Topic: Do your fursonas and OCs have different political beliefs than your own?

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If you have multiple fursonas and/or OCs, do they have varying personal/political beliefs?

I got the idea of taking the political compass test once for each one of my fursonas and OCs (none are posted here if you're wondering), at least the ones I felt were fleshed out enough that I could comfortably pretend to be them answering the questions.

Full disclosure: I believe the political compass test everyone knows tends to score people more libertarian and left, but I used it anyway since it's short and popular. IMO the "10 Groups" test is more thorough and objective, but is much longer (153 questions vs just 62). Unironically scoring in the right quadrants (blue or purple) is fairly difficult, unless you intentionally troll the test of course.

Turns out I have one authoritarian right character, multiple authoritarian left characters, and multiple libertarian left characters. I noticed some interesting trends:

Nearly all the authoritarian characters were male slave owners, with harems or multiple wives and/or concubines. The only females who scored authoritarian were very religious, and relegated themselves to the traditional subservient, polygamous, patriarchal "barefoot, pregnant, chained to the stove" mentality. Interestingly, these characters all comfortably scored auth left, presumably because I said they weren't keen on big business and were at least accepting of other species of furries and scalies.

The one auth right character was of course another slave owner with many harem girls. I said he was tolerant of different religions and sexual orientations (not SUPER enthused or supportive, just tolerant) and moderate/neutral on corporations and the environment. Besides the sex slaves, I think he scored auth right because he's the most racist/specist character I have. Basically, he's a dragon who lives in an all-dragon society who keep furries as slaves. He thinks scalies such as dragons, reptiles, and dinosaurs are stronger and better than furries in every way, and revels in demeaning and dominating his furry subjects. I answered "strongly agree" to propositions like "our race has superior qualities compared to others" and "its best different types of people keep to themselves". Racism/specism seemed to do the trick, lol. Even then he JUST nudged into auth right, around (0.5, 3.5).

Libertarian left is where most of my "normal" characters wound up. By that I mean somewhat realistic characters living in modern western society and having fairly typical modern western liberal beliefs. One interesting case in this quadrant is the lion pride from The Lion King universe. They scored about (-4.5, -0.5). Obviously the pride mentality and the fact they're animals means they have no concept of money, and protecting the environment was of utmost importance. I said "strongly agree" to the astrology question because of the whole "all the stars are the kings of old" thing. For fun, I decided to take the test specifically as Scar, and scored SUPER far left, and a little into the authoritarian quadrant (-9.5, 0.5). Obviously he's more authoritarian since he wasn't afraid to murder any political dissidents, but I think scored further left since he was accepting of the hyenas and fought to dissolve the monarchy and instill in its place a system where all food is shared but everyone winds up going hungry anyway.

There was one character I thought would score lib right, but wound up scoring lib left, albeit further right than anyone else in that quadrant. I really wanted at least one to score lib right so there'd be at least one per quadrant, so I took the test again, but intentionally tried manipulating their answers to score further right. Pretty much, their first test was more left because they agreed (but not strongly agreed) companies had to be regulated and protect the environment. The second time I made them score libertarian right by making them universally ambivalent and accepting. Made them accepting of all religions, species, sexual orientations, AND not give a shit about regulating corporations or protecting the environment. That universal ambivalence seemed to do the trick.

Hooh, this topic's gonna get spicy.

Yes, I write characters with differing thoughts and opinions to myself. Now, granted, I fancy myself a writer (and eternal DM), so I somewhat had to break out of the "self-insert" shit quick. If every character in a novel is just you, there's no conflict, after all.

Murderers, cannibals, free-love hippies, religious zealots, war criminals, necrophilic necromancers, grumpy old men, spunky youths, luddites, I've written and played the whole spectrum from my own kin to the "enemy", and from the mundane to the "what the fuck is wrong with you, Viktor?". Trying to think of how somebody with opposed beliefs would handle a situation can help force you to try to think of why they would handle it that way, and what their own justifications would be for their actions and thoughts. It's actually a pretty good way to understand other ideologies and recognise when you are just doing what you believe without actually thinking about if you're correct.

Sorta Kinda.

I’m with Votp in the sense that I have characters in a setting that needs a relatable conflict. That said, I do kinda fall into the trap where every present character I’ve made is more or less a shard of my personality because I can’t make a convincing fake for things that aren’t me.

justsomebrownwolf said:
For fun, I decided to take the test specifically as Scar, and scored SUPER far left, and a little into the authoritarian quadrant (-9.5, 0.5). Obviously he's more authoritarian since he wasn't afraid to murder any political dissidents, but I think scored further left since he was accepting of the hyenas and fought to dissolve the monarchy and instill in its place a system where all food is shared but everyone winds up going hungry anyway.

Unrelated but uh. Scar once you look past the innocuously charismatic persona really just didn’t know what the fuck he wanted to do after he declared himself a king. He just wanted the title & the power over others, with none of the responsibilities to back it up. Whole separate issue right there.

Frankly it just makes him completely fall apart as a character, like an illusion of nuance.

I never really thought of it, but if I think about it probably.
My RL politics are probably moderate(probably leaning ever slightly to one side), or at least, I try to stay moderate. (I used to be spicy about politics but discovered it just shoves away friends, occasionally I still do but I mostly try to avoid it. Less politics = happier life)
I have a character which just represents me, which I use where-ever I please, basically just "me but furry", carbon copy of my opinyots. I change it's species whenever I see fit, and isn't really a RP character, but I could use it if I decide to, but my other characters are more interesting because they get backstory n' lore n' shit.

But I have various characters, most of which revolve around sci-fi setting, all of which in the same "universe". A universe without political conflict isn't really interesting, so I have various which have differing opinions. You have some that think slavery is a-ok, others who think it is bad. Some who think the universe should have a coalition, others who don't want anything to do with it and think that the coalition causes problems(such as universal "pass ports", policing ships in neutral space, etc). Hell there is even species who think they are superior to others in my fictional universe.
Though, all of those opinions are in a fictional setting, and any opinions that are made in the fictional setting may be similar to RL issues, but really it is just it's own thing. The fact these issues exist in the fictional universe is meant to show that if other life was to exist, we'd face the same issues we face with other humans. No one is going to 100% agree on everything, and that's what makes sentient beings sentient, we can form our own decisions and opinions on things.

But then there is characters like a alien thing idk what to name, which is more of a feral(mental state, not physical state) alien. Can still talk and write, but is more feral regarding stuff. Things are settled via combat, etc. I don't think feral aliens give a shit about politics, they'll rape attack you equally if provoked. So I have no idea what this means politically.

Any character that "has no opinion" on politics(specifically fictional, I try to leave RL politics out of my characters), and agrees with everyone, is just going to end up as a mary sue(I.E. boring). Interesting characters have depth, lore, and backstories. Not to say those who just make characters for the sake of "myself but as a furry" are boring, I do this as well, I'm specifically referring to characters that are meant to be part of a story, lore, or roleplay.
Basically what I am saying, is don't be afraid to touch on political issues in fiction, even if they may be similar to RL issues. But avoid making the issues touched on a reflection of RL issues, as that's just going to get 50% of people to groan because I'm pretty sure that everyone has had enough RL politics and uses the internet and fiction to escape it. A great story doesn't exclude one opinion and say that it is bad, but utilizes how politics are in real life as a method for creating a realistic and believable story.

My only political belief that actually gets me going IRL is a my anti-authoritarian streak. But it does get me going.

My sona is literally a robot who just wants to work and do a good job. He, unlike me, is wise enough not to worry too much about his opinions on things that he can't materially affect.

I only have one fursona and he has the same political beliefs as me. I took the 10 groups test and the result was center-libertarian.

I have a few OCs with different political beliefs, but i don't want to spend too much time doing the tests for them right now.


well mine enjoys killing, war, and execution of those cowardice enough to hide from combat, gladiator arenas, and other generally criminal activity so, definitely different than my own... or?

My OC speaks an undeciphered language and lives a solitary life in the wild. He wouldn't know what politics are.

yes, because I make my characters to express or personify my ideas, therefore conflict and conflicting characters must challenge those ideas.
I also enjoy writing with dichotomies and trichotomies, then there has to be a variety of views no matter what I think.

this is actually something I've never thought about. I feel like my fursona probably has very similar beliefs to me but some of my other OCs would totally be the opposite to me. Kinda interesting to think about


I only have one oc right now, unless you count my video game and DND characters. Really the only thing about my oc that differs here is that my OC is purely SFW. ((I don’t want anything lewd of him specifically, other characters are fine))

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