Over time i noticed something in e621: some Pictures with the same tags/Characters get spamed and you can see nothing else except these pics, that can become annoying... even if you usually like this tag, it becomes annoying if there are much of them with low quality, so my idea: Tag-Album!
How does it work?
I thought about an Automatic collection of same tags/Pictures which got submitted very fast in a short time which get put in an album, and shown as one single tumbnail in the search... if you open it, you see a second list with all related pictures which was collected in this time. this doesnt count for tags/Pictures which got send slowly, also general tags like MLP, male/female, Pokemon (very often related tags) shouldn´t be affected. that would keep e621 a bit clean, and i wouldnt get annoyed by pic-spam of temporary popular characters/Tags.
that was my 2 cent
Updated by Lance Armstrong