Topic: Am I being downvoted out of spite?

Posted under Off Topic

I took a look at some of my recent comments (just the first page) and holy hell there's a lot of undeserved downvotes. Like I can understand a few of those comments getting downvoted and that's fair but come on. This just feels unjustified. Normally I don't care if I get downvoted but I've never had this many comments downvoted in a row. Why did I deserve a downvote for telling someone they're welcome after thanking me for getting their joke when no one else did? Am I really deserving of downvotes for relating something to a dream I had that I was reminded of? Why all the hate all of the sudden? If I am being targeted out of spite I know why and I know who and I already appologized publically and explained myself privately to several people but if I'm not then what the hell did I do and why were they so deserving of downvotes? I'm not asking for upvotes I'm asking for an explaination.

other than when you're ranting about how much you hate rigged animation rather than just blacklisting it and moving on like a normal person. most of your posts have a score of no less than -1, and they're not even consecutive, seems like random people are just downvoting some comments occasionally, which is totally normal.

darryus said:
other than when you're ranting about how much you hate rigged animation rather than just blacklisting it and moving on like a normal person. most of your posts have a score of no less than -1, and they're not even consecutive, seems like random people are just downvoting some comments occasionally, which is totally normal.

That's what I meant by understanding why a few of them got downvoted. I only said something that time cause someone else did. I was shocked I wasn't the only one. I don't blacklist it cause I'd end up blocking a lot of Zonkpunch animations. Idk what it is but it really isn't all that noticeable in his animations. I don't like motiontweening cause it does not look right at all. I'm not getting into this arguement again. I don't go out of my way to bash it constantly. I just ignore it.

I was talking about the other ones on the first page. I'm seeing -2 to -4 on those. I find it weird to downvote someone for being polite. Actually on a lot of those I'm the only one downvoted. I don't know maybe I'm overthinking it.


Former Staff

sexygaydragon said:
That's what I meant by understanding why a few of them got downvoted. I only said something that time cause someone else did. I was shocked I wasn't the only one. I don't blacklist it cause I'd end up blocking a lot of Zonkpunch animations. Idk what it is but it really isn't all that noticeable in his animations. I don't like motiontweening cause it does not look right at all.

You can exempt things in your blacklist:

motion_tweening -zonkpunch

That would block all animations with motion_tweening tagged unless zonkpunch is also tagged.


Former Staff

Well, I have good news for you. Check your comments section.
You were being targeted by a mass-downvoter with multiple alts.

Just a reminder: if you believe that you are being mass-downvoted, feel free to make a ticket.

do not hate them, EMBRACE THE DOWNVOTES, FOR THEY ARE YOUR BADGES OF FREEDOM AND INDIVIDUALITY, they are the proof that you refuse go along with the status quo, that you are not afraid to be seen as a free thinker who does not bend to the will of the majority, show them that that you will not be just another sheep who follows the crowd of yes men who live to stroke the egos of talented artists so they will keep pouring out your monthly dose of jerking off material. LIVE FREE, BE TRUE TO YOURSELF, AND NEVER BACK DOWN.



Former Staff

neepokra said:
do not hate them, EMBRACE THE DOWNVOTES, FOR THEY ARE YOUR BADGES OF FREEDOM AND INDIVIDUALITY, they are the proof that you refuse go along with the status quo, that you are not afraid to be seen as a free thinker who does not bend to the will of the majority, show them that that you will not be just another sheep who follows the crowd of yes men who live to stroke the egos of talented artists so they will keep pouring out your monthly dose of jerking off material. LIVE FREE, BE TRUE TO YOURSELF, AND NEVER BACK DOWN.

sir this is a wendy's

Element Blockers may be just what you need to block out some unnecessary stress, Dood.
Just about every browser has an app that allows you to flat-out block elements of a page
like in this case the vote count. ◠‿╹)~★

Super easy to get caught up in the perceived opinions of others when it comes to life, love,
and especially social Media. We all want to be liked and when we see any possible evidence
we aren't, it hurts. But with element blockers, you can take the initiative and stop putting yourself
in a spot to feel that way. No more Stars, Likes, Points, or whatever false validation fountains,
Just you and what you do, Dood! ◠‿◠)~★

bitwolfy said:
Well, I have good news for you. Check your comments section.
You were being targeted by a mass-downvoter with multiple alts.

Just a reminder: if you believe that you are being mass-downvoted, feel free to make a ticket.

Oh Snap! Wasn't expecting this conclusion!
May not be my place to say but, Great work, Dood!

Making Accounts just to downvote one person,
Those are some spooky levels of petty, Dood.
╹ ╹;)

bitwolfy said:
Well, I have good news for you. Check your comments section.
You were being targeted by a mass-downvoter with multiple alts.

Just a reminder: if you believe that you are being mass-downvoted, feel free to make a ticket.

HOLY SHIT I KNEW IT! I just wonder if it was for "that" or they were just trolls. If it was for "that" then that's petty. I'm trying to move away from that. I appologized and explained myself to people dming me about it and they understood...usually. I regret it and just want to put that incident behind me and move on. When I ever say anything against popular opinion I know to expect downvotes. But these were either genuine thoughts about the image or just an attempt at humor which I know is hit or miss.

Yeah I didn't know if I was or it was just my imagination. I didn't know how to prove it either. Thanks a lot.


neepokra said:
do not hate them, EMBRACE THE DOWNVOTES, FOR THEY ARE YOUR BADGES OF FREEDOM AND INDIVIDUALITY, they are the proof that you refuse go along with the status quo, that you are not afraid to be seen as a free thinker who does not bend to the will of the majority, show them that that you will not be just another sheep who follows the crowd of yes men who live to stroke the egos of talented artists so they will keep pouring out your monthly dose of jerking off material. LIVE FREE, BE TRUE TO YOURSELF, AND NEVER BACK DOWN.

You have the two finger defense to shield you from downvotes. You've learned well from Master Markiplier. That's shockingly accurate to how I think. I form my own opinions usually to the chagrin to the rest of the sheep herd who throw me to the wolves.

notkastar said:
Element Blockers may be just what you need to block out some unnecessary stress, Dood.
Just about every browser has an app that allows you to flat-out block elements of a page
like in this case the vote count. ◠‿╹)~★

Super easy to get caught up in the perceived opinions of others when it comes to life, love,
and especially social Media. We all want to be liked and when we see any possible evidence
we aren't, it hurts. But with element blockers, you can take the initiative and stop putting yourself
in a spot to feel that way. No more Stars, Likes, Points, or whatever false validation fountains,
Just you and what you do, Dood! ◠‿◠)~★

Oh Snap! Wasn't expecting this conclusion!
May not be my place to say but, Great work, Dood!

Making Accounts just to downvote one person,
Those are some spooky levels of petty, Dood.
╹ ╹;)

That's precisely why I stay away from social media. That and cyber bullying. Already dealt with it many lifetimes over irl and did not need it on the internet. I'm aware I'm not well liked and it's usually cause I'm gay, furry, or autistic. That's why I'm open about it. It weeds out those who'd turn on me at a moments notice had they found out later instead of rightaway. Those that do like me see past my quirks. I'm not inherently a bad guy. Real talk my youtube videos have been doing very well lately and it's doing me a heckin concern. I'm not used to success so it's very shocking to me. I'm used to being hated so much so that I'm constantly shocked when people are actually nice to me. It feels out of the ordinary and I genuinely don't know how to react.

bitwolfy said:
Just a reminder: if you believe that you are being mass-downvoted, feel free to make a ticket.

To who? Tickets are usually directed at someone or something, but up/down votes, especially comment ones are anonymous to regulars right?

benjiboyo said:
To who? Tickets are usually directed at someone or something, but up/down votes, especially comment ones are anonymous to regulars right?

You can report yourself to get it investigated.

benjiboyo said:
To who? Tickets are usually directed at someone or something, but up/down votes, especially comment ones are anonymous to regulars right?

You can report a random (relevant) comment and ask the mods to look into it.