Someone can make an black and white draw ? I can't draw by myself, i'm too bad for that.
I want a draw with Kha'Zix and Ahri. I would like to see Ahri getting raped by Kha'zix with a Doggystyle position/Size Difference.
Ahri: http://static.eclypsia.com/images/lol/champions/Ahri_Splash_0.jpg
Kha'zix: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120926051834/leagueoflegends/images/thumb/2/27/Kha'Zix_MechaSkin.jpg/613x460x2-Kha'Zix_MechaSkin.png
If you can make that, thanks a lot.
Updated by Tokaido