Topic: General consensus with parent and child posts?

Posted under General

I was wondering if there was a general way in which most people set them, for example with an image set: is it better to have 1 parent and many child posts? Or to set a parent post and then make the child of it the parent of the one that follows after it and so on?

xdrthaja said:
I was wondering if there was a general way in which most people set them, for example with an image set: is it better to have 1 parent and many child posts? Or to set a parent post and then make the child of it the parent of the one that follows after it and so on?

Set the first post in the series as the parent, then all the subsequent posts are the children.
Try not to chain posts together, such as having a child post be a parent post for another child post, and so on.

If there are many images in the set (i.e., 5 or more), you should consider using a pool instead.

There's not really any solid guidelines, but generally it's advised to not create large chains of parent/child posts.

If it's a sequence of 3 posts or more, pools are usually a better solution. If the pictures aren't in a sequence, it's usually better to have one parent with multiple children.

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