Topic: Do unapproved posts equate to quality?

Posted under General

So I currently have about seven unapproved posts. I'm uploading a webcomic on here but I'm wondering if my comic isn't good enough? I've waited a while for them to be approved but at the same time they don't really get any upvotes....and barely any favorites. Is this bad?

Not really. Unapproved posts are only autodeleted when 30 days have passed. Your oldest unapproved post hadn't been up for a day yet. It can take a little while for an approver to get to them, sometimes days, and sometimes in a few minutes. You only need to worry when that 30 day deadline looms and if that concerns you too much, you can message a Janitor and ask them to take a look.

As for upvotes and favorites, that varies. It's not unusual when very excellent Safe pictures don't get many of either, yet lower quality Explicit pictures seem to get upvoted and favorited through the roof. It's best to take this into account when comparing posts and not take the amount of upvotes and favorites too seriously.

clawstripe said:
Not really. Unapproved posts are only autodeleted when 30 days have passed. Your oldest unapproved post hadn't been up for a day yet. It can take a little while for an approver to get to them, sometimes days, and sometimes in a few minutes. You only need to worry when that 30 day deadline looms and if that concerns you too much, you can message a Janitor and ask them to take a look.

As for upvotes and favorites, that varies. It's not unusual when very excellent Safe pictures don't get many of either, yet lower quality Explicit pictures seem to get upvoted and favorited through the roof. It's best to take this into account when comparing posts and not take the amount of upvotes and favorites too seriously.'s probably gonna take forever to upload all my comics here.....question now is: is it worth it?

lordmarukio said:'s probably gonna take forever to upload all my comics here.....question now is: is it worth it?

That's up to you. Of course, the more posts you upload and get accepted, the more you'll be able to upload (for every 10 approved uploads, your initial 10 upload limit increases by 1). From what I've seen so far, I don't think you have to worry about being approved, but you'll also have to give it time for people to notice your comics and get emotionally invested in them. The more you upload, the more likely people will get interested and invested in your work.

clawstripe said:
That's up to you. Of course, the more posts you upload and get accepted, the more you'll be able to upload (for every 10 approved uploads, your initial 10 upload limit increases by 1). From what I've seen so far, I don't think you have to worry about being approved, but you'll also have to give it time for people to notice your comics and get emotionally invested in them. The more you upload, the more likely people will get interested and invested in your work.

Alrighty, we shall see

I've been told multiple times that being ignored or explicitly rejected should not be taken as an objective statement about your skill. But I do understand the fear for sure.

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