Topic: Blacklisting human x human, but NOT human x furry?

Posted under General

Block not_furry and human_only and flag every post that looks only contain human

I also block humanoid -anthro -feral -taur to filter out those feature humanoid x humanoid

watchdog22 said:
Block not_furry and human_only and flag every post that looks only contain human

I also block humanoid -anthro -feral -taur to filter out those feature humanoid x humanoid

I blacklisted those ages ago.

As for flagging, what about all the people who say she's not human because she has horns? Or some other minute technicality? What do I do then? How do I get rid of posts like the example I gave?

watchdog22 said:
Block not_furry and human_only and flag every post that looks only contain human

I also block humanoid -anthro -feral -taur to filter out those feature humanoid x humanoid

please don't flag posts that "only contain human", since e6 allows human_only posts if they are tangentially relevant to the site. a post with a sole human that has a child post of them midway into a transformation to a werewolf is allowed on-site.


aksel said:
I blacklisted those ages ago.

As for flagging, what about all the people who say she's not human because she has horns? Or some other minute technicality? What do I do then? How do I get rid of posts like the example I gave?

the post you linked had not_furry missing from it's tags, if you blacklisted not_furry then it should now be blacklisted for you now. unfortunately, you're gonna have to add that tag and/or others to posts that evaded your blacklist, so long as they are valid tags. otherwise, you can try adding human -anthro -feral -taur -animal_humanoid to your blacklist to get rid of posts that are tagged human, but aren't tagged anthro, feral, taur, or animal humanoid. "humans with horns" aren't considered human on-site, they are considered humanoid instead, so if you want to avoid such content then please tell us exactly what you want to avoid, so that someone can give you what tags to add to your blacklist.

I'm not 100% on how to blacklist stuff well because I don't blacklist anything at all, but I've got some suggestions

  • humanoid -anthro -feral / humanoid -anthro -feral - Blacklist images that contain a human(oid) but not an anthro or feral character. Might end up with some false positives if people don't tag anthro or feral properly, but should be quite effective at not seeing human(oid)s
  • human_only - Blacklist images that only contain humans, but this is actually pretty rare since human-only isn't permitted unless it's part of a series of images that are otherwise relevant
  • not_furry - Blacklist anything that's not regarded as furry, not just humans. Demons, certain humanoid pokemon, goblins, aliens, sentient toasters, etc. However, animal humanoids are counted as furry so won't be blacklisted.
  • human_on_humanoid / humanoid_on_human / human_on_human - images that are human(oid) x human(oid). Animal humanoids would be blacklisted by this too, which some regard as furry.

aksel said:
I blacklisted those ages ago.

If you do have both you really do have those on your blacklist it may be malformed or disabled, because humanoid -anthro -feral -taur would have successfully blacklisted that post even before further tags were added.


It's basically impossible to blacklist "basically human" posts, because they skirt under the rules on a technicality (slightly pointed ears? just as relevant as an anthro wolf and rabbit banging ). They're considered humanoid and not_furry, along with the likes of certain imps, demons, and other creatures that are more obviously not-human but also not animal-based to be considered anthro. The more you try to blacklist what's essentially just humans, the more false positives you'll get and end up blacklisting more obvious non-humans. The Legend of Zelda being the quintessential example of a tag flooded with basically human porn. Not to forget how too many people keep tagging anthros as humanoid, so who knows how many posts you inadvertently miss.

aksel said:
I blacklisted those ages ago.

As for flagging, what about all the people who say she's not human because she has horns? Or some other minute technicality? What do I do then? How do I get rid of posts like the example I gave?

humanoid -anthro -feral -taur Should be sufficient to block the post you mentioned above if you had added it to the blacklist.

aksel said:
I blacklisted those ages ago.

As for flagging, what about all the people who say she's not human because she has horns? Or some other minute technicality? What do I do then? How do I get rid of posts like the example I gave?

Well, she's not human. She has horns. You can blacklist horned humanoid if you're that opposed to those posts.

Edit: the irony is that the post is worthy of deletion anyway because it's paywalled content


siral_exan said:
the post you linked had not_furry missing from it's tags

Yes, that is very common with similar posts. That's why I'm looking for workarounds that won't also block content I want.

siral_exan said:
if you want to avoid such content then please tell us exactly what you want to avoid

Literally anything with a human face (sphinxes, elves, draenei from WoW, etc...). Unless accompanied by something furry, of course.

faucet said:
[your blacklist] may be malformed or disabled, because humanoid -anthro -feral -taur would have successfully blacklisted that post even before further tags were added.

I meant I have "not_furry" and "human_only" blacklisted. I've seen lots of non-human content tagged as "humanoid," so I'd rather not do that.

watsit said:
The more you try to blacklist what's essentially just humans, the more false positives you'll get

I know. It's a minefield. I hate how much human stuff makes it through (especially in the last few months). Obviously, my blacklist needs tightening, but I'd also like to err on the side of no false positives.

Thank you for your suggestions, everyone.

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