Topic: How to find the md5 for a deleted post?

Posted under General

Hello everyone, I have a question I was hoping one of you nerds could help me with.


If you right click and save a post, by default its name will be a random string of hexadecimal charters, this is called md5.
If you type md5:cf9d05064039774083f20a3b00148c7f into the search box, it will return the exact post with that name. This can be used in conjunction with status:deleted to fined specific posts that have been deleted.

My question is. If I know the post ID, can I somehow find the md5 for that post?

hamsterboy said:
My question is. If I know the post ID, can I somehow find the md5 for that post?

Checking html or adding .json after the postid of a deleted post will provide the md5 of it.


Open the browser console on the deleted post, put one of those in, press enter.

If you're going to do this often, you can add it as a bookmarklet on your bookmarks bar with this as the URL:


One click and you have it.


lance_armstrong said:


Open the browser console on the deleted post, put one of those in, press enter.

If you're going to do this often, you can add it as a bookmarklet on your bookmarks bar with this as the URL:


One click and you have it.

Haza! It worked! Thanks a lot. And no, I don't think I'll need it too often, but thanks.

Step by step for future reference / the layman reader. :)

1. Fined the post's page. This can be done using status:deleted in the search box, along with any other normal tags.

2. Once there, open the console. For Microsoft edge users, this can be done by pressing F12. This will bring up the Microsoft Edge DevTools. Near the top, there is a tab called console, click it.

3a. In the main window, paste alert(JSON.parse($("#image-container").attr("data-post")).file.md5) and hit enter. There should be a new popup window with the md5 in it.

3b. Alternatively, in the main window you can paste console.log(JSON.parse($("#image-container").attr("data-post")).file.md5) and hit enter. Then the md5 will appear in the same window on a new line.

4. Have fun with your new power! Mwa ha ha!

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