Topic: Why is there no way to report/flag images that should have been deleted by the janitors, but were instead approved?

Posted under General

I just found a group of 4 sprite rips from a VN, which is explicitly against the uploading guidelines. The source field for all of them was "In game sprite" or similar. Yet all of them got approved.

None of the reasons in either the flag or report menus allow for this possibility. When I've seen posts get reported for similar reasons before, the ticket is usually closed with "these posts are handled during the normal approval process", which clearly wasn't the case here. I'm not sure it's a good idea to have any part of the site dependent on the absolute infallibility of its staff.

The posts, for the record:
post #3344846
post #3318033
post #3081766
post #3005505

wat8548 said:
I just found a group of 4 sprite rips from a VN, which is explicitly against the uploading guidelines. The source field for all of them was "In game sprite" or similar. Yet all of them got approved.

None of the reasons in either the flag or report menus allow for this possibility. When I've seen posts get reported for similar reasons before, the ticket is usually closed with "these posts are handled during the normal approval process", which clearly wasn't the case here. I'm not sure it's a good idea to have any part of the site dependent on the absolute infallibility of its staff.

The posts, for the record:
post #3344846
post #3318033
post #3081766
post #3005505

You could possibly flag it as commercial content, which it kind of is.

furrin_gok said:
If it's from a game, wouldn't that count as "commercial content"?

In this case yes, but the rule also applies to free VNs. It's game rips in general that are banned. I originally found this out because I wanted to archive the CGs from one of Fuze's old VNs.

wat8548 said:

None of the reasons in either the flag or report menus allow for this possibility.

Somewhat off topic, but I'm curious, is there a flag reason for "irrelevant to site"? Last time i tried to look around for that, it wasn't there.

kemonophonic said:
Whether or not something is relevant to site is determined by the approver. Could you imagine the absolute chaos if we let users flag what they think is "irrelevant to site"?

You'd better try herding cats.

kemonophonic said:
Whether or not something is relevant to site is determined by the approver. Could you imagine the absolute chaos if we let users flag what they think is "irrelevant to site"?

Well, not all posts have to be approved by staff. Users with unrestricted uploads have auto-approve. And I bet there slip some irrelevant posts through. But I can see your concerns. An "irrelevant for e621" checkbox could be a feature that's exclusive for privileged and contributors, though.

kemonophonic said:
Whether or not something is relevant to site is determined by the approver. Could you imagine the absolute chaos if we let users flag what they think is "irrelevant to site"?

I see, yeah that makes sense. But i was thinking along the lines of something like, a human only image disconnected to anything furry, like not a comic page of a furry comic with only humans. I dunno.

dubsthefox said:
Well, not all posts have to be approved by staff. Users with unrestricted uploads have auto-approve. And I bet there slip some irrelevant posts through. But I can see your concerns. An "irrelevant for e621" checkbox could be a feature that's exclusive for privileged and contributors, though.

I could get behind this idea honestly. Priv+ know not to abuse flags and could probably be trusted with additional flag reasons like irrelevant to site, quality and others that normally users can't flag for.

The new flag reason has not solved this problem, as it can only be used on images the janitors haven't approved. All 4 posts in the OP are still up.

I was wondering the same thing, recently, but for quality

Why did this post #3559027 get approved? It's clearly low quality, it's not an "outtake" from an artist who normally makes drawings with more effort, it's just a quick stick figure doodle that I'm sure almost everyone in this thread could replicate with a mouse and MS paint in less than five minutes.

hungrymaple said:
I was wondering the same thing, recently, but for quality

Why did this post #3559027 get approved? It's clearly low quality, it's not an "outtake" from an artist who normally makes drawings with more effort, it's just a quick stick figure doodle that I'm sure almost everyone in this thread could replicate with a mouse and MS paint in less than five minutes.

you just don't understand the subtle nuances of the piece

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