Topic: question

Posted under General

are there more hedonistic posts then there are ones tagged with hedonism, are those the only ones?, if so thats dissapointing, and if there are actually more, links plz

I'm sure there are....but looking at hedonism now, it seems like a rather pointless tag.
Common themes appear to be fat people and eating during sex.

You might want to search for related things instead like like eating_during_sex or food overweight
Maybe explore the wiki a bit in places like food_play


Most explicit artwork on this site is probably hedonistic to varying degrees. Hedonism, at its core, is just the pursuit of pleasure (especially physical pleasures).

It's about as ambiguous a tag as "beauty" or "desire".

Unless someone can create a solid wiki definition for hedonism, or find a good tag to alias it to, hedonism should be made invalid.

A small part of me is kind of rooting for it.

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