Topic: Last Chance to Archive Inactive Twitters

Posted under General

Elon Musk said in a tweet to purge accounts that have been inactive for more than a year in 30 days to free up @s. I'm not sure how credibly we can take his tweets but given he now owns the website, I'd start archiving art from inactive artists who you know only post on Twitter.



alphamule said:
I wonder how this will affect Nitter archives...

As far as I know, Nitter uses the public Twitter APIs to grab the requested information, so any changes to Twitter accounts will be reflected in Nitter instances.

strikerman said:
does anyone have a download-all-the-posts button

I've been editing source of Nitter pages to replace thumbs with full ones and saving complete pages... Yeah, a tool would definitely be better. You can run your own Nitter instance for example.

strikerman said:
does anyone have a download-all-the-posts button

I was previously using the Twitter Media Downloader plugin for Chrome and it worked pretty effectively. I think there was a way to download the tweets too, and not just the media, but I can't work out how to do it right now. I've mostly been using Reverser.

Wow. Nice to see that thousands of artworks will just be gone... I wasn't too scared about the Twitter takeover... Now I am just pissed...

I'm on Firefox, and sometimes using Edge. Does this have an Firefox version or a Firefox equivalent to that?

Personally, I prefer gallery-dl to download an artist's twitter gallery instead of using a browser extension, though I guess it can be tricky to use if you're unfamiliar with using a command-line.

If you make a text file of which every line has a URL to an artist's twitter profile, then you download all of their art with gallery-dl -i twitter_list.txt, where "twitter_list.txt" is the name of the text file in this example.

If you want to change the behaviour of some things, like specifying the filename format of downloads or setting a specific folder for them to be saved in, then you can create a config file. All the options you can set in a config file are explained here. Also, for it to work, the config file has to be named "gallery-dl.conf" and be place in your user directory, on Windows you can find your user directory by putting "%USERPROFILE%" in the address bar of Windows Explorer, or opening it by pressing WIN+R and entering "%USERPROFILE%".

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