Topic: Scat fetish, burp fetish and/or fart fetish, why do you have it?

Posted under General

I was thinking about fetishes the other day and I thought about scat fetishes, burp fetishes and fart fetishes. I don't understand how someone could be into scat, burps or farts as a fetish as i think of those things as repulsive. I am genuinely curious so I decided to ask you guys!
No judgement here of course, I am genuinely curious what makes scat, burps or facts attractive to you? Is it a major fetish or something that youre just into from time to time?
I have always been curious but never met someone who (that I know of) has these fetishes.
If you feel comfortable, please tell your story.

Much thanks!

poontang said:
I was thinking about fetishes the other day and I thought about scat fetishes, burp fetishes and fart fetishes. I don't understand how someone could be into scat, burps or farts as a fetish as i think of those things as repulsive. I am genuinely curious so I decided to ask you guys!
No judgement here of course, I am genuinely curious what makes scat, burps or facts attractive to you? Is it a major fetish or something that youre just into from time to time?
I have always been curious but never met someone who (that I know of) has these fetishes.
If you feel comfortable, please tell your story.

Much thanks!

Kind~ of a loaded question, Dood, and trust me I know loaded questions =‿=)
e6 may not be the best place to ask since our hands are tied BDSM tight
due to this little rule:
So if we or I really go into detail about why we/I like biz like this:

post #3428124

Could mean a record for Inappropriate Comments, Dood T‿T)
That Being Said! I'm not saying you shouldn't as at all,
Honestly, it's rad that your curious, That's why I suggest
going over to-

Yeah, (From what I herd) you can ask NSFW questions there, Dood!



If you wanna get real colorful explanation on why it's an interest and
peeps enjoy it! Heads up everyone has a different answer, there's no
universal answer, Dood

Personal Note on why I like it that I'm gonna keep as PG as possible, Dood:
Ya know that feeling you get from taking a Big Dump?, Yea that.

Similar to perhaps all my fetishes, my scat fetish originates from... looking at furry porn of it, which is sort of a non-answer, so I'll try to explain why it's hot. First off, it's already related to anal, since shitting is just the reverse of taking something up your ass. That partially explains it, but it really can only explain why the pooping tag is a thing, and not other scat-related tags like eating_feces or coprophilic_intercourse. To understand those, you might have to view scat as a submissive degradation thing, or in my case, I wonder if I'm partially getting off to the fantasy of being enough of a horny perverted fuck to think eating shit and such would be hot? In a sense, I might be getting off to getting off to it--some sort of fetish paradox. I wonder if people into incest have a similar relation to their fetish? Anyways, since scat has such an unpleasant odor and taste, that's just makes things much better from a fetishy perspective. Compare to musk or even cock_and_ball_torture. Those are things that would be unpleasant in a non-sexual context, but by throwing them in a sexual context, the brain will get confused somehow, so they're suddenly hot.

At the risk of derailing the thread, you know what fetish really confuses me? Vore that actually involves swallowing. I like anal_vore or cock_vore, but not regular vore. Anus is hot, cock/balls are hot, therefore going inside would be hot. The stomach, however, is not by any means a sexual body part. The mouth is, since it's used for blowjobs. In fact, I find post #3410306 hot since there's a safety feature to make sure he doesn't get swallowed. Perhaps the vore crowd just doesn't think about the post-swallowing part? I have a feeling that's not it though.

crocogator To understand those, you might have to view scat as a submissive degradation thing, or in my case, I wonder if I'm partially getting off to the fantasy of being enough of a horny perverted fuck to think eating shit and such would be hot? In a sense, I might be getting off to getting off to it--some sort of fetish paradox. I wonder if people into incest have a similar relation to their fetish? Anyways, since scat has such an unpleasant odor and taste, that's just makes things much better from a fetishy perspective. Compare to musk or even cock_and_ball_torture. Those are things that would be unpleasant in a non-sexual context, but by throwing them in a sexual context, the brain will get confused somehow, so they're suddenly hot.

Ohhh that does make sense. I do have that particular feeling with cock and ball torture, I like it in a sexual sense although it's unpleasant (I prefer to watch videos on the topic than actually do it anyway). When it comes to incest porn, I am really not into the idea of incest so I just think of it as 2 people acting out a kink (which it literally is in porn but it's not so clear in drawn furry content lol)

Thank you for sharing!

I enjoy some scat and watersports from time to time. Not so much burping, but I have been getting a little into farting lately through roly and nastysashy's art. Three things come to my mind when I think of why these fetishes appeal to me:

1. Pissing, shitting, and farting (maybe even burping?) tend to come with feelings of release that are inherently pleasant. So perhaps, on some level, the wires are getting crossed between the parts of the brain that enjoy those cathartic releases of pressure and the parts of the brain that are drawn to orgasm. I think this also applies to emetophilia, (puke fetish) though any pleasure associated with the actuall act might be more of an aquired taste.

2. Western Society (which I really only specify because it's the only tradition I feel like I can speak on) has a lot of ideas about the body and beauty that are based on otherworldly aristitillian standards of perfection that necessarily reject the terrestrial and organic as decrepit. I think this standard is unhealthy and causes anxiety and self loathing in a lot of people. In this way, these fetishes can be thought to express an exagerated desire to escape these negative feelings and embrace our mortal imprefection in all of it's grossness. This can apply to other bodily functions too. Sweat, spit, even sex fluids tend to have an inherent grossness associated with them by broader culture, but look at how prominantly they feature in a lot of the art on this site! (Not to mention porn in general)

3. In more dom/sub and noncon oriented scenarios, the desire might not be so much to embrace ones own imperfection, but to weaponize it against others. Acting as an instrument of this decrepit world's corrupting forces.

My expeirience with scat and watersports is almost exclusively through media, so I can't speak on how well any of this would apply to people who actually perform any of them themselves.

thelibertineyeen said:
I enjoy some scat and watersports from time to time. Not so much burping, but I have been getting a little into farting lately through roly and nastysashy's art. Three things come to my mind when I think of why these fetishes appeal to me:

1. Pissing, shitting, and farting (maybe even burping?) tend to come with feelings of release that are inherently pleasant. So perhaps, on some level, the wires are getting crossed between the parts of the brain that enjoy those cathartic releases of pressure and the parts of the brain that are drawn to orgasm. I think this also applies to emetophilia, (puke fetish) though any pleasure associated with the actuall act might be more of an aquired taste.

2. Western Society (which I really only specify because it's the only tradition I feel like I can speak on) has a lot of ideas about the body and beauty that are based on otherworldly aristitillian standards of perfection that necessarily reject the terrestrial and organic as decrepit. I think this standard is unhealthy and causes anxiety and self loathing in a lot of people. In this way, these fetishes can be thought to express an exagerated desire to escape these negative feelings and embrace our mortal imprefection in all of it's grossness. This can apply to other bodily functions too. Sweat, spit, even sex fluids tend to have an inherent grossness associated with them by broader culture, but look at how prominantly they feature in a lot of the art on this site! (Not to mention porn in general)

3. In more dom/sub and noncon oriented scenarios, the desire might not be so much to embrace ones own imperfection, but to weaponize it against others. Acting as an instrument of this decrepit world's corrupting forces.

My expeirience with scat and watersports is almost exclusively through media, so I can't speak on how well any of this would apply to people who actually perform any of them themselves.

Very interesting! I can def see the exaggerated desire thing. I think this also applies to sex in general, I remember hearing that our tolerance for "gross" things goes down during sex and I have definitely noticed that. While scat is too far for me personally, I am definitely not grossed out by sweat, spit and sex fluid like I'd be when not in a sexual situation.

Thank you for sharing!

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