Topic: Upvotes/downvotes not always registering

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests


So, I like to upvote all the posts I favorite, but I have noticed recently that upvotes don't always register, even when the banner says "post updated". I thought this was an internet latency issue on my part but when I favorite a post it registers instantly every time. I also thought I was confusing the site by clicking the favorite and upvote button too quickly after one another but this issue still persists even when I only upvote. Lastly, I have refreshed the page to see if it registered but just didn't show but it did not register.

Just thought I'd let you guy's know!

Thanks for your time

I've been seeing this on-and-off for many months now. Generally, waiting about 5~10 seconds then trying the upvote again gets it to register.

That's because the site has no error handling on post upvote/downvote. You will always see the green "Post updated" message, even if the connection fails or when you're offline. There used to be "Vote saved" message that was showing only when the voting actually succeeded but after recent changes it's being covered by always showing "Post updated". I don't know who coded this but something is not right here and it should be fixed.

Right now, you will never know whether the vote was actually saved or not until you refresh the page.

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