Topic: Question about deleted posts.

Posted under General

Hello everyone, I apologize, I'm new to this site.
I have seen that some of my posts have been deleted stating that "Does not meet minimum quality standards." what does that mean?
Thank you for reading.

I'm not staff, but:

This is a curated art archive, so to the extent of my knowledge, this means that someone went over your artwork, analyzed it, and decided that it wasn't fit for being archived in the site, for whatever reason, be it artistic, like a drawing with improper anatomy, or technical, like a heavily compressed image.

Check out the uploading guidelines to have a better idea of what are some of the minimum standards.

Also, consider deletions a form of constructive critique, telling you that you could improve more, and then your art would be approved as you progress with your art experience.

If I were to take examples:
post #3810156 post #3810158 have visible artifacts on the edges and shadows, likely not fit for minum 3d standard. (The lightining, pose, and camera view are nicely done though, fixing these artifacts should make it a nice picture!)
I would consider rendering at higher resolution, or manually trying to blur and fix the sharp artifacts.

post #3811084 has pretty obvious MS paint text editing, with jaggy lines with borders and default-font text, not good technical and artistic wise. Also, text colors blends a bit with background, not good artistically.
If you had, let's say, put some speech bubbles and added some background props to give more details to the scene, that could look better. But as it is, it's not artistically good enough in my opinion.

Lastly, please don't feel discouraged by deletions and critiques, it's always good to see artist improving! Everyone starts somewhere.

m3g4p0n1 said:
I'm not staff, but:

This is a curated art archive, so to the extent of my knowledge, this means that someone went over your artwork, analyzed it, and decided that it wasn't fit for being archived in the site, for whatever reason, be it artistic, like a drawing with improper anatomy, or technical, like a heavily compressed image.

Check out the uploading guidelines to have a better idea of what are some of the minimum standards.

Also, consider deletions a form of constructive critique, telling you that you could improve more, and then your art would be approved as you progress with your art experience.

If I were to take examples:
post #3810156 post #3810158 have visible artifacts on the edges and shadows, likely not fit for minum 3d standard. (The lightining, pose, and camera view are nicely done though, fixing these artifacts should make it a nice picture!)
I would consider rendering at higher resolution, or manually trying to blur and fix the sharp artifacts.

post #3811084 has pretty obvious MS paint text editing, with jaggy lines with borders and default-font text, not good technical and artistic wise. Also, text colors blends a bit with background, not good artistically.
If you had, let's say, put some speech bubbles and added some background props to give more details to the scene, that could look better. But as it is, it's not artistically good enough in my opinion.

Lastly, please don't feel discouraged by deletions and critiques, it's always good to see artist improving! Everyone starts somewhere.

Understood, thanks for the explanation.