Topic: Multi-path implications

Posted under General

Recently I've been considering how to implicate a series of tags:
adult_on_cub -> cub -> young

There are multiple ways to implicate it, but it comes down to redundancy ultimately, I could make a BUR like:

imply adult_on_cub cub
imply adult_on_cub young
imply cub young

Although it would be faster to do the following since implications resolve recursively:

imply adult_on_cub cub
imply cub young

Logically, this would be true and maybe even insightful for the wiki.
Practically, as chains grow larger (or more of them are made for corresponding tags) it becomes more time consuming to create the BUR as each relation should be checked to make sure that the implication persists. (a simple n=3 chain would be a 2:3 difference, n=4 is 3:6, etc. Longer chains rarer, but even at length 3 it's a 33% increase lines and relationships to verify, which a user would find by clicking through the implication chain in the wiki).

Anyways, either would be valid and I'm sure this mostly comes down to a matter of opinion, but I am curious if there are more significant factors to consider, like potential clutter in the wiki potentially needing larger tables explaining implications on each page in an implication chain.

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