Topic: One of my posts has been pending approval for 19 days now, should I be concerned?

Posted under General

This post:

Has gone almost 20 days since it was uploaded and still has the pending approval message upon it. Nobody has seemed to pass any sort of judgement upon it despite all the other art in the set getting approved.

Has it gotten buried beneath hundred of other posts in the queue? Left forgotten? I'm fine with it being rejected, I'd just rather it not be rejected because the approval window ran out.

This is a regular occurrence. See status:pending order:id for a list of all unapproved posts in reverse chronological order.
Normally, this would just mean that nobody who has seen it has thought it bad enough for immediate deletion, nor good enough for immediate approval.
Really, all you have to do is just wait.

If the post does get deleted automatically (after 30 days of no judgment), you can message a janitor directly about it, and they can give you a more direct response about the post.

strikerman said:
If the post does get deleted automatically (after 30 days of no judgment), you can message a janitor directly about it, and they can give you a more direct response about the post.

Thanks for approval, haha. It looks like a nice piece and deserved it. Cool jester motif!

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