Topic: No April fools joke?

Posted under General

not even the hotdog theme?
waited the whole day for something funny and got nothing yet

lilyanida said:
not even the hotdog theme?
waited the whole day for something funny and got nothing yet

If you want to see something funny you can always look in the mirror--

Perhaps the joke is that there is no joke, we were expecting an April's fools joke and by not doing anything they essentially played us for fools!

lilyanida said:
not even the hotdog theme?
waited the whole day for something funny and got nothing yet

I feels like one of those April Fools days where the fool is that nothing happens.
Looks like e6 too is going meta this year, Dood =‿=)~★

azero said:
Perhaps the joke is that there is no joke, we were expecting an April's fools joke and by not doing anything they essentially played us for fools!

Dang it! You beat me to it, Dood!

Guess it isn't every year huh?

Well, i kinda did my own thing by swaping to a chick as a pfp for a day.

post #3702505

Time to go back to my "normal" pfps

peacethroughpower said:
Very, very rarely is an April Fool's event amusing or substantial in any way.

German news site had an AF post about a shelter in Berlin, for trans children with transphobic parents.

If parents refuse to allow their child to transition, a shelter in Berlin could soon step in. Young people would be safe here. If the family of origin does not give in, the sponsoring association could even take over the guardianship.

Substantial, but many readers didn't find it amusing.
But then again, they're Germans.

mantikor said:
German news site had an AF post about a shelter in Berlin, for trans children with transphobic parents.
Substantial, but many readers didn't find it amusing.
But then again, they're Germans.

Sounds more like something that might become a grim necessity rather than a joke. Transphobia is brain rot and they tend to become quite irrational and abusive.

"April 1. This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four." ~ Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson and Other Tales

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