Topic: help (the squeakel)

Posted under General

last time i brought this up my post was hidden but uh i really need help so this time imma word it "nicer".
how do i not let the shit that i fap to affect my personal life and how am i able to not feel disgusted at myself for it?
also how do i stop the growing fear that someone will find out and that everyone will hate me?
please don't let this be removed

idfk12543 said:
how do i not let the shit that i fap to affect my personal life and how am i able to not feel disgusted at myself for it?
also how do i stop the growing fear that someone will find out and that everyone will hate me?

Consult a psychologist. A professional should be able to offer better mental health advice than the average e621 user.

idfk12543 said:
last time i brought this up my post was hidden but uh i really need help so this time imma word it "nicer".
how do i not let the shit that i fap to affect my personal life and how am i able to not feel disgusted at myself for it?
also how do i stop the growing fear that someone will find out and that everyone will hate me?
please don't let this be removed

If it significantly affects your personal life, you should probably take steps to avoid over-indulging in the pornographic material.
Try doing something productive (like taking up a hobby) or keep your mind and hands occupied on something other than porn.
If you can't think of something, try going to NoFap. They have support groups and advice you can get without paying for a psychologist.

gattonero2001 said:
Consult a psychologist. A professional should be able to offer better mental health advice than the average e621 user.

think im gonna do that yeah 💀
no idea what i thought asking on a website full with degenerate stuff would get me lmao

thegreatwolfgang said:
If it significantly affects your personal life, you should probably take steps to avoid over-indulging in the pornographic material.
Try doing something productive (like taking up a hobby) or keep your mind and hands occupied on something other than porn.
If you can't think of something, try going to NoFap. They have support groups and advice you can get without paying for a psychologist.

imma look into it, tysm :D

idfk12543 said:
last time i brought this up my post was hidden but uh i really need help so this time imma word it "nicer".
how do i not let the shit that i fap to affect my personal life and how am i able to not feel disgusted at myself for it?
also how do i stop the growing fear that someone will find out and that everyone will hate me?
please don't let this be removed

No one besides a psychologist could help you with this. This is the sort of thing where the solution differs from person to person.

idfk12543 said:
imma look into it, tysm :D

I would strongly recommend against "looking into" NoFap, they're a deranged cult who believe "semen retention" gives you superpowers. Besides which, "porn addiction", the problem they claim to help you with, isn't real:

Secondly, and more to the point, the meta-analysis found that “[M]oral incongruence around pornography use is consistently the best predictor of the belief one is experiencing pornography-related problems or dysregulation, and comparisons of aggregate effects reveal that it is consistently a much better predictor than pornography use itself…” The analysis did find small effects between use of pornography and self-perceived problems with pornography, but the researchers suggest that this is likely an artifact of the simple fact that, in order to feel morally conflicted over your use of porn, you actually have to use some porn. If the concept of pornography addiction were true, then porn-related problems would go up, regardless of morality, as porn use goes up. But the researchers didn’t find that. In fact, they cite numerous studies showing that even feeling like you struggle to control your porn use doesn’t actually predict more porn use. What that means is that the people who report great anguish over controlling their porn use aren’t actually using more porn; they just feel worse about it.

Assuming NoFap hasn't changed in the last decade (and I'm pretty sure it hasn't), I also recommend avoiding them. From the very beginning, they're narrative has always been... incoherent. They basically say "Porn is a "hyper stimulus". It's so rewarding that our brains' reward circuitry hasn't evolved to handle it, and thus exposure to porn can cause problems like low motivation and more. Porn can also cause erectile distribution. Therefore, don't masturbate, even without porn". Regardless of whether the premises are true or not, the conclusion is something completely unrelated that absolutely does not follow. In general, this reveals the actual problem with the community: even if they won't admit it, they already made up their minds that "masturbation = bad, semen retention = good" and go out of their way to make up barely coherent "logic" to justify that. The end result is a bunch of psuedo-science claims being made.

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