant to (primarily) be totally objective, tag what you see. That means opinions and little comments aren't tags. What year was the art made? What kind of marking for the artist is there, a logo or signature for example? How would you describe each character, including what they are wearing, how they are posed, and what they are doing. Is there dialog, sound effects? What kind of background is there? What species are there? The upload form itself gives a general outline but tags are suggested as you type too. A good rule of thumb is look at the tag count tally on the tags you use. A very low count doesn't mean never use it, but if you are creating it or if there are obvious misspellings or ambiguities and such it's best to fix it.

Lore tags are generally new and can be used to specify some things about characters that you can't tag by what you see.

To cut that rambling short: tags are taken seriously on the site. They define how people will find or avoid the piece in question.

the_shinx said:
I know you're meaning well and trying to do good and all, but the reason why folks don't want folks posting their own thing is because the ones whom do often start fights about it. More so when they're unable to understand this site isn't like FA or DA. This place isn't generally for 'Improve on this, that and the other thing'. There are many sites/groups for such. Nor one should post their stuff here solely to get input on their art, mainly because most folks here ain't artists and can't really help to improve their work. Sometimes posting one's own art here when not meeting the site's standards could turn them off of art for good.

They shouldn't post solely for feedback but even non-artists can pick up on some things and articulate them. I'm not sure if there's a good support for running art by others to see if it's good enough first. Looking through their current pending uploads, and I admit I'm not an artist, some of them definitely are good enough to pass for upload here I think. It is important to remember it's not like other gallery sites though.

-Cut a lot of stuff out-

How dare you, Dood. T‿T)

the_shinx said:
I know you're meaning well and trying to do good and all, but the reason why folks don't want folks posting their own thing is because the ones whom do often start fights about it. More so when they're unable to understand this site isn't like FA or DA. This place isn't generally for 'Improve on this, that and the other thing'. There are many sites/groups for such. Nor one should post their stuff here solely to get input on their art, mainly because most folks here ain't artists and can't really help to improve their work. Sometimes posting one's own art here when not meeting the site's standards could turn them off of art for good.

Not all of us and I totally see where you're
coming from, Dood.

Didn't mean for it to come across that this site is 100% about improving one's art
to be neat enough to post here and that this site is a great place to improve.
Far from it, more so speaking to the effect that the:
"Does not meet minimum quality standards. (Artistically)" could be a big
pivoting point for an artist to reevaluate their work, and to try try again, Dood!

Not so much looking for notes on how to improve but knowing that once work
could be improved upon, With a quick yay or nay. and e6 is a pretty awesome
place to get that little bit of feedback right off the bat of finishing a piece. The
peeps evaluating the pieces may not be artists themselves but they've seen tons
of pieces and in a way know common pitfalls an artist could fall into, Dood.

A nay shouldn't mean "Oh my gosh I'm terrible, I'm never going to art again!"
it should mean that there's something to be fixed here, something major that
could be improved upon that'll completely change the way you make your art, Dood!

Summed up
Not all of us will flip the boat from being denied, A very vocal small bunch
shouldn't stereotype us all and Sorry, Didn't mean for it to come across that
e6 is all about improvement, only that it can prompt it in a major way, ya know, Dood!

the_shinx said:
I know you're meaning well and trying to do good and all, but the reason why folks don't want folks posting their own thing is because the ones whom do often start fights about it. More so when they're unable to understand this site isn't like FA or DA. This place isn't generally for 'Improve on this, that and the other thing'.

Understandable, and I rather agree.

There are many sites/groups for such.

Any you can recommend that use booru-style tag search engines? Of course "E6 is not your personal gallery," but I would like something similar that is, since I've picked up drawing as a hobby and the subject matter I like is normal here, but weird out there, and I am not too fond of ending up in the public eye. Is there some backwater site kind of like this where it's just a few nice people that like to draw E6-tier stuff?

Nor one should post their stuff here solely to get input on their art, mainly because most folks here ain't artists and can't really help to improve their work.

True. A large majority of users are surfing entirely with one hand, and it's not occupied by a stylus on a tablet.

Sometimes posting one's own art here when not meeting the site's standards could turn them off of art for good.

Agreed on this point also. Having your art stomped on for technical shortcomings when you put your soul into it is hard not to take personally. I can only speak for myself, but it's sometimes a flip of the coin whether I can brush off criticism as someone being a jerk or become emotionally affected and lose interest in drawing over it. If your art is out there on display, there is a high chance that at least one person who sees it won't care for it. So it's honestly just a good policy not to self-advertise here and let the quality of your work speak for itself.

dinoboy said:
Any you can recommend that use booru-style tag search engines? Of course "E6 is not your personal gallery," but I would like something similar that is, since I've picked up drawing as a hobby and the subject matter I like is normal here, but weird out there, and I am not too fond of ending up in the public eye. Is there some backwater site kind of like this where it's just a few nice people that like to draw E6-tier stuff?

Kinda feel the same, deviantart and pixiv are good sites to post arts but they do not have a powerful tag system like e6. And my work is not very normal outside (alternate_species) , hardly find ppl like furry porn in my fandom.

the_shinx said:
Sometimes posting one's own art here when not meeting the site's standards could turn them off of art for good.

To be honest, e6 is where I got the most reaction on my furry art. If my work pass, I will be happy, if not then let it go.

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