Topic: Sex is a drug.

Posted under General

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Dear e621,
Your website is home to some of the greatest works of art in the world of degeneracy and although I’ve had my fun, it needs to stop. I, alongside several others I’m sure, have been using this site for far too long and need to be free of it. I’ve been dealing with this addiction for 6 years, almost a third of my life, and it’s only going to become worse. And it truly is that, an addiction. Sex gives one a high sense of pleasure and when it ends, you feel as though you’re worse than before. I’ve studied psychology, I know how the brain works, and I’m no longer content with perpetuating this sin in my life. The reason I’m posting this here is to warn you to get out while you still can. In my depression, caused by this sexual addiction, I’ve been brought to my knees, vomiting because I’m too tense to breath. I haven’t had a full breath for so long, I cannot remember when the last time was. If you look at the works of Jay-R and Grimmart, you can see both how sex makes one depressed outside of gratification and how a sexual lifestyle opens one up to missing out on important moments, potentially causing more drastic results. You may have known me as FuzNuff or FuzzNuff, but I am a real person behind this wall of text. I like cooking gourmet, I have OCD so I put emphasis on perfection, I love movies and TV as well as listening to music both classical and modern. I’ve played Minecraft so much I’ve become an expert, and I shun Fortnite for being a lazy and uninteresting game. I am real, just like everyone else on this site, and that should terrify you. How many have fallen down this spiral of degeneracy and depression. Just last year, following No Nut November, we had an entire meme dedicated to not wanting to be horny, but happy. How does the collective consciousness adopt such a mindset if it weren’t at least partly true? Maybe you’ll see this, maybe you won’t. But I plead with you, look at your life; one day you’ll grow old, incapable of physical activity, incapable of sexual gratification. Then what? Would you have anyone to spend the rest of your life with? Would you have made a contribution to the world that you’re proud of? Or would you be sad, depressed, violated, alone…

NO, you cannot let that happen, you have control over yourself and you have the power to take back your life, reclaim your dignity, be forgiven of this sin that plagues so many of us. There are helplines everywhere and people can always be helped. No matter how many times you’ve failed, you only need to succeed once, and keeping doing it.
Sincerely, Bill, a REAL person, who will be deleting my account and never returning.

Updated by bitWolfy

Blah blah blah blah, fuck off and go eat some granola and find Christ elsewhere. You say you're never returning, but when people post shit like this they always do, even if it's just to spam the same tired nonsense over and over again.

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