Topic: Anybody Have Some Speculations on What Panini is?

Posted under General

This is a question most people had in their childhood when watching the show Called "CHOWDER"
But I want to bring it up here.

post #2503575

So primarily, it's obvious she's a rabbit or has rabbit-like traits. She has long ears.....that's all we have to go on when it comes to design.

But say if she had pawpads (fanonwise), bunnies don't have pawpads.
ANd she has fangs and a ringtail.

two traits that aren't that of a lagomorph.

Any speculations on what Panini is a hybrid of?

closetpossum said:
how have I never discovered this in like a decade?

I mean, they explicitly joke about how chowder himself is a weird, and i quote, "cat, bear, rabbit thing"

benjiboyo said:
I mean, they explicitly joke about how chowder himself is a weird, and i quote, "cat, bear, rabbit thing"

I rmember that and ALMOST the exact scene you may be refering to.
However, I thought they were joking....thought it was a gag, "HAHA FUNNY CARTOON" thing.
Dind't know they were serious, but wow, lowkey feels odd knowing what they're now.

Odd to know what Panini is hahah!
It's like one of my childhood mysteries have been solved at last.

Makes me wonder if I'll stumble onto another childhood question sparked from cartoons

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