Topic: Creting a tag for a currently nameless character

Posted under General

If that is the only artwork featuring that specific character for now, I'd say to avoid making a new character tag just for them. Unless, of course, more artworks of this character is expected in the future.

You could use that tag you mentioned as a placeholder tag if you like, but you have to think about whether there will be another shark bodyguard that routinely appears in artworks.

Looking at the tweet, somebody has already gone ahead and given them the non-canon nickname of "Alesio", so make of that as you will.

We do have an assortment of unnamed_* tags, but I'm fine with shark_bodyguard_(heluva_boss) rather than unnamed_shark_bodyguard_(heluva_boss).

stitch_the_snitch said:
I've been meaning to post some art of this guy: (the one on the right)

But there is no currently confirmed name for him

Could I just create a provisional tag for him ("shark_bodyguard_(heluva_boss)" maybe?) and later make the provisional tag an alias for his cannon name one?

nameless character is a tag option when there's no fan nickname nor official name given to a character in a piece of media. It might be a good idea to use that instead to avoid making a tag that could become irrelevant later. People would still be able to search for him with shark helluva_boss

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