Topic: [REJECTED] Two horned unicorn variant

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2973 has been rejected.

create alias bicorn (188) -> duocorn (2)
create implication duocorn (2) -> horn (653976)
create implication duocorn (2) -> equid (413502)
create implication duocorn (2) -> equine (395418)

Reason: The unicorn wiki mentions several other similiar but distinct species tags of mythical creatures that have one or two horns on their head, and even mentions the narwhal and rhinoceros. All of the similar species are different enough to warrant their own tag, although duocorns are essentially just the exact same as unicorns except with two horns instead of one. I'm unsure as to whether or not that's different enough to warrant their own tag, but I would think so since the number of horns a unicorn has is literally in it's name.

If we're going to have a separate tag for a two horned unicorn variant, then it needs to have 1 tag instead of multiple. Even though there are 111 posts under bicorn and the tag duocorn only has 12 posts, I'd consider duocorn being the better tag for consistency's sake, since the prefix uni- is latin for one, and the prefix du- or duo- is latin for two. Additionally, we should give this tag the unicorn treatment, by implying horn, equid, and equine.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2973 (forum #341284) has been rejected by @TrevorTheYeen.

Updated by auto moderator

deadoon said:
Bicorn is a much more common term than duocorn(also evidenced by the tags), and bi- is also a latin prefix.

Unicycle, bicycle, tricycle.

Du(o)- is quite rarely used.

furrin_gok said:
Yeah, went and checked it myself before I checked if somebody else already did. Latin can translate "two' to duo or bi both, and bi makes more sense in this case.

Ah, yeah brainfart on bi- also being latin, for some reason I thought it was greek like mono-, I think I got bi and di conflated, guess this is why I shouldn't be submitting BURs at 3 in the morning lmao. Still need the implications, and just reverse the aliasing.


The bulk update request #2976 is active.

create alias duocorn (2) -> bicorn (188)
create implication bicorn (188) -> 2_horns (21126)
create implication bicorn (188) -> equine (395418)

Reason: Reversing the previous suggested alias, and maintaining the needed implications but from the new 'main tag'

EDIT: The bulk update request #2976 (forum #341347) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

Interestingly enough, the actual legendary bicorn was a part-panther, part-cow, human-faced carnivore that fed on kind-hearted and devoted husbands. Its mate was the chichevache, which fed on kind-hearted and devoted wives. Bizarrely, the bicorn was plump and well-fed, due to there being a lot of prey for it, while the chichevache was scrawny and underfed, due to there being very few of its favored prey. The past is a weird, twisted country sometimes.

(I'm not recommending against the above BUR. I'm only throwing this out in case anyone wondered what Wikipedia had to say about bicorns.)

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