Topic: Good feral hgames?

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Just looking for some good ones, preferably no sfm stuff. hmofa definitely welcomed.

Can you maybe not abbreviate these terms? I assume you're looking for "Hentai", or "porn" games as they're known in English, but I have no idea what HMOFA could mean.

furrin_gok said:
... but I have no idea what HMOFA could mean.

I presume this. I'm guessing Bowyatt is interested in hentai games involving human males on female ferals and made with something other than Source Film Maker.

I do agree with you about not abbreviating things, though. It's easier to help when one understands the request.

Definitely a lot of "human male on female anthro" (HMOFA) games out there, especially in the male protagonist vs monster girls genre.
E.g., Zell23's Forest of the Blue Skin, Kyrieru's Eroico, Towerfag's Princess & Conquest, Adeptus Steve's Wild Life, etc.

Not sure if I have seen a lot of male_on_feral/female feral H-games though, mostly it is the other way around.
If you are into creepy teratophilia/xenophilia content, I would recommend Meandraco's Teraurge.
If you don't mind long text-based H-games (similar to Fenoxo's Corruption_of_Champions & Trials_in_Tainted_Space), I would recommend Nuku Valente's Flexible Survival.
