Topic: Chubbiness

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2782 is pending approval.

create alias slightly_chubby_male (12386) -> chubby_male (2) # duplicate of has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur
create alias slightly_chubby_female (18967) -> chubby_female (4) # duplicate of has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur
create alias slightly_chubby_gynomorph (1167) -> chubby_gynomorph (2) # duplicate of has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur
create alias slightly_chubby_andromorph (70) -> chubby_andromorph (3) # duplicate of has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur
create alias slightly_chubby_intersex (1437) -> chubby_intersex (2) # duplicate of has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur
create alias slightly_chubby_herm (10) -> chubby_herm (0)
create alias slightly_chubby_maleherm (5) -> chubby_maleherm (0)

Reason: "Chubby_X" tags are universally more used, so they would conceivably take priority.

As there is no difference between the slightly_chubby and chubby tags (the latter aliases to the former) there should be no split for "chubby" and "slightly chubby" characters. The pool of each is being arbitrarily split, thus users are potentially missing hundreds of posts they would be interested in seeing.

This is both incomplete and incorrect. The aliases should be reversed, as the base tag slightly_chubby is preferred over chubby, and the slightly_chubby_* tags already have implications set up (which is likely what's causing those error messages).

A BUR to solve all these issues and more already exists at topic #30445.

This just adds confusion

The reason the tag is slightly_chubby is in the hopes that the adjective will help uploaders realise the tag is intended for characters with "a little bit of chubbiness", rather than characters that are obviously overweight or obese, which would get tagged as chubby if the tag existed.

hungrymaple said:
The reason the tag is slightly_chubby is in the hopes that the adjective will help uploaders realise the tag is intended for characters with "a little bit of chubbiness", rather than characters that are obviously overweight or obese, which would get tagged as chubby if the tag existed.

Which unfortunately fails, because many overweight characters are being tagged slightyl_chubby, either due to the tagger underestimating the character's weight, or because they tagged chubby which got replaced by slightly_chubby and they didn't notice or correct it.

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