Topic: how many pictures have you downloaded from e621?

Posted under General

I have a few videos downloaded because they wouldn't play on the browser, but I never really got why people download images, especially from e6, with how convenient the website itself is.

I understand that, and it is quite useful, but before I started downloading, I would repeatedly lose and forget artists or works that I somewhat liked. My favorite was, and is, reserved for works that blow my socks off right when I see them.

darryus said:
I have a few videos downloaded because they wouldn't play on the browser, but I never really got why people download images, especially from e6, with how convenient the website itself is.

Spoken like someone who's never been burned by a large takedown.

wat8548 said:
Spoken like someone who's never been burned by a large takedown.

ehh, pretty much everything worth remembering's up on the internet somewhere. even if it gets taken down off of e6 it might still be up on the original artist's page, failing that it's probably up on some other archive like ExH or another booru (and in some cases web.archive), and as long as those other archives are around personally data hoarding that kinda stuff to fill up my own hard drives seems pointless.

Does e6 have a feature that keeps track of all your downloads or do you just organize your collection by website? That feature probably wouldn't work for me anyway since I've mostly used this site logged off.

My entire porn collection is currently 32,853 files total (picture, comics/image sets, gifs, videos, and text files) of which I'd guess 65 to 70% are probably from e6? So according that would be 21,354 (65%) to 22,997. (70%)

thelibertineyeen said:
Does e6 have a feature that keeps track of all your downloads or do you just organize your collection by website? That feature probably wouldn't work for me anyway since I've mostly used this site logged off.

My entire porn collection is currently 32,853 files total (picture, comics/image sets, gifs, videos, and text files) of which I'd guess 65 to 70% are probably from e6? So according that would be 21,354 (65%) to 22,997. (70%)

You just use MD5s and metadata trackers. There are tools like Hydrus or phindex (Photo Indexer) that let you organize things by methods other than just hierarchial folder trees. If you get to the point of having 1M+ files, then it's harder and harder not to justify just archiving related ones and transparently indexing them. A viewer (or virtual file system) that automatically presents related images is neat idea, BTW.

And we all know that "anything important is still around" is a big lie, if we've ever studied history. :facepalm:

My number: I couldn't even count since I am a megahoarder and have more files than Bill Gates.

alphamule said:
A viewer (or virtual file system) that automatically presents related images is neat idea, BTW..

Hydrus does this! Let's you look for similar images(two at a time and it works it's way down for if it has more then one similar) then you can flag them as either one being better quality, them being identical, or as variations of each other.
I have about 20,000 files I think.(I will need to check).
But. Took me about 10 mins to get though it all

thelibertineyeen said:
Does e6 have a feature that keeps track of all your downloads or do you just organize your collection by website? That feature probably wouldn't work for me anyway since I've mostly used this site logged off.

My entire porn collection is currently 32,853 files total (picture, comics/image sets, gifs, videos, and text files) of which I'd guess 65 to 70% are probably from e6? So according that would be 21,354 (65%) to 22,997. (70%)

I just use folders

alphamule said:
You just use MD5s and metadata trackers. There are tools like Hydrus or phindex (Photo Indexer) that let you organize things by methods other than just hierarchial folder trees.

I've heard of tools like that before. I previously dismissed the idea of setting up one though cause I thought it would be too much work to add tags to all my files, (and that was like 40 gb ago) but your response has gotten me to give Hydrus a second, more in depth look and, looking at it's options, and rethinking how I could approach tagging, I am starting to reconsider it.

Do you know where I can learn about phindex? Google doesn't seem to know what it is.

natsukarrow said:
I just use folders

Right, so do you have like a folder just for files from e621 or specify that a file from e6 in the file name?

I had 10 gb. So... I guess a couple of thousands? I deleted most of it because I didn't look at it, and there is the e621 fav funktion. Now I have maybe 20 background pictures and the art I have bought. That would make around 70 furry pictures on my PC.

Currently I’m in the process of doing the opposite. Had all my pics saved to Google Drive, but I’m increasingly needing that space for school-related stuff, so I’m in the process of finding everything I’ve downloaded on the site and favoriting it, and uploading what isn’t already there. (47,406) (39,505)

a lot of those are overlap. Asking for e6 downloads that don't have a corresponding FA link locks up my DB for about 20 seconds, then only feeds back 22,536 files (mostly IB, but also twitter, tumblr, sofurry, etc)

My archive is 75,113 files total.
It's over 270GB
So an average of roughly 3.59MB each. But obviously that's a little skewed because I have stories and stuff in here, and then QHD videos. 65,955 (88%) of the posts are below that value. So 12% of my collection makes up 50% of my archive size. (9,207 posts: 111.9GB and only 8,227 have the "hi res" tag. besides animations, it's all PNGs that barely slide under the hi res limits)
Down with the 12%!

darryus said:
I have a few videos downloaded because they wouldn't play on the browser, but I never really got why people download images, especially from e6, with how convenient the website itself is.

Offline viewing.

I use Eagle to organize my collection offline. I'm at 41,608 and counting, been collecting since the beginning B)


thelibertineyeen said:
I've heard of tools like that before. I previously dismissed the idea of setting up one though cause I thought it would be too much work to add tags to all my files, (and that was like 40 gb ago) but your response has gotten me to give Hydrus a second, more in depth look and, looking at it's options, and rethinking how I could approach tagging, I am starting to reconsider it.

Do you know where I can learn about phindex? Google doesn't seem to know what it is.

Right, so do you have like a folder just for files from e621 or specify that a file from e6 in the file name?

Good god, I can't imagine browsing my collection in windows explorer. Do yourself a favor and check out Eagle.
They have a browser extension so you can right-click -> Save to eagle. Then I justcopy the post's tags and paste it into the notes field in my Eagle library. Everything is searchable and can even sort randomly. It's not free, but give the trial a shot. Best out of anything I've tried. I even organize flash animation files in there! :)

darryus said:
ehh, pretty much everything worth remembering's up on the internet somewhere. even if it gets taken down off of e6 it might still be up on the original artist's page, failing that it's probably up on some other archive like ExH or another booru (and in some cases web.archive), and as long as those other archives are around personally data hoarding that kinda stuff to fill up my own hard drives seems pointless.

I have stuff you can't find anywhere anymore, even searching using Yandex, SauceNAO, Google images... Either artists wiped their stuff off the face of the internet because they wanted to monetize their work, or because some character owner went crazy and threatened legal action to remove other artists work, or an artist got caught up in drama that made them angry and wanted to nuke all their published work (can name at least one example for each of these) ... when you download it and archive it, you can be sure that you'll always have it rather than trusting someone else to host it for you. Will e621 be around forever? Who knows... Also if the power goes out and I lose internet I might still wanna get my rocks off lol


thelibertineyeen said:
My entire porn collection is currently 32,853 files total (picture, comics/image sets, gifs, videos, and text files) of which I'd guess 65 to 70% are probably from e6? So according that would be 21,354 (65%) to 22,997. (70%)

what the actual fuck

thousands. probably two or three dozen by now.

i learned the hard way that the world wide web is a library of alexandria constantly burning down, and that everything worth faving is also worth saving. i've gathered so many pictures i still enjoy that are now gone from the web, either because the website purged or the website vanished.

also, offline copies are easier to file for personal enjoyment (and for personal enjoyment), more readily enjoyable without a web browser, and the only copies available when any one of the dozen or so links between the crappy isp's modem and the server breaks.

domussy said:
None, why the fuck are you guys downloading so many?

notknow said:
"Do you remember how many breads have you eaten in your life?"

Duality of humanity... Err furranity.

Last time I looked, e6 had well over 2,000,000 images.

If I make quick estimation, I would say that I would want (really want) to preserve to myself like 1 out of 1000 images that I watch while browsing this site. That makes like 2000 - 3000 images. I am sure, that in 10 years that I have been here, I still have not reached, by far, that number of downloads.

And I am not in a hurry.

domussy said:
None, why the fuck are you guys downloading so many?

To quote above;

wat8548 said:
Spoken like someone who's never been burned by a large takedown.

Having dozens or hundreds of pics you like disappear because of a couple takedown requests sucks. I have probably over 2000 pics on my phone and a lot more on my computer because of artists escalating disputes with staff to takedown requests

No idea because I use Raccoony. :P

No wait, it hasn't been working. I forgot to configure/enable it for e621. This... is going to be a pain.


domussy said:
None, why the fuck are you guys downloading so many?

For those around when dial-up was a thing, you can easily get into the habit of saving everything because loading anything took soooooo long. Sort of like people from the Great Depression who made sure to waste as little as possible during the rest of their life. Others get jaded when a site or artist suddenly goes offline and you lose your favorite content. Content doesn't stay online forever, especially with the growing hostility toward porn for males (ever heard of bans on romance novels?) and cancel culture against 3rd party companies related to porn.

applephrans said:
Data hoarding is a disease, god help me

But it's so much 'better' than physical hoarding.

I've got around 4,127,560 from e621 and should have around 9TB from FA by the end of the month. Then there's all the Reddit furry subreddits,, some chan furry boards, and a few others. Is all that a complete waste of time? No. I'm a programmer by trade and using different tech tools to write site downloaders improves my skills and expands my job prospects. Probably a waste of disk space, but it's cheap enough.

mrox said:
For those around when dial-up was a thing, you can easily get into the habit of saving everything because loading anything took soooooo long. Sort of like people from the Great Depression who made sure to waste as little as possible during the rest of their life. Others get jaded when a site or artist suddenly goes offline and you lose your favorite content. Content doesn't stay online forever, especially with the growing hostility toward porn for males (ever heard of bans on romance novels?) and cancel culture against 3rd party companies related to porn.

Alright, gotta admit, that does make sense.

I like Raccoony because it seems to not redownload it, and if you're already going to view the full-sized image... it only costs that transfer once. Configuring it for e621 was kind of annoying though, as a lot of the tags in file paths/filenames don't really work the same as say, IB.

posh_rat said:
what the actual fuck

What are you singling me out for? There's another guy here who posted before me saying their stash is like twice the size of mine and takes up 3x the storage space.

Btw, my external hard drive got reformatted last week, erasing a lot of porn that I only kept on it. (it was stuff that I didn't like enough to justify it taking up space anywhere else, so I put them there accepting this risk) So now I'm down to 36,648 files total plus about a 100 or so larger files that I keep backed up on mega and an SD card on my phone. The 65 to 70% thing still applies.

thelibertineyeen said:

thelibertineyeen said:
36,648 files total plus about a 100 or so

lol just realized that I still have more than the last time I posted here.

Since I'm posting again, i guess I'll actually do the math this time... 23,821 to 25,654. That's how many files of mine I'd guess were downloaded from e6.

Current folder is saying 3458 pictures.
Few years ago i purged most of the stuff i never looked at. so i suspect the real number is about 6k
I download porn because my internet connection sucks. Don't have to wait for stuff to load.

When I was still doing this, I came to almost 3000 images. I don't do that now because it's a waste of time and a waste of time sorting everything out and all. But if I kept doing that, I'd probably have 5,000 pictures.

refrenix2 said:
When I was still doing this, I came to almost 3000 images. I don't do that now because it's a waste of time and a waste of time sorting everything out and all. But if I kept doing that, I'd probably have 5,000 pictures.

I mostly automated this with Raccoony. It grabs the tags/description/hash and other metadata, and names the image with the post ID at front. I think you can get it to sort them into folders per artist as well, but there are probably tools out there to do the same with tags. I've been meaning to have a Hydrus instance for a while now...

My downloading habits have changed over the years. I started saving images now and then from 1998 or so, and that accelerated from 2002 or so to the launch of Fur Affinity.

I could swear when Fur Nation and VCL were the big places it was possible to keep up with VCL submissions. The fandom has exploded in popularity since then.

At some point I then got the Fur Affinity Extender extension for Firefox and had it configured to one-click download submissions and sort by artist. In addition to that I downloaded elsewhere to sort.
My FA folder (halted after Mozilla gutted extension functionality - I haven't checked if the extension was updated it probably was, but Raccoony offers similar functionality now):
162,907 Files, 6,114 Folders

Raccoony extension replaced it but I haven't used it as much since my Fur Affinity submission notification list is overwhelming. I try to keep up with it but ended up nuking it a few times.

From e621 the number is more "modest" since e621 wasn't my primary way of looking at furry art for most of my life. I've been in the fandom since 1998 or so and from around 2001+ I've accumulated a ton of files. I have nearly 400,000 files saved in my mess of folders, but I do have duplicates in there.

For a long time I used the program ACDSee to tag images very specifically, and over the years that tally is over 18,000. Unfortunately tag implication trees and the sheer number of tags made it way too slow for me. It's a great program but not really designed for having many hundreds of different tags and it doesn't efficiently store tag implications and seems to do it every single time a search is done. The tags don't autocomplete like with e621 either. At some point I gave up tagging but I do use ACDSee as my primary image viewer. It has a great file explorer functionality as well, but that's fallen to the wayside without much improvement over the years as they've focused on the photo side of things. For example they still haven't added webm support and there are GIF animation bugs in the program that have been there for over 20 years.

Eventually I realized putting that much time into tagging images I downloaded just for myself was depressing. As in the morbid thought of when my time comes that's a lot of wasted hours, so while I'm not super diligent with e621 I found my time is better spent tagging things here where it actually matters and hopefully the site will stick around indefinitely. Since this site's submissions are maintained by users other than DNP requests and artist purges I hope this site will keep things archived indefinitely.

My obsessive downloading is due to artist purges. I've seen artists quit and delete their work far too many times over the years to take chances. Sometimes that happens without them doing a DNP request here, leaving this the last place you can find some artists' work.

But the TL;DR version is thousands.

Three, if downloading from the source counts. One if not

post #3239346 My personal favorite upload, of all the pics I've put on here
post #4145516 A gift from a good friend (I'm in the pic)
The third, actually taken from here, was flagged and later deleted. Paywalled content iirc ^^

I was extremely reluctant to make an account at first, so I would just download it. I didn't do it for long, though, but I still have almost 1GB of pictures and videos downloaded somewhere in my PC.
Dunno what I'll do with it now that I'm here. They're basically my old favorites so I'd feel sad deleting it.

(I was reluctant because I am stubborn, the place is amazing)

adamum said:
I was extremely reluctant to make an account at first, so I would just download it. I didn't do it for long, though, but I still have almost 1GB of pictures and videos downloaded somewhere in my PC.
Dunno what I'll do with it now that I'm here. They're basically my old favorites so I'd feel sad deleting it.

(I was reluctant because I am stubborn, the place is amazing)

Hey, you'll have jacking material for the apocalypse. You might be able to trade it as a currency, like a combination of Cuban intranet and Lisa the Painful.

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