Topic: Do you think NSFW artist use their own work as "Stress Relievers", Dood?

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Honestly, I wonder what NSFW art think about their work in general, Dood

- What motivates them to create?

- How do they perceive their work?

- What's their process in making what's on their mind?
(How do they come up with ideas?)

whether or not they "Use" their work has been one of the
BIGGEST questions I've been wondering, Dood!

Personally, I don't, I just doodle what's
on my mind and what sounds fun to do, Dood!

post #3648546 | post #3626490| post #2502682

"Using" my work doesn't really appeal
to me since I don't see my work in that
kinda light. I see it in the light of a peep
building a world piece by piece, Dood

So NSFW artist out there,
what's your stance?
Do you "Use" your work?

And peep just dropping by, What do you think?
do you think NSFW artist use their own work, Dood?


I don’t, i made them only because I would like to see those characters doing those things in such scene.

And I have been looking on the art too much while working on it, don’t want to see them in a while after finish…

I guess those who use their own work maybe want to project him/herself on the characters?

I personally can’t see my art like that because I know of the nitty-gritty of making it, however I do hope that it can affect other viewers in the way that I intended.

notkastar said:
Honestly, I wonder what NSFW art think about their work in general, Dood

- What motivates them to create?

- How do they perceive their work?

- What's their process in making what's on their mind?
(How do they come up with ideas?)

whether or not they "Use" their work has been one of the
BIGGEST questions I've been wondering, Dood!

Personally, I don't, I just doodle what's
on my mind and what sounds fun to do, Dood!

post #3648546 | post #3626490| post #2502682

"Using" my work doesn't really appeal
to me since I don't see my work in that
kinda light. I see it in the light of a peep
building a world piece by piece, Dood

So NSFW artist out there,
what's your stance?
Do you "Use" your work?

And peep just dropping by, What do you think?
do you think NSFW artist use their own work, Dood?

I'm not a great artist but I've recolored a bunch of images and done some photomorphs, and from my experience... no. I've tried to get off to my own art or stuff I've worked on, and it just doesn't work for me. It's like I'm too connected to the piece or something.

Typically, it works best when you come at it cold, like any other viewer would. However, because you're so non-sexually intimately connected with it, it gets rapidly dull before you get all that worked up over it. You just want to move on to the next thing that will better engage, maybe even arouse you, something that you know will interest you. Except that something doesn't exist, so you end up making it yourself, which then doesn't interest you like you thought it might until you come at it cold, like any other viewer would.

But it doesn't matter, because for the artist, the creation of the art is in a sense more orgasmic than actually orgasming over it.

Personally my own nsfw art is 100% nonsexual to me, for the reasons others said. But I'm also an unusual case in that 99% of drawn porn in general doesn't make me horny lol. I'm just here cause I like the art in an artistic way (and for those 1% exceptions), for getting off I go elsewhere.

Sometimes yeah, I do 'enjoy' my own artwork.

There still is a discrepancy between what I imagine and what I can draw as a result, but this limitation works as motivation to get better at drawing what I have in mind.

I draw, ink and paint, etc, because I enjoy those experientially.
Inking and painting is a challenge for every brush stroke made. I make it a challenge to make it as perfect as I can. It's like exercising any skill, or well, exercising in general. The more you do it the better you get at it.

Art is less about creating things as doing something entirely yourself. Artists haven't always drawn things that don't exist, many drew/painted from life and channelling that energy through you as skill is what makes you an artist. You just in that state of being, like meditation, when it happens. It is very hard but also very enjoyable. And without the artist's work, there would be no human perspective of reality or dreams, executed with interest for the artist's subject down to the smallest detail.

So really art for me is about channelling that energy, what I find appealing, down to the smallest aspect. The sensation to me is beyond visual, I feel my art. It is not so much about the idea but the love that is put into it. I perceive my art as a part of myself that in turn becomes a part of others, just like the value art became a part of me. I try to contribute something new instead of sheer mimesis, however. I want to put the artistry at the forefront, from my own perspective, like others have.

For NSFW art, it's the same. When I see others' art that is NSFW, their love for the same things and fetishes, etc, as you is deeply intimate. So finding that shared love, knowing people like what you like, as an artist or art lover. That is deeply fulfilling. So far I've made visual art for about 3 months persistently over a 1.5 year span on and off. I wish I had more time for it but I am not a very wealthy person so I tend to come in bursts or work over the course of about a month for my larger works, usually doing two at the same time.

As for what's on my mind in particular... That could vary from the artwork's technicalities, to the weather. Good and bad emotion comes through in the art. I explore this in all my art. I do different parts of my art separately so I can see the different states of mind I was in as I worked. I take a long time on my artworks and every aspect of my soul is involved, especially for my large artworks. I work at high resolutions to fill this space around 16k-32k. That is so if a certain detail strikes me as something of interest at any one moment, I can just zoom in and detail it a lot. Most of my detail is colour and balance rather than purely lines, I guess I'm just super sensitive mood-wise to different lightings.

I am a hobbyist, non-professional, myself. I don't like to be fast-paced with art as I like to enjoy making it for as long as I can. Art is one of the most incredible feelings, to shape every tiny detail and to work to produce it, and it's always your work and no one else's as well. When sharing art it's like offering a part of your soul out of love. Perhaps because other artists helped me get through hard times with their art, I want to do the same for others. SFW and NSFW drawing, painting and modelling are vital parts of the human condition and the shared love for certain aspects in life. It's a shame some want to destroy these most important aspects of the human spirit, such as the connection, dedication and sacrifice people do for one another through art.

I myself am a girl and for my sex drive and the way I "pleasure myself" treats erotic works more as a "foreplay" or sensory boost to my masturbation. I've never been able to just raw stare at porn and get off, though I noticed a lot are able to do this (may be a guy thing more as well, idk). For me the sensory and emotional elements, temperature and colour and subtleness of expression is very important. So I can get off to my work, for the way it was made. I have not made much in the way of "active porn" besides sort of with fetish stuff like stickers. Just in a way I'm far more focused on the comfortability of the picture than directly orgasmic properties. It's like I'm using SFW art type energy, but it is towards a NSFW mood and theme.

Drawing NSFW art to me is more of a way to vent than "using" it is. My thought process making it is "man I need to get these thoughts out immediately", then I make it, and I put it out for other folks to see and move on lol. Helps me get over those feelings way easier than any other method.

If it didn't appeal to me, I wouldn't even be drawing it.

For me, drawing is entirely a means to an end. I draw only because I want the finished image. Really, I'm not so much an "artist" as "someone who spends my limited willpower to commission things from myself".

I've been trying to change my mindset, but it's really not easy. And if doing so will cost me the ability to even like my own work, it wouldn't be worth it.


I mainly only draw to share what I have fantasized about. Like, there's a specific thing that I want to see that either doesn't exist yet, or the existing ones don't really make it for me, and there might be other people who want to see it too.

My work to me is like a still image of a certain point in my fantasy, nothing more. It's completely detached from my own made up little reality once I put it into a png.
Like, for those of you who knows sinkdog, she's a dog with a kitchen sink for an abdomen, and it's the same for me.
But there's also a dog character made of a white indeterminate material that lives in my head since as long as I can remember. I once decided to draw her as a kitchen sink and posted the resulting image on the internet. People saw it, and "Sink Dog" was born.
Her and my dog are two separate beings, and I find it ok. I can't feasibly release the dog out of my brain into world as an OC, and I don't really want to enforce a "canon" to everyone since they already knew Sink Dog as Sink Dog.

Also, in case that's not what you meant, I don't really think of my art as masterpieces, or something to make a living off, or something to get famed for. It's really just for other people to see.
Well, except for commissions, but that's mainly so I can focus on one job and not switch between a bunch of projects and never finish any. Besides, getting some extra change isn't gonna hurt (I hope).

For the last point, yes. I do use my drawings. Sometimes I even come back for my older stuff. Mostly I just quickly sketch a thing and it'll do, only later I consider to make it into a full drawing.
In a less related note, I also quite enjoy several of the Sink Dog fanarts people have made, in case you're wondering.

lendrimujina said:
If it didn't appeal to me, I wouldn't even be drawing it.
I've been trying to change my mindset, but it's really not easy. And if doing so will cost me the ability to even like my own work, it wouldn't be worth it.

People aren't really saying that happens to them, though. They are describing that HOW you like it changes. Working for a long time on something tends to make you contextualize it more as a set of technical problems, as a process rather than a sudden event which you can viscerally react to.

IMO the different ways that people make pictures cause this effect to a greater or lesser degree. I think more painterly methods cause this effect the least, but being able to use such methods competently usually comes from having already developed solid drawing skills.

Personally, I don't particularly dislike the idea of gratifying myself sexually using one of my drawings, and I have sometimes, but,

A) I find I need to use very particular methods to keep 'technical concerns' from dominating my experience, and

B) the pursuit of 'the exact right aesthetic for X' (such as a lot of the stuff inafox discussed) is usually more interesting to me.

savageorange said:
People aren't really saying that happens to them, though. They are describing that HOW you like it changes. Working for a long time on something tends to make you contextualize it more as a set of technical problems, as a process rather than a sudden event which you can viscerally react to.

IMO the different ways that people make pictures cause this effect to a greater or lesser degree. I think more painterly methods cause this effect the least, but being able to use such methods competently usually comes from having already developed solid drawing skills.

Personally, I don't particularly dislike the idea of gratifying myself sexually using one of my drawings, and I have sometimes, but,

A) I find I need to use very particular methods to keep 'technical concerns' from dominating my experience, and

B) the pursuit of 'the exact right aesthetic for X' (such as a lot of the stuff inafox discussed) is usually more interesting to me.

Even though I spend a lot of time on pics (even though it really doesn't look like it, I'm just slow), I wonder if any of these factors influence my perception of my work and allow me to "view it cold":

A) My really, really hating the actual process of drawing most of the time making me push how something was made out of my head as an ordeal to be over with ASAP
B) My terrible short-term memory making me not remember most of the process anyway


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