Lately (roughly 8-10 month) there is a stream of artificially upscaled images either replacing older posts or posted anew. Just an example:
Content not suitable for everyone
Original on FA:
Content not suitable for everyone
I ran up into some which were upscaled x6 (8k images vs. 1280), there are some neural network ones which double that.
People have to consider to stop this. It has no purpose aside from from "seizing" upload credit and it's against upload guidelines, afaik. Unless that rule was abolished and I missed the memo?
The problems:
a) They are impossible to view without downloading them, because they don't fit screen and e621 page does't work with EVERY browser to fit it (actually, I saw it working only on Android Chrome). You barely can see 1/10 of image.
b) They take ages to load and large amount of memory, Cloudflare cuts connection, some images are so huge that mobile browsers fail to downscale them. After multiple attempts CloudFlare decides to go into captcha mode.
c) Usually there is no quality improvement, as those images create new artifacts when downscaled by browser or viewer software, e.g. this one creates "broken pixels on display" effect - pixels of distinct color which wasn't there in original.