Topic: We need stricter rules for people who tag battle on posts

Posted under General

I made a post regarding a specific image that was having a 'cub' tag battle, and although while it was eventually fixed, it took weeks for it to happen, and that's honestly too long of a time for just a single image to get fixed by mods/admins/janitors, etc. I'm aware that they may have better things to do, but it's still an issue regardless.

I keep finding images that I have favorited that are very clearly not cub/young, but continuously get marked as such under the guise of "tag what you see" (I try to keep my favorites cub free because I'm not a pedophile and I don't want people to think I am one). It's honestly starting to get annoying at this point, and there really should be punishments for people who continuously change tags back and forth. Like temp bans for changing tags or something. Just today, I changed like 5-10 tags of very clearly non-young characters, like tsukino from monster hunter. She's a small cat. Small cats do not 100% of the time mean underaged, and it's pretty clear she isn't in those images.

Although one could argue that a riolu is considered a "baby" pokemon, and that it is entirely up to tag what you see to determine if its cub or not, but sometimes it's pretty obvious. Like dacad draws a fair amount of 'aged' up riolu's, but people don't seem to care about that. It's like on a similar spectrum of someone taking tails prower, and aging him up to be a very obvious adult, but people still mark him as a cub because that's what his canonical age is, regardless of the interpretation of the fan art drawn, and that's just not how it works.

I think the best way to fix tag battles is to make it so if you change a specific tag, you cannot change that tag again except in a specific time frame, like 1 hour in case you made a mistake in the tagging, else must go through a reporting process, per person. And the reason I think that would more or less fix it is because 9/10 times, the people who are changing the tags are the same person over and over, when another person removes said tag. It's almost like they are specifically watching that image, knowing someone will change it back, just to jump on it and go "no u". And then additionally, if a tag is added and removed 3 times in a row regardless of time, the post needs to be automatically flagged and checked by staff. This should stop most if not all, improper tag changing. And then if in the case a staff member misjudges the tagging and locks it, then the original artist can go on there and make a report about it.

Obviously this is on a larger scale than just my favorites, but I don't look at random cub porn to determine if I think it's of age or not.

zekorus said:
I keep finding images that I have favorited that are very clearly not cub/young, but continuously get marked as such under the guise of "tag what you see" (I try to keep my favorites cub free because I'm not a pedophile and I don't want people to think I am one). It's honestly starting to get annoying at this point, and there really should be punishments for people who continuously change tags back and forth.

There is. Insinuating that people who have cub art in their favorites are pedophiles is also covered by a rule, FWIW.

zekorus said:
I think the best way to fix tag battles is to make it so if you change a specific tag, you cannot change that tag again except in a specific time frame, like 1 hour in case you made a mistake in the tagging, else must go through a reporting process, per person.

I am curious if it would be possible for the site to detect if a tag has been added to or removed from a post multiple times, and to give a message to report the post for a potential tagging dispute instead of continuing to add/remove the tag. It needn't be per-person, because tagging wars can involve multiple people. Sometimes tagging wars can occur without the taggers knowing they're in one (e.g. if I hop onto the site, see an image and notice a tag I think is missing or inapplicable, I may add or remove it without ever knowing others have been adding and removing it beforehand). Sometimes a tag war can occur over years, with a particular tag on a post getting added/removed every few months by completely different people.

zekorus said:
And then if in the case a staff member misjudges the tagging and locks it, then the original artist can go on there and make a report about it.

It needn't be the original artist. We tag based on Tag What You See, so whether or not a post is tagged as cub or something depends on what it looks like, not what the original artist says about the character. What the artist says would influence what lore tags should or shouldn't be used (as well as character tags), but not for general tags. If a staff member misjudges a tag when locking it on or off, anyone can report the post and (politely) explain what's wrong.

watsit said:
There is. Insinuating that people who have cub art in their favorites are pedophiles is also covered by a rule, FWIW.

If you actually read what I said, I said that I don't want to look like a pedophile. It's not against the rules if I'm saying that. I have friends that I allow to see my account and I don't want them to think I am a pedophile.

You can also check history changes on a post, so you can see who changed what and when. There's not really any excuse to not being able to see that.

And again, I keep seeing people mentioning that "we tag based on tag what you see" but then get pissy when they are dealt the same bullshit.
Like don't get me wrong, TWYS on paper is a good idea but its rarely actually effective in the cases where it does matter.

zekorus said:
I have friends that I allow to see my account

well, there's your problem.

zekorus said:
TWYS [...] is rarely actually effective in the cases where it does matter.

this is patently untrue, you just don't like it working as intended

also, pro tip: just because an image isn't tagged with cub dosn't make it look any less like cub art (and the inverse). if someone's going to look through your favorites they're still going to find the posts with riolu and other baby pokémon, they're still going to find all of the art from dagasi, syuro, and any other artist that does cub stuff, they're still going to find anything else that looks like cub or is cub-adjacent.

What I have noticed, if you write a clear description, with the main problem as the first words, if you report something, it's more likely to be looked at... or, at least it seems like it to me. And... auto reporting tag wars, won't make the problem go away faster. It would make it worse. The ticket queue is kinda long at the moment with 41/2 pages

The thing with TWYS is, it is subjective. We can try to be objective, but we never can truly be. The young tag makes this very obvious. I'd assume it's the tag with the most tag wars (besides gender stuff) dacad's riolus for instance, they look like teenagers to me. I'd tag most of them as young.

darryus said:
...just because an image isn't tagged with cub dosn't make it look any less like cub art...

also this

zekorus said:
I try to keep my favorites cub free because I'm not a pedophile and I don't want people to think I am one.

Settings > Advanced > Enable privacy mode > Yes

It's like on a similar spectrum of someone taking tails prower, and aging him up to be a very obvious adult, but people still mark him as a cub because that's what his canonical age is, regardless of the interpretation of the fan art drawn, and that's just not how it works.

They should not be automatically tagged as cub unless there are clear indications otherwise.
Repeat violators should be reported as it does not follow Tag What You See and becomes Tag What You Know.

The appropriate tag that should be used is young_(lore).

I think the best way to fix tag battles is to make it so if you change a specific tag, you cannot change that tag again except in a specific time frame, like 1 hour in case you made a mistake in the tagging, else must go through a reporting process, per person. And the reason I think that would more or less fix it is because 9/10 times, the people who are changing the tags are the same person over and over, when another person removes said tag. It's almost like they are specifically watching that image, knowing someone will change it back, just to jump on it and go "no u". And then additionally, if a tag is added and removed 3 times in a row regardless of time, the post needs to be automatically flagged and checked by staff. This should stop most if not all, improper tag changing. And then if in the case a staff member misjudges the tagging and locks it, then the original artist can go on there and make a report about it.

Impractical and unnecessary. If I mistag a post, I want to immediately fix it instead of having to wait an hour to do so.
Putting timers on everything will just needlessly complicate things for people who are trying to fix the tags. E.g., User A adds a bunch of wrong tags and user B tries to fix it, only to be blocked by a timer or vice versa.
Automating the flagging process will just flood the ticket queue with even more junk, not even considering the potential for false positives and site tool abusers/trolls.

darryus said:
this is patently untrue, you just don't like it working as intended

No TWYS just doesn't work. What you perceive in an image can differ vastly from what I do. There are so many examples of it failing that I can't even pick one. It causes way more problems than it solves. People twist that rule so their perception is seen as the correct one instead of the actual correct one. The final say on tags should be the artist, the commissioner or the character owner not the mods. It's such a slap in the face to the artist for them to explain what they drew only to be told they are wrong. It's like if Da Vinci hung The Mona Lisa in a museum but it was labeled The Scream by the curators and no one was allowed to fix it. How about actually tagging with common sense?

sexygaydragon said:
No TWYS just doesn't work. What you perceive in an image can differ vastly from what I do. There are so many examples of it failing that I can't even pick one. It causes way more problems than it solves. People twist that rule so their perception is seen as the correct one instead of the actual correct one. The final say on tags should be the artist, the commissioner or the character owner not the mods. It's such a slap in the face to the artist for them to explain what they drew only to be told they are wrong. It's like if Da Vinci hung The Mona Lisa in a museum but it was labeled The Scream by the curators and no one was allowed to fix it. How about actually tagging with common sense?

If you don't point on one problem, it causes, this comment is unnecessary, sorry. TWYS has its flaws, but it is the best way to go. besides that, we have lore tags. and all other tags that are not in that category, are kinda obsolete, if you can't see them in the picture.


sexygaydragon said:
It's like if Da Vinci hung The Mona Lisa in a museum but it was labeled The Scream by the curators and no one was allowed to fix it.

this is such a ridiculous overexaggeration, tag locks never even get applied to character tags (or post descriptions, since we're talking about the title of a piece) and there's no sane person in the universe that'd confuse these two pieces.

sexygaydragon said:
No TWYS just doesn't work. What you perceive in an image can differ vastly from what I do. ... The final say on tags should be the artist, the commissioner or the character owner not the mods. It's such a slap in the face to the artist for them to explain what they drew only to be told they are wrong. ... How about actually tagging with common sense?

Unfortunately, it is their content on our website. If they do not like how tagging is being done here, they are welcome to remove their content from the site.
As long as you are here, you must abide by the rules and tagging standards as stipulated by the moderation team, and this includes the Tag What You See policy.

Artists have to understand that tagging on e621 does not necessarily reflect their personal beliefs or preferences, it just relays to the average viewer what a post appears to contain (as opposed to definitely contain).
If we leave it up to the artists to have the final say on tagging, we can easily see a scenario where viewers would become deceived with what they had searched or blacklisted.
E.g., An artist makes the claim that a small, young, child-like character is actually a 100-year-old being and thus should not be tagged as cub. As a result, viewers who don't know the character would get content that they may not like being thrown into their faces because "the artist said so".

In the past, the argument has been made as well in regards to the gender tags, with character owners claiming that their characters is actually X but being tagged as Y.
Now we have created lore tags (which are completely exempt from TWYS) to accommodate people's personal beliefs and to serve as a means for them to get the "official word" out in regards to an artwork they have created or commissioned.

darryus said:
this is such a ridiculous overexaggeration, tag locks never even get applied to character tags (or post descriptions, since we're talking about the title of a piece) and there's no sane person in the universe that'd confuse these two pieces.

Not even what I meant but keep cherry picking.

thegreatwolfgang said:
Unfortunately, it is their content on our website. If they do not like how tagging is being done here, they are welcome to remove their content from the site.
As long as you are here, you must abide by the rules and tagging standards as stipulated by the moderation team, and this includes the Tag What You See policy.

Artists have to understand that tagging on e621 does not necessarily reflect their personal beliefs or preferences, it just relays to the average viewer what a post appears to contain (as opposed to definitely contain).
If we leave it up to the artists to have the final say on tagging, we can easily see a scenario where viewers would become deceived with what they had searched or blacklisted.
E.g., An artist makes the claim that a small, young, child-like character is actually a 100-year-old being and thus should not be tagged as cub. As a result, viewers who don't know the character would get content that they may not like being thrown into their faces because "the artist said so".

In the past, the argument has been made as well in regards to the gender tags, with character owners claiming that their characters is actually X but being tagged as Y.
Now we have created lore tags (which are completely exempt from TWYS) to accommodate people's personal beliefs and to serve as a means for them to get the "official word" out in regards to an artwork they have created or commissioned.

Yet other sites do exactly that and this is the only one (that I've seen) with tagging issues. Lore tags didn't fix anything either. It has nothing to do with personal beliefs or preferences. When it comes to transgender that's one thing cause you can't tell that from the image alone. When a character's sex is clearly discernable it should be properly tagged. If everybody and their mother knows a character then its sex should be tagged too unless it's a crossgender depiction. My point is no one knows better than the artist. You should tag with common sense.

darryus said:
it's literally what you said.
also, that's not what cherry picking means.

Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position.

That is exactly what you are doing. I wasn't saying character tags get locked or that anyone would confuse Mona Lisa with The Scream. It was an example of how incorrect tags get locked. You cherrypicked that out of everything else purposely ignoring everything else I said. You've misconstrued my words.

dubsthefox said:
If you don't point on one problem, it causes, this comment is unnecessary, sorry. TWYS has its flaws, but it is the best way to go. besides that, we have lore tags. and all other tags that are not in that category, are kinda obsolete, if you can't see them in the picture.

You can tag with common sense. Don't even say there's no other way if you don't even try to come up with one. The constant tag wars is a very obvious problem it causes. I don't see that on other sites.

sexygaydragon said:
You can tag with common sense. Don't even say there's no other way if you don't even try to come up with one. The constant tag wars is a very obvious problem it causes. I don't see that on other sites.

I know plenty of ways to blacklist stuff... but a lot of users don't want to invest time to understand the tagging system, and don't add those. And adding female in the blacklist is easier than adding 20 different tags that could occur, if straight sex is happening. It's simply easier.

sexygaydragon said:
Yet other sites do exactly that and this is the only one (that I've seen) with tagging issues.

Must not be looking very hard. Tags are useless on sites like FA, because people can put whatever they want in them, or not use them at all. e6 is the only site I've found where tag-based searching and blacklisting actually works well since it works based on a common standard and not the mere say-so of one person. It has its problems, but e6 has one of the most functional tagging systems I've seen for an art site.

sexygaydragon said:
My point is no one knows better than the artist.

Not necessarily true. Artists are human just like the rest of us, they can make mistakes and errors of judgement. If they draw something that looks like a cub, for example, it gets tagged as looking like a cub even if the artist intended them to be older. The artist saying the character is meant to be older doesn't stop them from looking young, and people who don't want to (or legally aren't allowed to) look at young-looking characters would not appreciate it getting through the blacklist because "technically they're not young since the artist says so".

sexygaydragon said:
Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position.

That is exactly what you are doing. I wasn't saying character tags get locked or that anyone would confuse Mona Lisa with The Scream. It was an example of how incorrect tags get locked. You cherrypicked that out of everything else purposely ignoring everything else I said. You've misconstrued my words.

cherry picking is when you take apart a single part of an argument and imply the entire argument is false because that one part is wrong. saying that a single piece of an argument is wrong is not cherry picking on its own.
I was saying that your analogy was ridiculous and totally incongruous with how anything works, I made no statement about the veracity of your stance as a whole. a character being taglocked to young is in no way similar to the Mona Lisa being mislabeled as a totally unrelated piece.

darryus said:
cherry picking is when you take apart a single part of an argument and imply the entire argument is false because that one part is wrong. saying that a single piece of an argument is wrong is not cherry picking on its own.
I was saying that your analogy was ridiculous and totally incongruous with how anything works, I made no statement about the veracity of your stance as a whole. a character being taglocked to young is in no way similar to the Mona Lisa being mislabeled as a totally unrelated piece.

No one said it was. What are you on about? Can you even comprehend what is being said? Can you stop putting words in my mouth? That method doesn't work in text form especially when everyone can see it. I hate it when people latch on to the example instead of the actual point. You are focusing on the wrong part of the arguement. I am not replying after this.

darryus said:
cherry picking is when you take apart a single part of an argument and imply the entire argument is false because that one part is wrong. saying that a single piece of an argument is wrong is not cherry picking on its own.
I was saying that your analogy was ridiculous and totally incongruous with how anything works, I made no statement about the veracity of your stance as a whole. a character being taglocked to young is in no way similar to the Mona Lisa being mislabeled as a totally unrelated piece.

Don't argue with people who are clearly approaching a discussion in bad faith, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

votp said:
Don't argue with people who are clearly approaching a discussion in bad faith, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

yeah, yeah, don't feed the trolls, I know.

dubsthefox said:
And adding female in the blacklist is easier than adding 20 different tags that could occur, if straight sex is happening. It's simply easier.

I don't know how this came up right here, but traditionally the problem with the sex/gender tags was that characters users did want to see were being placed into categories they wanted to exclude.

magnuseffect said:
I don't know how this came up right here, but traditionally the problem with the sex/gender tags was that characters users did want to see were being placed into categories they wanted to exclude.

I am not sure if I understand you correctly. What I wanted to say with that was: TWYS, sometimes tag wars, and a good working blacklist, is better than "let the artists and owners decide what they want to tag", because SexyGayDragon was arguing against TWYS, and I don't like that.

dubsthefox said:
I am not sure if I understand you correctly.

Bringing up the ability to blacklist female instead of tags x/y/z in order to avoid straight sex is a messy argument.
It works if the user's belief of what constitutes straight sex is a match for site tagging guidelines, but infamously there are cases in which TWYS guideline is the sole tagging indicatorno breasts/genital tagging that a character is female, and if a user were to disagree with this determinationas far as it pertains to still wanting to see such content but avoid posts which are more concretely straight then what TWYS has done is cause them to rely on blacklisting tags x/y/z instead of female.

dubsthefox said:
What I wanted to say with that was: TWYS, sometimes tag wars, and a good working blacklist, is better than "let the artists and owners decide what they want to tag", because SexyGayDragon was arguing against TWYS, and I don't like that.

That's a better one and I agree that TWYS at least prevents more issues than it creates.
I do think there's a lot of disparity between what TWYS and various individual users consider young, though, and this is going to keep coming up. Possibly the wildest take I've seen was that a third of the tag was within the realm of what someone wanted to see, but they expressly wanted to exclude all under-18 characters.

magnuseffect said:
Bringing up the ability to blacklist female instead of tags x/y/z in order to avoid straight sex is a messy argument.

I understood his, "Don't even say there's no other way if you don't even try to come up with one.", as "Don't even say there's no other way to blacklist stuff if you don't even try to come up with one.", because the blacklist is kinda the main reason for TWYS

My thought process was longer than what I have said in the end.
Letting everyone tag what they want = missing/"wrong" gender tags = the uploaders would have to add all body properties, what won't happen in most cases because we can be happy if a post has more than 20 tags. = you need a long and complicated blacklist.
(thats my ADHD head ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

dubsthefox said:
I am not sure if I understand you correctly. What I wanted to say with that was: TWYS, sometimes tag wars, and a good working blacklist, is better than "let the artists and owners decide what they want to tag", because SexyGayDragon was arguing against TWYS, and I don't like that.

Don't twist my words please. I'm saying artist input on tags shouldn't be ignored not that they can just tag whatever because they are the artist. On top of that why is Pokèmon dimorphism ignored but not for species artists have created? You all praise this blacklist like it's the be all end all but it isn't. It isn't perfect especially with TWYS. I've ran into images I didn't want to see but have no way of adding it to the blacklist. I'm not adding each individual post either. I've also ran into issues with searching for things. Example is when I search for solo male nude and several results are images of nude solo females fondling disembodied penises. It's very much not what I'm looking for. Also there's so many pointless tags. Simply adding female to the blacklist isn't that simple. The ambiguous gender tag is overused. Say someone had female on their blacklist but they still see images of female looking characters that are tagged ambiguous what would they do? I've ran into that issue too where I wanted to see certain images but they don't show up with my search perimeters because of that tag being used when it's very clear what's being depicted.

dubsthefox said:
I understood his, "Don't even say there's no other way if you don't even try to come up with one.", as "Don't even say there's no other way to blacklist stuff if you don't even try to come up with one.", because the blacklist is kinda the main reason for TWYS

My thought process was longer than what I have said in the end.
Letting everyone tag what they want = missing/"wrong" gender tags = the uploaders would have to add all body properties, what won't happen in most cases because we can be happy if a post has more than 20 tags. = you need a long and complicated blacklist.
(thats my ADHD head ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Don't say there isn't a better tagging system if you refuse to come up with one in the first place is what I was saying.

Also I'm sorry for coming off as an asshole before. I had been up for over 24 hours and was very sleep depraved. Deprived? I had a lack of sleep and wasn't in a clear state of mind.

sexygaydragon said:
Don't twist my words please. I'm saying artist input on tags shouldn't be ignored not that they can just tag whatever because they are the artist.

sexygaydragon originally said:
No TWYS just doesn't work. What you perceive in an image can differ vastly from what I do. There are so many examples of it failing that I can't even pick one. It causes way more problems than it solves. People twist that rule so their perception is seen as the correct one instead of the actual correct one. The final say on tags should be the artist, the commissioner or the character owner not the mods.

No word twisting, it's literally what you said: TWYS doesn't work, and the artist, commissioner, or character owner should have final say on tags.

sexygaydragon said:
You all praise this blacklist like it's the be all end all but it isn't. It isn't perfect especially with TWYS.

No one said it is perfect. But try blacklisting posts based on tags on other sites, see how well it works compared to here.

sexygaydragon said:
Example is when I search for solo male nude and several results are images of nude solo females fondling disembodied penises.

Mistags happen. Hopefully you've done your part to help fix them, rather than just complain and say it doesn't work.

sexygaydragon said:
Say someone had female on their blacklist but they still see images of female looking characters that are tagged ambiguous what would they do?

If they look like a female, you can fix the tags. If other people disagree that it looks like a female, then you have a difference of opinion on what it looks like, and a moderator should settle the disagreement. What would you do for someone who had female on their blacklist, but they still see images of female looking characters that are tagged ambiguous or male because that's what the artist claims they are despite how they look?

sexygaydragon said:
Don't say there isn't a better tagging system if you refuse to come up with one in the first place is what I was saying.

Don't say there isn't a better tagging system if you can't come up with a better tagging system? I'm confused...

sexygaydragon said:
Don't say there isn't a better tagging system if you refuse to come up with one in the first place

Eh... I don't get why I should come up with a better tagging system, if I believe that e621 has the best one. Tagging/blacklisting on r34, inkbunny or FA is just crappy, especially blacklisting on FA.
Like Watsit said, if you find something that is wrong, change it. solo female disembodied_* is a great example for bad tagging, but not for a bad system.

watsit said:
Mistags happen. Hopefully you've done your part to help fix them, rather than just complain and say it doesn't work.

well, looking at the edit history, out of just over 100 edits only ten removed tags from posts; two of them were solo mistags, one was a nude mistag, one was a pov mistag, three were character name disambiguations, and the rest were fixing misspellings. so, fixing mistags isn't totally out of the question, but just isn't something that's done often.

dubsthefox said:
Eh... I don't get why I should come up with a better tagging system, if I believe that e621 has the best one. Tagging/blacklisting on r34, inkbunny or FA is just crappy, especially blacklisting on FA.
Like Watsit said, if you find something that is wrong, change it. solo female disembodied_* is a great example for bad tagging, but not for a bad system.

Which r34 are you using? I've used long before learning of this site and had no trouble tagging or blacklisting. Same for inkbunny and furaffinity. I really don't get what you are talking about at all. This site's tagging is so convoluted.

watsit said:

If they look like a female, you can fix the tags. If other people disagree that it looks like a female, then you have a difference of opinion on what it looks like, and a moderator should settle the disagreement. What would you do for someone who had female on their blacklist, but they still see images of female looking characters that are tagged ambiguous or male because that's what the artist claims they are despite how they look?

I can't do that cause that would be against TWYS. Need I bring up the Whygena incident or Tsampikos? I'm not saying anymore on that.

I would go with what the artist says. They drew it so they know what it is. Why is that such a hard concept to understand? Too bad for whoever doesn't want to see it. I don't want to see the insulting posts under the autism tag but no one cares. I'm forced to blacklist it and ignore it. It's fucking hurtful. It's hard enough living with it I don't need to be insulted for it too. It hurts that it isn't allowed in comments but it's all fine and dandy for it to be in a post. I'm not replying anymore after this. Clearly this is a waste of my time.

sexygaydragon said:
Which r34 are you using? I've used long before learning of this site and had no trouble tagging or blacklisting. Same for inkbunny and furaffinity.

"and furaffinity" I have questions... blacklisting on FA is... somewhat impossible. I think we can stop at this point with the statement, "opinions are subjective".


dubsthefox said:
"and furaffinity" I have questions... blacklisting on FA is... somewhat impossible.

And to add onto that, many artists don’t tag their stuff at all on FA. FA is one of the least tag-prioritizing sites out of the bunch.

sexygaydragon said:
Which r34 are you using? I've used long before learning of this site and had no trouble tagging or blacklisting. Same for inkbunny and furaffinity. I really don't get what you are talking about at all. This site's tagging is so convoluted.

.xxx rips posts and tags wholesale from e6.
FA's tags are entirely optional and useless, to the point I'm fucking terrified to open the site because I have a 50/50 shot of getting blasted with diapers, scat, and vore on the main page. Are you delusional?

I would go with what the artist says. They drew it so they know what it is. Why is that such a hard concept to understand? Too bad for whoever doesn't want to see it.

Because it's not a question of understanding, it's a question of principle. This site decided to run a certain way years ago and you haven't presented any new arguments compared to back then (or every other time a thread like this comes up).

"The artist knows what it is": What what is, exactly? This line of argument presupposes an independent objective existence to every fictional scenario AND that the purpose of tagging on e621 should be to accurately report the state of affairs in each such universe. Think about it before you accuse me of putting words in your mouth; your claims are incoherent without these assumptions. The first is ontological and can't be proven either way, and the second is a straight-up opinion. It's not that nobody understands your position, they just fundamentally disagree.

I don't want to see the insulting posts under the autism tag but no one cares. I'm forced to blacklist it and ignore it. It's fucking hurtful.

You don't want to see them, so you're forced not to see them? This sounds like an unrelated grievance, since it actually supports tagging against artists' wishes.

sexygaydragon said:
It's hard enough living with it I don't need to be insulted for it too. It hurts that it isn't allowed in comments but it's all fine and dandy for it to be in a post. I'm not replying anymore after this. Clearly this is a waste of my time.

I just noticed this part of your post. Let me just say, that's fuckin' rich coming from you

sexygaydragon said:
Need I bring up the Whygena incident or Tsampikos? I'm not saying anymore on that.

if I remember correctly Whygena ignored rules, got mad and incited fans to harass users and staff, and might have even actively participated (Wayback dosn't have any archives of the userpage, so I can't see if there were ever any records). Tsam was generally supportive of the TWYS policy and pretty much only had a problem with the cuntboy tagname, and I don't think really anyone liked the old intersex tagnames. (well, almost anyone)


votp said:
I just noticed this part of your post. Let me just say, that's fuckin' rich coming from you

oh, wait this is the same guy that called people ''tranny shitbags'', said that Birdo was never trans, and also ranted about hating rigged animation for no reason.


darryus said:
if I remember correctly Whygena ignored rules, got mad and incited fans to harass users and staff, and might have even actively participated.

All I remember is at some point someone saying that Whygena was getting mad about people coming from here to bug him about it offsite.

magnuseffect said:
All I remember is at some point someone saying that Whygena was getting mad about people coming from here to bug him about it offsite.

the comment sections on all the old posts were hell on earth with Dice, admins and everyone else who was on TWYS's side got mass downvoted. at the very least Whygena definitely participated in some tag warring and added nonsense tags after the tags got locked without records and without knowing if there's any hidden comments I can't really say what more was done beyond that.
I wasn't aware of anything happening off-site, but it started on here.

I was only gone a few days and... some threads blew up. XD

As a result, viewers who don't know the character would get content that they may not like being thrown into their faces because "the artist said so".

Like I said... Some characters like these:
Many of those aren't cub, like the first image obviously isn't, but others not so clear...

SGD: Stahp

dubsthefox said:
Eh... I don't get why I should come up with a better tagging system, if I believe that e621 has the best one. Tagging/blacklisting on r34, inkbunny or FA is just crappy, especially blacklisting on FA.
Like Watsit said, if you find something that is wrong, change it. solo female disembodied_* is a great example for bad tagging, but not for a bad system.

You have not seen Pixiv. >:)

dubsthefox said:
"and furaffinity" I have questions... blacklisting on FA is... somewhat impossible. I think we can stop at this point with the statement, "opinions are subjective".

Meh, some subjects are more subjective than others.

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