Topic: Problem with "Anthro dominating human" tag

Posted under General

I don't normally post in forums, but as I've encountered this problem almost every day, I've had to say something. The tag is fairly self-explanatory, but there are countless images uploaded under it that have nothing to do with unequal power dynamics (Ex: and They are only adjacent to the tag by the images having an interspecies, and the anthro character often being the top (though this is not always consistent either). I try to fix the tags as I see them, but it seems like every time I do, two more posts with the same error crop up. It seems to be the same user or users as well, given the consistency of the tags.

That being said, as a fairly casual user, I'm not sure what the process to remedy this would be. Do I just suck it up and keep manually tagging myself? Is there some additional distinction that could be made between domination and equal power dynamics? It's been driving me crazy for months. Thanks.

The domination tags in general are way over-used. Too many people use them when characters are merely having sex, or are about to have sex, or want to have sex, where there's no apparent control or power play going on between characters. I too try to fix them as I see them, though it does often feel like trying to use a twig against a boulder.

Well, looking at the first couple of pages of uses of this tag, it appears the only user who tags anthro_dominating_human with any regularity aside from yourself is Tetheus. Some of their uses show up as reverted, presumably by you, so I guess that's who your gripe is with.

You could send them a DM explaining your side of the story and ask them to be more careful with tagging in the future. Refer to the dominant wiki page for backup. You could also go show support for topic #34692 and its two related BURs, which would add the dominant tag automatically whenever anthro_dominating_human is tagged. If there are suddenly a lot of non-BDSM images in the general dominant tag, it's more likely to be enough of a nuisance that you can persuade the staff to take action against anyone applying them improperly.

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