Topic: UX vs UI?

Posted under Off Topic

It takes until this part of the video before he even explains what "X" is in UX. XD

The bottle analogy is hilarious if someone's used some truly bad interfaces before. At least the classic bottle I can still use a knife, tap the top (when inverted, normally the bottom), and other workarounds. As mentioned in a recent post, sometimes things are intentionally bad, and they actually go out of their way to make sure the obvious workarounds won't work or are annoying enough that lots of people give up.

Oops, this should be in Off-topic. That Diablo scene is hilarious.


i'd think that the respective names unabbreviated would be self explanitory enough: user interface and user experience (although i can see the "experience" could have two interpretations: one being how the user interacts with a product. and the other (my interpretation) the content that a ui serves to support like a first person shooter game or food)

this one comment off of this video that really caught me:

One analogy I like to use is a pregnant woman as UX, the baby inside is UI. UX is the entire woman, but there is another independent person inside that's still connected to the mom, so the baby is UI and UX, the mom is just UX.

i sincerely think i understand less about what both ux and ui mean now after reading that

dripen_arn said:
i'd think that the respective names unabbreviated would be self explanitory enough: user interface and user experience (although i can see the "experience" could have two interpretations: one being how the user interacts with a product. and the other (my interpretation) the content that a ui serves to support like a first person shooter game or food)

this one comment off of this video that really caught me:

i sincerely think i understand less about what both ux and ui mean now after reading that

LOL, yeah, I was just listening but noticed that on replay.

That comment is... uhm, what were we talking about, again?

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