Topic: Why is cum inflation a popular fetish?

Posted under General

Well, I'm not asking for just the furries, other forms of porn have made this kind of fantasy fetish that would be ridiculously impossible. But I wonder why people like it so much, it makes me want to enjoy it too. When I first saw cum inflation I was weirded out. But as I looked at them more often I started to like them. I'd like the fact that my partner can release so much semen that my tummy would inflate to take all the space for my partner's cum. If it isn't enough, the cum can potentially go through your throat, forcing you to throw up white fluid of sperm. We all like cum, plenty of cum, and that's one of the reasons why people like it. But what is Cum Inflation like?

Imagine being the bottom doing anal sex with a partner who saved so much of his semen from No Nut November to have some fun with you. When your partner was about to cum and you told them to release them inside you, you could feel a warm watery fluid flowing inside you from your ass toward your stomach. As more and more cum comes out from your partner's penis the fluid begins to fill up the stomach, causing it to expand and causing your tummy to swell. You don't feel like you are getting sick, the love chemicals kept you from feeling pain in your stomach. You can only feel the warm watery semen inside you. You could taste the semen just by breathing with your mouth. It was like you'd just become instantly pregnant. Completely satisfied and relaxed. Your body feels heavy and you can only lie down as you look at your now-inflated belly. Feeling somewhat happy and fulfilled. Your partner lets go of his penis from your anal hole, and a long stream of semen flows down onto your bed sheets. The flow of white liquid won't seem to end. You don't seem to be bothered by your butt flowing semen out from your stomach. You don't know when it will end. But it won't take long before the bed sheets get soaked with your partner's semen. You've laid there with your partner holding their hands around you. You both kissed and slumbered to sleep, while you can feel the cum continuing to flow out from your ass.

Now that sounded like a very interesting story. It's like you like that to happen to you huh? From a real-life perspective, that just seems nightmarish. Like who would want to get filled with so much liquid from your anus? Your organs would rupture. But this is how furry fan fiction works. Everything is possible. Even sexual fetishes like vore can exist because of this. And we can all use our creative sexual minds to create an imagery of our characters doing what reality cannot do. It's a fantasy for us I guess. I just hope this just stays that way.

So back to my question. Why are people so interested in cum inflation? I've looked through so many google searches but there hasn't been a discussion that talks about why people like the fetish. And so I'd like to know your opinions and thoughts about this so I can finally get rid of my endless thought on how it existed in the first place.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this! I hope you all have a wonderful day!


You kinda answered yourself, for me it's more visually striking way of showing a "job well done", the dom finally had a way to "let it all out" or the sub did such a great job to be "rewarded" like that, there is also the visual of being "pregnant" with having so much cum that also goes with how good was the sex.

But yeah in real life this can't be done without some serious complications but hentai and you can say drawed media don't have these limitations, also you need to have some striking showings for impact, Goku punching a dude so hard you can see the fist almost going to the other side or actually leaving a hole isn't realistic but we accept because of the "message" done visually about "that really hurt", same with some unrealistic stuff on hentai with "that felt really good" or something like that... unless of course the art is about being mean like guro but let's say we are focusing on more "normal" hentai for this discussion...

pmfieryflakes said:
So back to my question. Why are people so interested in cum inflation? I've looked through so many google searches but there hasn't been a discussion that talks about why people like the fetish. And so I'd like to know your opinions and thoughts about this so I can finally get rid of my endless thought on how it existed in the first place.

A few things come to mind.

1. Ejaculation* is the climax and feels best theory. It releases the brain chemicals. The good feeling. A potent burst of natural drugs.

*Orgasm releases the chemicals, though, and ejaculation can occur without orgasm

Does Masturbation Have Positive or Negative Effects on the Brain?

(just a top google result)

  • Dopamine. This is one of the “happiness hormones” that’s related to your brain’s reward system.
  • Endorphins. The body’s natural pain reliever, endorphins also have de-stressing and mood-boosting effects.
  • Oxytocin. This hormone is often called the love hormone and is associated with social bonding.
  • Testosterone. This hormone is released during sex to improve stamina and arousal. It’s also released when you have sexual fantasies, according to a 2011 studyTrusted Source.
  • Prolactin. A hormone that plays an important role in lactation, prolactin also influences your mood and immune system.

The subconsciously understood upside is that bigger, longer ejaculation = extending the drug hit. More A = more B. So a character causing cum inflation should be feeling great. I think, though, a person ejaculating that much for that long might have the initial rush wear off, and their body might just continue spasming and squirting without such a strong physiological reward (or the body gets used to the initial high and the drug hit loses its potency). But I don't know the medical facts. This is very much armchair logic speculating about the armchair logic of others. I think this is an obvious, common instinctive correlation, though, something many people deduce on their own.

2. Virility


Virility refers to any of a wide range of masculine characteristics viewed positively. Virile means "marked by strength or force". Virility is commonly associated with vigour, health, sturdiness, and constitution, especially in the fathering of children. In this last sense, virility is to men as fertility is to women.

We all know people make a big deal about penis size. It's a huge source of discussion, anxiety, confidence, comparisons, judgements, insecurities, research, and so on. Well, next to that measure of sexual performance is a host of other male insecurities: how big is each load, how many times can a man ejaculate during a session of sex, how many partners can a man satisfy at once, how sexually active, how many kids, small refractory period, etc. Those things may not seem related, but they are instinctual desires and ego-driven measures of how good a fucker a man is. A disproportionate amount of self-worth is tied to male sexual performance. Penis size is merely the most talked about toxic metric.

So when you see a character filling a womb to the brim and inflated beyond like a stuffed turkey, it brings to mind thoughts of a job well done, a partner "fucked to completion," an optimal state for impregnation. Envy, greed, more, always want more. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like -- this is the brand of masculinity that that meme comes from.

3. Visual evidence

This could be baked into the first two points instead, but it bears special recognition that such superlative amounts of cum leave no question that everything mentioned above has indeed happened, and to full effect. Truly realistic amounts of cum don't translate well to porn, and when rendered faithfully, realistic amounts of cum leave some doubt about the effectiveness of the penis-haver. All the insecurities previously mentioned can rear their ugly heads.

In reality, there's hardly any cum, and a "good" amount of cum is only like a second teaspoon of sugar. It doesn't necessarily look like much, and that increase is nearly impossible to convey visually (within reason) across 2 megapixels, let's say. [People will argue against this, that an extra teaspoon is a world of difference. Lol.] Cum inflation is the extreme opposite. It leaves no doubt that all objectives were met. That stud has nothing to feel insecure about, unlike the viewer. Any apparent confidence from the ejaculator, and the viewer's confidence in that character's sexual performance and prowess, appears justified. Yet another fiction the viewer wants to believe.

4. Artistic expression

It's also "fun" to have cum to look at, play with, eat, make a mess (it's art and not our mess to clean), and unrealistic amounts of cum increase the potential for all that. One thing oversized genitals and bodies provide is a canvas for artists' details (i.e., literally more surface area, a bigger stone block to chisel), and I put forward that excessive cum is a similar form of artistically expressing detail, where adherence to realism may yield a "disappointing" final product. An inflated belly is more surface area on which to add detail, outside and even inside (post #1159956). This shit is also a minor arms race where, to some viewers, realists = losers (but people usually aren't that honest with themselves).

People want the impossible fantasy of voluminous cum, and why not give it for the small effort needed?

Anyway, I don't think most of this is particularly smart, or clever, or based on academic research. I'm just a guy who's spent a long time observing these things that are right in my face, and I've formed a few ideas from that. Odds are everyone reading this has also seen the same simple things that have led me to these ideas.

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